Alphabetical index of 202 ecolabels.
80 PLUSThe original premise of the 80 PLUS program was to enlist utilities and computer manufacturers to participate in an innovative upstream buy-down program to integrate more energy-efficient power supplies into desktop computers. The program has now evolved into the Ecos Plug Load Solutions program, which promotes and incents a broad array of highly energy-efficient commercial and retail technologies. | |
American GrassfedThe American Grassfed Association (AGA) certification identifies food and agriculture products which meet the standards as set forth in the AGA Grassfed Ruminant Standards and certified through a program approved by the AGA. The logos and design marks may only by used by those who have an approved signed license agreement with the American Grassfed Association. Grassfed products are defined …
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Animal Welfare ApprovedAnimal Welfare Approved (AWA) is a standard for farm animal welfare - the basic premise is that animals must be able to behave naturally and be in a state of physical and psychological well-being. The standard:
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Audubon InternationalAudubon International's environmental and sustainability education and certification programs require individuals responsible for the membership type to meet specific environmental or sustainability performance requirements. Standards currently exist for communities, neighborhoods, new land developments, land development renovations, schools, businesses, golf courses, and lodging facilities. | |
B CorporationB Corporations are a new type of corporation which uses the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. B Corporations are unlike traditional responsible businesses because they meet comprehensive and transparent social and environmental performance standards, institutionalize stakeholder interests, and build collective voice through the power of a unifying brand. B Corporations' …
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BASF Eco-EfficiencyBASF SE has developed a label for products that have been evaluated by an Eco-Efficiency Analysis. The awarding of the label is dependent on demanding requirements: After conclusion of the analysis a third party evaluation (peer review) is requested. Furthermore, publication of the results of the analysis will be undertaken via internet. The label can be carried on for three years. After …
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BRE Global Certified Environmental ProfileEnvironmental profiles measure the impacts of a construction material, product or building system throughout its life – not only during its manufacture, but also its use in a building over a typical building lifetime. This includes its extraction, processing, use and maintenance and its eventual disposal. The Environmental Profiles Methodology assesses environmental indicators that reflect …
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BREEAMBREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method) is an environmental assessment method for buildings around the world. BREEAM provides clients, developers, designers and others with
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Bay Area Green BusinessThe Bay Area Green Business Program distinguishes small businesses that protect, preserve and sustain our environment. The partnership of environmental agencies and utilities assists, offers incentives, and verifies that participating businesses conserve energy and water, minimize waste, prevent pollution, and reduce their carbon footprints. | |
Best Aquaculture PracticesThe Best Aquaculture Practices Certified (BAP Certified) mark on retail packaging tells consumers that seafood came from BAP certified aquaculture facilities. The Best Aquaculture Practices standards, developed by the Global Aquaculture Alliance, form the basis for BAP certification. The standards specifically protect biodiversity and worker rights within a program that addresses environmental, …
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Better Environmental Sustainability Targets (BEST) Standard 1001The Better Environmental Sustainability Targets (BEST) certification provides recognition for lead battery manufacturers that meet minimum emission standards and agree to take back used batteries for environmentally sound recycling. The objective is to reduce emissions from lead battery plants and recyclers, and prevent lead poisoning through an incentive program for these companies. | |
Bio SuisseIndicates fully organic, produced in Switzerland. More than 90% of the raw materials come from Switzerland. | |
Bird Friendly CoffeeIdentifies and verifies through third-party, independent inspection and certification that coffee has been grown using shade management practices that provide good bird habitats. Shade characteristics must meet science-based criteria developed from ornithological field work. Only allows organic certifiers to issue the Bird Friendly label on organically certified coffees. | |
Blue AngelThe Blue Angel was initiated by the German government and awarded by an independent Jury to products that are environmentally friendlier than others serving the same use. Each label specifies that the product or service focuses on one of four different protection goals: health, climate, water, and resources. The Blue Angel Standard is managed by four entities:
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Burn Wise EPABurn Wise is a partnership program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that emphasizes the importance of burning the right wood, the right way, in the right wood-burning appliance to protect your home, health, and the air we breathe. The Burnwise program covers three types of heaters: Woodstoves, Fireplaces and Hydronic Heaters (Outdoor Wood Boilers). "EPA qualified" units …
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C.A.F.E. PracticesCoffee and Farmer Equity (C.A.F.E.) Practices evaluates, recognizes and rewards producers of high-quality sustainably grown coffee for Starbucks stores. C.A.F.E. Practices is a green coffee sourcing guideline with third-party evaluation. C.A.F.E. Practices seeks to ensure that Starbucks sources sustainably grown and processed coffee by evaluating the economic, social and environmental aspects of …
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CHPS - Collaborative for High Performance SchoolsCHPS is leading a national movement to improve student performance and the entire educational experience by building the best possible schools. CHPS develops tools that help make schools energy, water and material efficient, well-lit, thermally comfortable, acoustically sound, safe, healthy and easy to operate.Resources offered by CHPS include a six-volume best practices manual, training and conferences, …
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CRI Green LabelIn 1992, the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) launched its Green Label program to test carpet, cushions and adhesives to help specifiers identify products with very low emissions of VOCs. CRI has recently launched its next series of improvements called Green Label Plus for carpet and adhesives. This enhanced program sets an even higher standard for indoor air quality and ensures that customers …
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CSA Sustainable Forest ManagementThe CAN/CSA-Z809 SFM chain-of-custody label demonstrates that forest products have originated from a forest certified to CAN/CSA-Z809 SFM and have been verified to the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Chain-of-Custody requirements through an independent third party audit. | |
California Certified Organic Farmers - CCOFCCOF promotes and supports organic food and agriculture through a premier organic certification program, trade support, producer and consumer education and political advocacy. CCOF offers an expedited organic certification program for farmers and growers that need certification in less than 12 weeks. | |
Carbon Care CertificationThe Carbon Care certification offered by Enviro-access recognizes organizations’ efforts to responsibly manage and reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs). Through this certification, Enviro-access confirms that the organization is sensitive to the problem of climate change and proactive in its emissions management. All efforts that are put into quantifying, reducing and offsetting GHG emissions deserve …
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Carbon Neutral CertificationA Carbon Neutral Certification is a label given to businesses that offset their Scope 1 and 2 carbon footprint. Verus Carbon Neutral first calculates the carbon footprint of a business wanting to be Carbon Neutral Certified. They then offset the carbon footprint by retiring carbon credits. Offsetting allows businesses to mitigate the greenhouse gases they are unable eliminate through energy efficiencies …
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Carbon Reduction LabelThe Carbon Reduction Label is a public commitment that the carbon footprint of a product or service has been measured and certified and the owner of the product or service has committed to reduce that footprint over the following two years. The footprint that has been calculated will have been rigorously measured and be comparable based on the PAS2050 standard and Footprint Expert™. This will …
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CarbonFree® CertifiedThe CarbonFree® Product Certification label is aimed at increasing awareness of product emissions and recognizing companies that are compensating for their carbon footprint. The label was created in response to the growing market for eco-friendly products and consumer demand for transparent, credible and readily accessible information at the point of purchase. By determining a product’s carbon …
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CarbonNeutralCarbonNeutral® is the registered trademark of The CarbonNeutral Company and is a global standard to certify that businesses have measured and reduced their CO2 emissions to net zero for their company, products, operations or services. Permission to display the CarbonNeutral mark is only given to clients whose carbon reduction programme is implemented in accordance with The CarbonNeutral …
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CertiPUR-USCertiPUR-US® tests for durability, content and indoor emissions. Home furnishings items, such as upholstered furniture and mattresses, that carry the CertiPUR-US seal contain flexible polyurethane foam products that have been tested and certified by an independent laboratory to meet specific criteria for physical performance, indoor emissions and environmental stewardship. CertiPUR-US …
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Certified Green DealerThe Certified Green Dealer® Program is a program for certifying US green lumber and building material dealerships. The Program consists of a distance-learning and testing system that certifies that lumber dealer personnel are trained in the basics of green building science and green product knowledge. The Program is not affiliated with any particular national standards-setting organization, …
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Certified Green Restaurant®Green Restaurant Association Seal is an ecolabel for restaurants that have committed to sustainability. STANDARDS
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Certified Humane Raised and HandledDesigned to certify that animals raised for dairy, lamb, poultry and beef products are treated in a humane manner. Traceability ensures that that products come from the farms that were inspected.
Under the program, growth hormones are prohibited and animals are raised on a diet without antibiotics. Antibiotics can be used in the treatment of sick animals.
Access to clean and sufficient food and …
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Certified Naturally GrownCertified Naturally Grown is a grassroots alternative to the USDA's National Organic Program meant primarily for direct-market farmers and beekeepers distributing through local channels such as farmer's markets, roadside stands, local restaurants, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs and small local grocery stores. | |
Certified Pesticide Residue FreeMeans that products are tested for pesticide residues and sets limits of detection for each specific pesticide residues. However this label does not mean that there were no pesticides used. Certification company SCS requires all farmers, packers and distributors to submit a post-harvest report; full disclosure form; outlining all of the chemicals that are used throughout the shipping and …
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Certified VeganSignifies that products are vegan, defined as containing no animal ingredients or by-products, using no animal ingredients or by-products in the manufacturing process, and not tested on animals by any company or independent contractor. | |
Certified Wildlife Friendly®Products may be certified by WFEN if:
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Clean Marine Green Leaf Eco-Rating ProgramThe Ontario Marine Operators Association (OMOA) along with over twenty marine industry professionals and Ontario’s boaters’ and anglers’ associations formed the Clean Marine Partnership to develop a voluntary program of "Environmental Best Practices" for the marine industry that is recognized as the leader in North America. | |
Cleaner and Greener CertificationThe Cleaner & Greener program promotes the reporting and offsetting of emissions by companies, organizations, buildings, events and transportation fleets. Participation level of recognition is gained by reporting emissions. Bronze, Silver and Gold certification are achieved based on the percent of greenhouse gas emissions that are offset. Platinum certification is earned by offsetting 100% of …
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Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS)CIMS is an organizational Standard and certification program that applies to management, operations, performance systems, and processes. The Standard is divided into six areas of management best practices: Quality systems; Service delivery; Human resources; Health, safety, and environmental stewardship; Management commitment; and Green Building (GB). Certification demonstrates that a cleaning organization …
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Climate RegisteredThe Climate Registry is a non-profit organization that sets consistent and transparent standards to calculate, verify and publicly report greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into a single registry. The Registry offers different levels of certifications, supports both voluntary and mandatory reporting programs, and provides comprehensive data to reduce GHG emissions. The Registry’s …
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Compostable: Biodegradable Products Institute LabelThe BPI's Compostable Logo identifies products that meet ASTM D6400 (for plastics) or ASTM D6868 (for fibre based applications) and will compost satisfactorily in large scale composting facilities. | |
Cotton Made in AfricaCotton made in Africa is an initiative by the Aid by Trade Foundation and follows the principles of a Social Business helping people to help themselves by means of trade. The initiative operates in accordance with sound business methods to improve the conditions of life of a large number of African cotton farmers. The initiatives approach bases on agricultural trainings to further sustainable …
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Cradle to Cradle Certified(CM) Products ProgramThe Cradle to Cradle Certified(CM) Products Program provides a company with a means to demonstrate efforts in eco-intelligent design. Cradle to Cradle Certification is a third-party sustainability label that requires achievement across multiple attributes:
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DUBOkeurIn 2004 NIBE developed a quality label to compare the environmental friendliness of multiple building products. The DUBOkeur® label is meant to certify the best choices of a product in the fields of environmental and health. In order to do this, the environmental impact of a product in relationship to other products is tested through NIBE’s Twin-model. The most eco-friendly product is …
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Danish Indoor Climate LabelThe Danish Indoor Climate label is a tool for development and selection of indoor air quality friendly products and better understanding of the impact of products and materials on the indoor air quality in buildings. | |
DeclareThe goal of Declare is to position the building product sector within a transparent materials economy. Declare is an ingredients label for building products, paired with an online database. It allows manufacturers to demonstrate their leadership in the marketplace and it provides consumers with honest information for product selection. All products are eligible for inclusion, regardless …
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Degree of Green®The Degree of Green® rating program aims at helping consumers by rating products and explaining those ratings in clear language. At the core of Degree of Green® are data sheets that detail the environmental, health and sustainability attributes of various products. A top rating of 4 goes to products that have:
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Demeter Biodynamic®Demeter Biodynamic® is a certification indicating that Biodynamic farming practices have been used. In an effort to keep the farm, the farmer, the consumer, and the earth healthy, Biodynamic farmers strictly avoid all synthetic chemical pesticides, fertilizers, and transgenic contamination, stressing farm generated, living solutions to pest control and fertility instead, and setting aside …
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Dolphin Safe / Dolphin Friendly
The Earth Island Institute monitors tuna companies around the world to ensure the tuna is caught by methods that do not harm dolphins and protect the marine ecosystem. In order for tuna to be considered “Dolphin Safe”, it must meet the following standards:
1. No intentional chasing, netting or encirclement of dolphins during an entire tuna fishing trip;
2. No use of drift gill nets to catch …
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ECOLOGOThe ECOLOGO Certification Program was aquired by UL Environment, a division of UL (Underwriters Laboratories) in 2010. ECOLOGO Certification is based on multiattribute, life cycle–based standards. All products certified to an ECOLOGO standard must meet or exceed each of the listed criteria before receiving the mark. ECOLOGO Certification is classified as an ISO (International Organization for …
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ENERGY STAR: USAENERGY STAR is a voluntary government-backed program dedicated to helping individuals protect the environment through energy efficiency. The ENERGY STAR mark is the national symbol for energy efficiency, making it easy for consumers and businesses to identify high-quality, energy-efficient products, homes, and commercial and industrial buildings. ENERGY STAR distinguishes what is efficient/better …
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EPA Lead-Safe CertificationThe EPA mandates that all renovation and repair contractors working in pre-1978 homes, schools, and day care centers who disrupt more than six square feet of lead paint are required to become EPA Lead-Safe Certified in lead-safe work practices. Contractors are required to take a one-day training course and firms must send a short application to the EPA. Those who work on places where children …
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EPA SmartWayEach model year, EPA rates every new car, truck, and SUV for greenhouse gas and smog-forming emissions on scales of 1-10. To earn the SmartWay designation, a vehicle must receive a combined score from both scales that is much better than the average vehicle. SmartWay Elite certification is given to only those vehicles that attain the highest scores on both scales. EPA updates the greenhouse …
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EPEATEPEAT is a global rating system for greener electronics. Using EPEAT (“Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool”), purchasers in 43 countries can evaluate, compare and select electronics based on environmental attributes. EPEAT currently includes categories for PCs and Displays, Televisions, and Imaging Equipment (printers, copiers, scanners, multifunction devices, fax machines and mailing …
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EU EcolabelA voluntary scheme designed to encourage businesses to market products and services that are kinder to the environment and for European consumers - including public and private purchasers - to easily identify them. | |
Earth AdvantageEarth Advantage Institute is a nonprofit organization that works with the building industry to help implement sustainable building practices. The organization provides certification of high performance homes, remodels, sustainable communities and commercial spaces. Their certification programs are designed to provide homeowners and developers with the assurance that their home, community …
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EarthCheckEarthCheck is a benchmarking certification and advisory group for travel and tourism. Since 1987, EarthCheck have helped businesses, communities and governments to deliver clean, safe, prosperous and healthy destinations for travellers to visit, live, work and play. EarthCheck's approach has been to help operators break resource challenges into manageable actions that can be taken forward by management …
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EarthRight Business CertificationThe EarthRight standards are structured to serve as practical and instructive guidelines for organizations interested in taking a proactive, staged approach to improving their environmental stewardship and financial performance. There are three achievement levels: EarthRight Silver, Gold and Green; each increasingly signifies more commitment, stakeholder engagement, and impact reduction achievement. …
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EarthsureThe purpose of the Earth sure program is to provide comprehensive environmental data to purchasers (business and individuals) so that the power of the market can moves the economy towards overall environmental improvement. Earth Sure environmental product declarations (EPDs) can cover a portion of the life cycle of a product or an entire life cycle. Products in any sector can obtain EPDs …
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Eco-Living sealThe eco-living seal is a private label for Living Direct, an online retail company, specializing inconsumer appliances, indoor air quality products, and lawn and gardenfurniture. the eco-living seal is awarded to products that meet eco-friendly standards and are certified by Energy Star, RoHS, and HEPA. | |
Eco-SchoolsA programme for environmental management and certification, and sustainable development education, for schools. | |
Eco3HomeEco3Home is a label for home furnishings in the USA. Products are manufactured by companies that commit to all three initiatives (health, safety, and environment) to achieve the label. This means they are working to incorporate eco-friendly business practices into:
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EcoBrokerThe EcoBroker logo is a symbol of environmentally responsible and sustainable practices in the real estate industry. EcoBroker Certified real estate agents receive additional training on energy and environmental issues that relate to real estate transactions.
EcoBrokers help sellers effectively market properties with green features, and help buyers find homes with the green …
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EcocertEcocert is a certification body for sustainable development. It is an inspection and certification body established in France by agronomists aware of the need to develop environmentally friendly agriculture and of the importance of offering some form of recognition to those committed to this method of production. From its creation, Ecocert is specialized in the certification of organic agricultural …
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EnviroStarsEnviroStars is an environmental certification program designed to address hazardous wastes being generated by small businesses in Washington State. EnviroStars is limited to companies generating small quantities of hazardous waste - less than 220 pounds per month - and who accumulate no more than 2,200 pounds of hazardous waste on site at any time. | |
Environmentally Preferable Product (EPP) DownstreamThe Composite Panel Association’s (CPA) Environmentally Preferable Panel (EPP) Downstream Program is an easy way for consumers to identify environmentally responsible composite wood products. Products carrying the EPP Downstream logo were manufactured by a company that has demonstrated their environmental commitment by purchasing at least 50% CPA EPP certified composite wood products. …
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Equitable Origin CertifiedOur mission is to protect people and the environment by helping to ensure that oil and gas exploration and production is conducted to the highest social and environmental standards. Our vision is to create a new, economically viable paradigm for extractive industries, where nature is protected and local communities benefit socially and economically from production. We envision a world …
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Fair Labor Practices and Community BenefitsSocial responsibility certification to complement Organic Fair Labor Practices and Community Benefits certification – developed by Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) in conjunction with key stakeholders – validates socially responsible practices in agricultural production and processing. Complementing organic and other environmental certifications, Fair Labor Practices is deisgned to meet …
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Fair Trade CertifiedFair Trade is a market-based approach to alleviating poverty in ways that improve lives and protect the environment. It's also a mechanism for consumers to know that their products were grown with care, and that farmers and workers were paid better prices and wages, work in safe conditions, protect the environment, and earn community development premiums to empower and improve their communities. | |
FairWildFairWild aims to provide a worldwide framework for implementing a sustainable, fair and value-added management and trading system for wild-collected natural ingredients and products thereof. FairWild offers a Total Quality Management System to assure buyers that FairWild Certified products are sourced and produced in a socially and ecologically sound way. FairWild encourages sustainable …
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FairtradeFairtrade is an ethical trade system that puts people first. Fairtrade offers farmers and workers in developing countries a better deal, and the opportunity to improve their lives and invest in their future. Fairtrade gives consumers the opportunity to help reduce poverty and instigate change through everyday shopping. When a product carries the FAIRTRADE Certification Mark, it means the …
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Farm Verified OrganicThe Farm Verified Organic program provides organic certification services to companies and individuals, to enable them to market a credible organic product to the consumer. It is accredited to certify to the US National Organic Program; ISO 65, the Canadian Organic Regime (COR), and IFOAM. | |
Farm and Ranch Certification ProgramDistinguishes farmers and ranchers who: provide safe and fair working conditions, provide healthy and humane treatment of animals; raise animals without added hormones and antibiotics; raise crops without genetically modified organisms; reduce pesticides usage and toxicity; conserve soil and water resources; preserve and protect wildlife habitat; and, commit to continuous improvement of these practices. | |
FedEx EarthSmart SolutionsEarthSmart Solutions encourages innovation at FedEx by offering an internal company designation for any of their assets — including planes, trucks and facilities — that meet environmental sustainability criteria. FedEx assets that qualify for the EarthSmart Solutions designation must clearly meet or exceed the sustainability standards set by the company — and they must exceed standard …
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Florverde Sustainable FlowersEnsures all flowers grown and harvested in Colombia meet specific social and environmental standards. This program is designed to establish a common level of best practices that would improve the lives and living standards of all floral farm workers and their families. In addition to establishing social benchmarks, Florverde standards are meant to preserve and protect the soil …
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Flower Label Program (FLP)Flower Label Program (FLP) is an association carried by human rights organisations, trade unions, flower traders and producers. It guarantees socially and environmentally responsible conditions in worldwide flower production by using the instrument of certification. Producers who produce according to the criteria of FLP standard may sell their flowers with the so called "flower label". This one …
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Food Alliance CertifiedFood Alliance is a nonprofit organization that certifies farms, ranches, and food processors and distributors for sustainable agricultural and facility management practices. By choosing Food Alliance Certification ensures safe and fair working conditions, humane treatment of animals, and careful stewardship of natural resources. Improved practices in Food Alliance Certified agricultural …
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Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Chain of Custody CertificationThe Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) promotes environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests. FSC® chain of custody (CoC) tracks FSC certified material through the production process - from the forest to the consumer, including all successive stages of processing, transformation, manufacturing and distribution. Only FSC CoC …
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Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) Forest Management CertificationThe Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) promotes environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests. As forest managers or owners, FSC® Certification is a way of ensuring that your careful and long-term forest management is recognized. Certification is voluntary. It involves an inspection of the forest management by an independent …
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Future Friendly - Proctor and GambleFuture Friendly is a designation for Proctor and Gamble products that save energy, save water, reduce waste, and or are produced from sustainably-harvested materials. It is a private label such that only P&G products can be awarded the label. | |
GEO CertifiedGEO is a stakeholder-funded, not-for-profit organization, dedicated to helping the global golf community establish leadership in environmental enhancement and corporate responsibility. GEO Certified is an ecolabel for golf development and course / club management. | |
GREENGUARDAcquired in 2011, GREENGUARD Certification is now provided by UL Environment, a divison of UL (Underwriters Laboratories). GREENGUARD Certification helps manufacturers create -- and helps buyers identify -- interior products and materials that have low chemical emissions into indoor air during product usage. All certified products must meet stringent emissions standards based on established chemical …
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Global Good Agricultural Practice (GAP)Global G.A.P. is a private sector body that sets voluntary standards for the certification of agricultural products around the globe. The aim is to establish one standard for Good Agricultural Practice with different product applications capable of fitting to the whole of global agriculture. The standard is primarily designed to reassure consumers about how food is produced on the farm by …
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Global GreenTag CertifiedGlobal Green Tag® is a third party, green product rating and certification system, underpinned by scientific and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) processes. The program assesses products against worst case business as usual products in the same functional category and with the same functional purpose, based on the following impacts / benefits:
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Global Organic Textile StandardCOMPREHENSIVE RULES FOR ECOLOGICAL AND SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE TEXTILE PRODUCTION The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) was developed with the aim to unify the various existing standards and draft standards in the field of eco textile processing and to define world-wide recognised requirements that ensure organic status of textiles, from harvesting of the raw materials, through environmentally …
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Global Recycle StandardThe Global Recycled Standard is intended for companies that are making and/or selling products with recycled content. The standard applies to the full supply chain and addresses traceability, environmental principles, social requirements, and labeling. Developed with the textile industry in mind, the GRS may also be applied to products from any industry. | |
Gold StandardThe Gold Standard distinguishes the highest quality carbon offset projects in the voluntary and compliance environmental markets and is a key policy tool for the NGO community to influence the development of the rapidly growing global carbon markets. Gold Standard projects employ renewable energy and end-use energy efficiency technologies, they are rigorously screened for true environmental benefits, …
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GoodWeaveGoodWeave is working to end child labor in the carpet industry and to offer educational opportunities to children in South Asia. Through its monitoring and inspections program, GoodWeave is helping to combat the problem of exploitative child labor and to transform the handmade rug industry by certifying child-labor-free rugs and providing education and opportunities to rescue at-risk children. The …
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Green Advantage CertificationGreen Advantage is a non-profit organization committed to delivering an exemplary green building certification for and with construction personnel and building-related practitioners. It promotes green building education and stimulates the use of green building best practices by producing certification standards and assessments for building-related practitioners and organizations. Their …
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Green America's Green Business CertificationGreen America's Green Business Certification is a third-party certification program that certifies small to medium sized businesses and offers one of the oldest and most reputable assurance programs for businesses committed to social and environmental responsibility. Certified businesses are: environmentally responsible in the way they source and manufacture products and run their operations and …
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Green Business BureauThe Green Business Bureau's Green business certification is a program that helps companies implement environmentally responsible practices in the workplace and gives them visibility for doing so. Members become certified and recognized for their positive environmental impact. The program has three tiers, depending on points achieved for activities: "aware"; "gold" and "platinum". …
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Green Business League CertificationThe Green Business League certification is awarded to companies that have been audited annually by an accredited GBL Certified Green Consultant™. This is a certification program for Green Businesses that is "Earned, and not Bought." | |
Green CThe goal of Green C certification is to encourage and recognize green practices among small businesses and organizations operating in the United States, and promote Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that preserves and enhances our planet. Green C achieve this goal by encouraging businesses, government agencies, and non-profit organizations to operate in an environmentally efficient manner, through …
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Green Certified SiteA Green Certified Site™ by CO2Stats indicates that a website's carbon footprint has been calculated and that renewable energy has been purchased to make it carbon neutral. Once signed up, participants are sent a short code snippet to insert into their website which will automatically monitor and neutralize the end-to-end carbon footprint of the website -- not just the servers, but the …
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Green Flag ProgramThe Green Flag Program promotes student leadership and activism for the creation of safer and healthier school environments. The Program assists schools to achieve environmental success in the following four issue areas:
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Green Globe CertificationThe Green Globe Standard facilitates responsible and sustainable environmental and social activity; and improved environmental and social outcomes for travel and tourism operations. The Green Globe Standard is a structured assessment of the sustainability performance of travel and tourism businesses and their supply chain partners. Businesses can monitor improvements and document achievements …
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Green GlobesThe Green Globes assessment and rating system for buildings. The Green Globes system is used in Canada and the USA. In the USA, Green Globes is operated by the Green Building Initiative (GBI). In Canada, the version for existing buildings is operated by BOMA Canada under the brand name 'BOMA BESt'. The Green Globes system is used by large developers and property management companies, including, …
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Green Good Housekeeping SealThe Green Good Housekeeping Seal is an emblem signifying that a product has been reviewed by the scientists at the Good Housekeeping Research Institute, is covered by Good Housekeeping’s limited warranty, and has met Good Housekeeping’s environmental criteria. Before a product can apply for the Green Good Housekeeping Seal it must be evaluated by the scientists at the Good Housekeeping …
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Green Key Eco-Rating ProgramThe Green Key Eco-Rating Program is a graduated rating system designed to recognize lodging facilities that are committed to improving their fiscal and environmental performance. Based on the results of a comprehensive environmental audit, hotels are awarded a 1-5 Green Key rating and given guidance on how to reduce operating costs and environmental impacts through reduced utility consumption, …
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Green Products StandardGreen Products Standard helps consumers better understand the growing number of green and eco-friendly products in the marketplace. Their standards take a comprehensive life-cycle view of every product and provide a ranking of degree of 'greenness' explained with a simple symbol and a report. | |
Green SealAn independent non-profit founded in 1989, Green Seal certifies thousands of products and services that meet science-based environmental standards that are credible and transparent. Green Seal utilizes a life-cycle approach to ensure tangible reductions in the whole environmental footprint. They are ANSI-accredited and meet ISO and GEN requirements. Products only earn Green Seal certification after …
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Green ShapeGreen Shape is VAUDE’s label for products that feature special ecological manufacturing. The criteria for this label are that only products made of at least 90% organic cotton or recycled materials, colored using the VAUDE ecolour dyeing process or made to conform to the textile standard bluesign® earn the Green Shape quality label. | |
Green Shield CertifiedAn independent, non-profit certification program that promotes practitioners of effective, prevention-based pest control while minimizing the need to use pesticides. Evaluates and certifies both pest control professionals and buildings and facilities that meet high standards of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). | |
Green TickIndependent sustainability certification of products, services, and corporations based on a life-cycle audit of performance against the Green Tick Sustainability Standards. GreenTick also certifies for Climate-Friendly, Natural, GE-Free, Organic, and Fair Trader brands. | |
Green-e ClimateGreen-e® Climate is the first and only consumer protection and certification program for retail carbon offsets. It complements project certification programs by ensuring that offset sellers:
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Green-e EnergyThe Green-e Energy certification assures consumers and businesses in the US and Canada that they are reducing the environmental impact of their electricity use. Green-e Energy was established in 1997 in order to provide consumer protection in the emerging and unregulated voluntary renewable energy market through clear guidelines, disclosures, and standards. Green-e Energy is a …
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Green-e MarketplaceGreen-e Marketplace is a unique certification program that recognizes organizations using certified renewable energy and enables them to demonstrate their environmental commitment through the use of the nationally recognized Green-e logo. This certification program lets companies display the Green-e logo on their corporate communications, products and company collateral to communicate their commitment …
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GreenCircleGreenCircle Certified, LLC provides third-party certification of sustainable aspects of products and manufacturing operations. Manufacturers, suppliers, regulators, and consumers can be assured that products labeled with the GreenCircle Certified mark have been thoroughly assessed and their claim verified. By issuing a GreenCircle Certification, GreenCircle Certified demonstrates that it …
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GreenSure - Sherwin WilliamsGreenSure is a designation applied to a line of Shrewin Williams paints and coating products that indicates that they were designed and manufactured taking steps to reduce environmental impact and to meet or exceed the most stringent regulatory requirements. Requirements for architectural products include: VOC limits, aromatic content limits, chemical component restrictions (i.e. excluded …
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Greener Product Certification SealThe Greener Product Certification Seal demonstrates that a product has been evaluated against the LEED, LEED for Homes and NAHB green building standards using internationally recognized third-party certification organizations, laboratory test results and/or other supporting documentation. Products in twenty four building products categories are evaluated using seven environmental qualifiers …
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Greenlist - SC JohnsonThe Greenlist™ process is an internal system providing ratings for more than 95 percent of the raw materials we use, including solvents, propellants, insecticides, packaging and more. Through the Greenlist™ process, each raw material receives a rating from 3 to 0, which helps us go beyond regulatory requirements to continually make our products better. An ingredient with a 3 rating is considered …
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HAND IN HANDPrivate fairtrade program of the company Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH which is a supplier of organic products. From the very beginning of dealing with producers from the Southern countries (the so-called developing countries) not only the quality of the organic products but also the quality of the cooperation with the producers was important for us. The primary aim of Rapunzel Naturkost …
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Healthy Child Healthy WorldRecommends products and services focused on children and family environmental health and non-toxic lifestyle solutions. Recommended products and services must meet baseline quality standards, and be approved through a screening and data collection process. Screening considers human health, environmental health, and social responsibility. Final approval is based on products holding …
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Home Depot Eco OptionsEco Options labeled products have less of an impact on the environment than conventional products and provide a positive environmental change through their use. | |
IBU Type III Environmental Declaration (IBU Environmental Product Declaration)This is a Type III declaration for building products. It is based on ISO 14025 as well as ISO 21930 and EN 15804 and declares environmental information on a pass/fail basis. It is meant to identify properties of building products that are relevant to the environmental performance of buildings, and it is based on a Life Cycle Assessment. There are currently 96 declaration holders that together …
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ICMA EcoLabel Standard ProgramThe International Card Manufacturers Association (ICMA) EcoLabel Standard Program provides a determination of the environmental performance of a manufacturer’s transaction and identification cards through a third-party ecolabeling certification program. The current ICMA EcoLabel criteria include:
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IMO CertifiedThe Institute for Marketecology (IMO) is an international agency for inspection, certification and quality assurance of eco-friendly products. For more than 20 years, IMO has been active in the field of organic certification but it is also active in the sectors of natural textiles, sustainable forestry, and social accountability monitoring. | |
IPM StarThe Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Star Certification Program recognizes IPM practitioners who meet a high standard for IPM in schools, childcare centers and school-age programs. IPM STAR certification is a voluntary step that clearly establishes your IPM competence in a way that is readily recognized by others both in and outside of your community. | |
Indoor airPLUSEPA created Indoor airPLUS to help builders meet the growing consumer preference for homes with improved indoor air quality. EPA developed additional construction specifications to help improve indoor air quality in new homes. Construction specifications include the careful selection of and installation of moisture control systems; heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems; combustion-venting …
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JustThe International Living Future Institute’s™ JUST™ program is a voluntary disclosure program and tool for all types and sizes of organizations. The program provides an transparency platform for organizations to reveal much about their operations, including how they treat their employees and where they make financial and community investments. This approach requires reporting …
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LEAF MarqueThe LEAF Marque brings you food produced by farmers who are committed to improving the environment for the benefit of wildlife and the countryside. Our mission enables farming that enriches the environment and engages local communities Everyone can be involved with LEAF, farmers, the food chain and the consumer. | |
LEED Green Building Rating SystemsThe Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System™ encourages and accelerates global adoption of sustainable green building and development practices through the creation and implementation of universally understood and accepted tools and performance criteria. | |
LEED Professional CredentialsLEED Professional Credentials distinguish building professionals with a thorough understanding of green building practices and principles and the LEED Green Building Rating System. There are now two categories of LEED Professional Credentials: LEED Green Associates; and LEED Accredited Professionals. The LEED Green Associate credential is intended for professionals who want to demonstrate green …
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LIVE (Low Input Viticulture and Enology)LIVE is a non-profit organization providing education and independent 3rd-party certification for vineyards and wineries using international standards of sustainable viticulture and enology practices in wine-grape and wine production. IOBC (the International Organization for the Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants) sets the protocols from which LIVE draws its …
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Leaping BunnyCompanies certified through the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics' (CCIC) Leaping Bunny Program make a voluntary pledge to eliminate animal testing from all stages of product development. The companies’ ingredient suppliers make the same pledge and the result is a product guaranteed to be 100 percent free of new animal testing. All Leaping Bunny companies must recommit to the program …
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M1 Emission Classification of Building MaterialsEMISSION CLASSIFICATION OF BUILDING MATERIALS (M1)
The aim of the classification is to enhance the development and use of low-emitting building materials so that material emissions do not increase the requirement for ventilation. The classification presents requirements for the materials used in ordinary work spaces and residences. For air-handling components there is a separate Cleanliness Classification …
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MAS Certified GreenMAS Certified Green is a registered trademark to delineate low VOC emitting products in the marketplace. Purchasers and Specifiers of those products are ensured that they can earn credits in sustainability programs like USGBC-LEED, California Department of Public Health, and the Collaborative for High Performance Schools program. Only products that pass stringent MAS testing criteria can display …
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Marine Aquarium Council (MAC) CertificationThis label works to conserve coral reefs and other marine ecosystems by creating standards and certifications for those engaged in the collection and care of ornamental marine life from reef to aquarium. MAC Certification covers both practices (industry operators, facilities and collection areas) and products (aquarium organisms). | |
Marine Stewardship CouncilThe MSC fisheries standard has 3 overarching principles that every fishery must prove that it meets: Principle 1: Sustainable fish stocks The fishing activity must be at a level which is sustainable for the fish population. Any certified fishery must operate so that fishing can continue indefinitely and is not overexploiting the resources. Principle 2: Minimising environmental impact
Fishing …
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NAHB Certified Green ProfessionalThe National Association of Home Builders’ (NAHB) Certified Green Professional™ and Master Certified Green Professional (Master CGP) designations recognizes builders, remodelers and other industry professionals who incorporate green building principles into homes. The basic designation requires 24 hours of NAHB-approved training, and additional continuing education every three years. …
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NAHB GreenNational Green Building Certification is a green residential standard from the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and approved by the American National Standards Institute. It's applicable for new and remodeled single-family and multifamily homes as well as residential subdivisions. Projects can be scored on a point basis to the Bronze, Silver, Gold or Emerald level, each one …
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NPA Natural SealAll products with the NPA Natural Seal use at least 95 percent natural ingredients, excluding water. They also must meet strict processing requirements. Certified products can display the NPA Natural Seal. More than 700 products and ingredients have been certified natural. All NPA-certified products have been audited and verified to fit the Natural Seal by an independent third party. …
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NSF Sustainability Certified ProductThe NSF Sustainability Certified mark is available to products that meet conformity assessment to a NSF/ANSI or other national or international sustainable product standards. Use of the NSF Sustainability Certified Mark is granted once certification has been completed through product evaluation, conformity assessment against standards and protocols, and production systems review. The …
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NSF/ANSI 140 Sustainability Assessment for CarpetThis standard for carpet includes a rating system with established performance requirements and quantifiable metrics throughout the supply chain for: public health and environment; energy and energy efficiency; bio-based, recycled content materials; environmentally preferable materials; manufacturing; and reclamation and end-of-life management. | |
NSF/ANSI 332 Sustainability Assessment for Resilient Floor CoveringsThis standard provides a a framework by which to evaluate and certify sustainability of Resilient Flooring products across their entire product life cycle. NSF/ANSI 332 employs a point system to evaluate resilient flooring against established prerequisite requirements, performance criteria and quantifiable metrics in the areas of product design, product manufacturing, long-term value, end-of-life …
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NSF/ANSI 336: Sustainability Assessment for Commercial Furnishings FabricThis NSF ecolabel addresses the environmental, economic and social aspects of furnishing fabric products, including woven, non-woven, bonded and knitted fabrics used for upholstery (e.g. office and hotel furniture), vertical (e.g. drapery or panel systems fabric) and decorative top of bed applications (e.g. bedspreads) commonly used in institutional, hospitality and office settings. The standard …
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NSF/ANSI 342 Sustainability Assessment for Wallcovering ProductsThis is a standard by which to evaluate and certify sustainability of wallcovering products across their entire product life cycle. Based on life-cycle assessment principles, NSF/ANSI 342 employs a point system to evaluate wallcovering products against established requirements, performance criteria and quantifiable metrics in the areas of product design, product manufacturing, long-term value, end-of-life …
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Natrue-LabelThe Natrue-Label is a guarantee for cosmetic products. Their goal is to promote and protect natural beauty and skin care products. Any product with the Natrue label is intended to be as natural as possible, using natural and organic ingredients, soft manufacturing processes and environmentally friendly practices. | |
Naturally SephoraNaturally Sephora offers a line of beauty products which must meet a certain standard by excluding certain ingredients from their products. The term "natural" is not fully regulated and every brand has its own definition. Sephora has created an internal logo to help you spot the products carried at Sephora that have been formulated with and without certain ingredients. | |
Nature's PromiseAll Nature's Promise Organic products represent what nature intended and nothing more. Nature's Promise meets USDA certification requirements and deliver great taste while fully respecting the environment. Nature's Promise has a mission of creating a line of products which not only respects the environment but delivers high quality food for your family's health and well-being. | |
Nike Considered DesignNike Considered Design is a sustainable line of shoes introduced by Nike, Inc. The line utilizes materials found primarily within 200 miles (320 km) of the Nike factory which reduces the energy used for transportation, diminishing the resulting climate change impact. The manufacturing process reduces solvent use by more than 80% compared with Nike’s typical products. The leather comes from a tannery …
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Non-GMOThe non-GMO seal means that a product has been produced according to rigorous best practices for GMO avoidance, including testing of risk ingredients. The Non-GMO Project is the only organization offering independent verification of testing and GMO controls for products in the U.S. and Canada. | |
OE-100 & OE-BlendedLabels being phased out in 2014 and replaced by Organic Content Standard (OCS). Organic Exchange has two standards:OE 100: Certifies products made with 100% organic fiber that have been tracked through the production chain and segregated to prevent commingling with other fibers. OE Blended: Applies to all goods that …
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Oeko-Tex Standard 100The Oeko-Tex Standard 100 is a globally uniform testing and certification system for textile raw materials, intermediate and end products at all stages of production. The certification covers multiple human-ecological attributes, including harmful substances which are prohibited or regulated by law, chemicals which are known to be harmful to health, but are not officially forbidden, and …
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Oregon TilthThe purpose of organic certification is to ensure that the agreed upon conventions of organic agricultural systems are being practiced not only by growers, but also by all the people who handle and process organic food, feed and fiber on its journey to the consumer. As an accredited certifier, Oregon Tilth certifies to the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) standards. The NOP provides a …
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Organic Content Standard (OCS)A voluntary chain of custody standard that provides companies with a tool for third-party verification that a final product contains the accurate amount of a given organically grown material. Each organization along the supply chain must take sufficient steps to ensure the integrity and identity of the input organic material. It does not address the use of chemicals or any social or environmental …
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Paper ProfilePaper profile is environmental product declaration for professional paper buyers. Paper Profile enables the paper buyer to make well informed product choices, by presenting figures on essential environmental parameters in an uniformed way for specific products. It is a voluntary environmental product declaration scheme developed and provided by leading paper producers. | |
PassivhausPassivHaus is a certification for super-energy efficient buildings meeting the code developed by the PassivHaus Institute in Germany, and administered in Canada, Germany, UK and US. A Passive House is a very well-insulated, virtually air-tight building that is primarily heated by passive solar gain and by internal gains from people, electrical equipment, etc. Energy losses are minimized. …
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Processed Chlorine FreeProcessed Chlorine Free (PCF) audits require a chain of custody for all raw materials, measures the impact of a manufacturing process on the environment: water and energy use, chemistry, carbon gas releases, reviews environmental policy and permit compliance, reviews ethical management practices and compliance, financial performance, product stewardship, public information, funding of research and …
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Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) schemesThe Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is an international non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) through independent third-party certification. It works throughout the entire forest supply chain to promote good practice in the forest and to ensure that timber and non-timber forest products are produced with …
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Protected HarvestProtected Harvest is an eco-label with the stated mission of helping farmers meet environmental standards that yield high quality products and preserve healthy land for future generations. The Protected Harvest parent company, SureHarvest, provides technical support and collaborates with qualified organizations to develop region– and crop– specific verifiable environmental performance …
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QCS OrganicQCS offers organic certification accredited by the USDA National Organic Program and USDA ISO Guide 65. They certify farming, wildcrafting, livestock, processing, packing, and handling operations. QCS also certifies a diverse array of organic operations regardless of type, location, or size. | |
R2/RIOS Certified Electronics RecyclerR2/RIOS is a certification for companies that recycle electronics in an environmentally friendly manner. A Certified Electronics Recycler must implement and be certified to two standards: R2 and RIOS. The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industry’s integrated program is designed to help recyclers improve their operations and meet the emerging needs of the marketplace. Responsible Recycling …
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RSPO Certified Sustainable Palm OilRoundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Certification is a seal of approval that the palm oil used in the product is produced sustainably and volumes are traceable. Producers are certified through strict verification of the production process by accredited ceritifying agencies and may be withdrawn at any time on infringement of the rules and standards. The certified sustainable palm oil (RSPO …
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Rainforest Alliance CertifiedThe Rainforest Alliance Certified™ seal ensures that a product comes from a farm or forest operation that meets comprehensive standards that protect the environment and promote the rights and well-being of workers, their families and communities. Products that carry the green frog seal include coffee, tea, chocolate, fruit, ready to drink beverages and juices, flowers, paper and tissue products, …
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Recycled ContentGeneric symbol used to show recycled content; also sometimes used to indicate that the product can be recycled. Does not mean that the product has been certified. In the US, the Federal Trade Commission gives the following guidance: A recycled content claim may be made only for materials that have been recovered or otherwise diverted from the solid waste stream, either during the manufacturing …
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Rhode Island Certified OrganicThe Plant Industry Section of the Division of Agriculture and Resource Marketing administers the Rhode Island Organic Certification Program, by which qualified crops producers and handlers in the state are certified as growing and handling/processing produce organically. | |
SCS Certified BiodegradableSCS Biodegradable Certification applies to liquid products such as cleaners, degreasers, detergents, and soaps. The Biodegradable Certification is designed to verify that products degrade safely and efficiently under worst-case circumstances and prevent chemicals from entering the environment at a rate that
could reach harmful concentrations before degradation can occur. To be certified biodegradable, …
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SCS FloorScore®FloorScore® is a certification for commercial and residential hard-surface flooring products and flooring adhesives. Developed in conjunction with the Resilient Floor Covering Institute, products must comply with indoor air quality and VOC emission requirements set by California Section 01350, and meet rigorous quality management standards in manufacturing. Certification and documentation help …
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SCS Indoor AdvantageSCS Indoor Advantage certifications demonstrate that products meet indoor air quality standards pertaining to emissions that may be harmful to human health and the environment. SCS Indoor Advantage applies to furnishings and qualifies for the BIFMA furniture emissions standard, while SCS Indoor Advantage Gold certification applies to furniture plus a broader range of interior building materials …
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SCS Recycled ContentSCS Recycled Content Certification recognizes products made either in whole or part from recycled waste material in place of virgin raw materials. The percentage of post-consumer or pre-consumer recycled content is reported in compliance with Federal Trade Commission guidelines and ISO standards. The certification process includes company auditing and supply chain verification.
Certification and …
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SCS Sustainable ChoiceSustainable Choice certification ensures that carpet products meet measurable environmental performance and social responsibility criteria for continuous improvement. The certification is based on the internationally recognized standard NSF/ANSI 140 Sustainable Carpet Assessment Standard (2010).
Sustainable Choice is awarded on three certification levels (Silver; Gold; Platinum) through points achieved …
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SFC Member SealThe Sustainable Furnishings Council (SFC) Member Seal is a label representing those companies which have made a public and verifiable commitment to sustainability and to improvement. These companies are involved in the home furnishings industry. The Exemplary status is voluntary - all members make a public & verifiable commitment to sustainability, to transparency, and to continuous improvement. | |
SIP CertifiedThe Sustainability in Practice (SIP) Certification program offers consumers a way to ensure that the wines they enjoy are coming from vineyards and companies fully committed to protecting natural and human resources. Developed in 2008 by the Vineyard Team and based on over 20 years of work in sustainable farming, the SIP Certification program encompass the many interrelated elements of the whole …
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SMaRT Consensus Sustainable Product StandardsSustainable Materials Rating Technology or SMaRT, is the consensus sustainable products standard and label for building products, fabric, apparel, textile & flooring, covering over 80% of the world’s products with environmental, social, & economic criteria. It is the result of 17 years of standardization with six national votes of consensus approvals involving thousands of professionals. SMaRT …
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STARSThe Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS®) is a self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to gauge relative progress toward sustainability. Each STARS rating is an indication of sustainability leadership; Campuses can use a STARS logo with their rating level on their website and print materials. The STARS rating means that an institution has gone …
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Salmon-SafeSalmon-Safe is an Oregon-based nonprofit that certifies urban and agricultural operations based on the protection of water quality and native biodiversity. Founded by a leading U.S. river and native fish conservation organization, Salmon-Safe has certified more than 400 West Coast farms, vineyards, dairies, corporate campuses, and other sites based on riparian habitat protection, elimination of …
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Seafood SafeThe Seafood Safe label is given to seafood companies, retailers or restaurants whose seafood contains safe consumption levels of mercury and PCBs. Businesses interested will undergo a confidential pre-assessment, which will include the development of a customized testing regime based upon the intricacies of their particular products. Once the pre-assessment is complete and if the business …
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Shipping Efficiency - A to G GHG Emission RatingThe A-G GHG Emissions Rating provides a systematic and transparent means of comparing the relative theoretical efficiency and sustainability of the existing fleet of approximately 70,000 existing ships (including the majority of the world's container ships, tankers, bulk carriers, cargo ships, cruise ships and ferries) by measuring a ship’s theoretical CO2 emissions per nautical mile travelled. …
| | supports sustainable decision-making through our platform for supply chain transparency, where producers share detailed information about their processes with their buyers and their buyers’ buyers, all the way to the end consumer. A Sourcemap ecolabel points to information on a product's components and their origins, as well as optional environmental and social footprints. The information …
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State of Utah Organic Certification ProgramThis program is intended to serve producers, processors and consumers of agricultural products. The goal is to manage a process that will maintain the integrity of food products produced without the use of restricted chemical imputs. | |
Stemilt Responsible ChoiceThe Stemilt label indicates that fruit has been produced under the Responsible Choice Program - program certifies fruit orchards and the packing / handling of that fruit for integrated pest management (IPM) . Stemilt uses the Responsible Choice label to represent all that is done in the land to conserve water, reduce inputs and promote good fruit production in a safe manner. Stemilt also …
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Sustainable Agricultural NetworkThe SAN awards the Rainforest Alliance Certified eco-label to farms (not companies or products). Farmers may apply for certification for all land in production and companies may request that all of their source farms be certified. Certifies farms for coffee, bananas, cocoa, orange, pineapple, flower and fern farms according to environmental and social standards.
Some smaller …
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Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)The SFI program has on-product labels to help customers and consumers identify exactly what they are buying: three SFI chain of custody labels and one SFI certified sourcing label.
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Sustainable Green Printing PartnershipThe mission of the Sustainable Green Printing Partnership is to encourage and promote participation in the worldwide movement to reduce environmental impact and increase social responsibility of the printing industry through certification and continuous improvement of sustainability and best practices within manufacturing operations. The SGP Partnership recognizes the following sustainable …
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Sustainable Tourism Education Program (STEP)The Sustainable Tourism Education Program, or STEP, is a sustainability management program designed by the tourism industry. STEP is based on a framework that measures all aspects of sustainability for tourism businesses and serves as a practical tool for assessment, benchmarking and education. Participating businesses learn how to manage their triple bottom line more effectively by discovering …
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SustentaXSustentaX is a Brazilian ecolabel that assists consumers to identify sustainable products, materials, equipments and services. Products with the SustentaX Seal are evaluated for their quality and human safety. Manufacturers must prove their social, environmental and marketing responsibilities. The independent verification process for the SustentaX Seal is based on ISO 14024. | |
TRA Certification – Green Modular and Manufactured HomesTRA certifies manufacturers of Modular and Manufactured Homes using the ANSI ICC 700-2008 National Green Building Standard. The label indicates compliance with all aspects of the standard excluding site factors. The TRA Green Certification program includes a directory of suppliers that supply the manufacturer with construction material, electrical, cooling, heating, plumbing, floors, etc; …
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TRA Certification – Green Recreational Vehicles (RVs)TRA certifies manufacturers of components for Recreational Vehicles (RVs) using the ANSI ICC 700-2008 National Green Building Standard. The TRA Green Certification program includes a directory of suppliers that supply the manufacturer with construction material, electrical, cooling, heating, plumbing, floors, etc; and highlights those suppliers who have been Verified Green. | |
TerraCycleTerraCycle runs national waste collection programs in 10 countries where non-recyclable post-consumer waste (used candy wrappers, tooth brushes, pens, juice pouches and many other categories of waste) is collected and made into new products and materials. The TerraCycle logo informs a consumer that the product or package is no longer waste, and can be collected and sent (postage paid) to TerraCycle. …
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Texas Certified Organically ProducedUnder the Organic Certification Program, TDA inspects and certifies organic farms as well as processors, distributors and retailers of organic food and fiber. To be certified, all must comply with organic growing and handling standards established by the USDA National Organic Program (NOP). In exchange for this compliance, participants may use a marketing logo identifying their products as certified …
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Timberland Green IndexThe Timberland "Green Index" is a measure of the environmental impact of their products. The goal is to provide consumers with visibility into the footprint Timberland creates. Timberland products are rated on a scale of 1 to 10 using a system created to measure environmental footprint from raw materials to the finished product. The lower the score, the lower the environmental footprint. Three …
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Totally Chlorine FreeWe believe that no matter where a product is being manufactured that we can measure the impacts on the environment using a on a Sustainability Index = Environmental Policy + Environmental Management + Mill Process + Forestry Certification + Environmental Risk Management + Product Stewardship + Public Information + Environmental Compliance + Employee Recognition. We also know that by eliminating …
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U.S. EPA Safer ChoiceThe U.S. EPA Safer Choice program (previously U.S. EPA Design for the Environment Program) advances EPA's mission to protect human health and the environment. The program uses EPA's chemical knowledge and resources to carefully evaluate products and to label only those that have met the program's leadership standard. By allowing use of the logo on products, EPA empowers consumers and commercial …
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UL Energy Efficiency VerifiedUL (Underwriters Laboratory) provides a service for the verification of products that meet the appropriate requirements for energy efficiency and which are also Listed or Recognized by UL. Through UL's Energy Efficiency Certification Program, manufacturers can show consumers, competitors, and regulators that their products are helping lower energy demand. Products must comply with the appropriate …
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UL Environment Multi-Attribute CertificationEnvironmental Product Certifications tell the story of a product’s environmental performance throughout its lifecycle, enabling purchasers to identify holistically greener products and meet their sustainability goals. These voluntary, multi-attribute, lifecycle-based environmental certifications indicate that a product has undergone rigorous scientific testing, exhaustive auditing, or both, to …
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UL Environmental Claim ValidationEnvironmental claim validations are agents of assurance, providing independent proof that products are exactly as they claim to be. Underwriters Laboratory (UL)'s Environmental Claims Validation (ECV) service and label, tests a manufacturer’s product and validates that the environmental claims they make in their marketing and packaging materials are factual. Claims validated include: recycled …
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UPS Carbon NeutralThe UPS Carbon Neutral shipping label indicates that UPS customers have offset the climate impact of the GHG emissions produced by the transportation of that shipment. UPS calculates the emissions and purchases carbon offset credits equivalent to the GHG emissions created in shipping the package to make it "carbon neutral". GHG emissions are tracked using the Carbon Neutral Protocol - a …
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UPS Eco Responsible Packaging ProgramThe Eco Responsible Packaging Program was established for UPS's business customers to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable packaging. Companies participating in this program allow UPS to conduct an evaluation of transportation packaging processes (i.e. the shipping container and internal material such as peanuts, Kraft paper, film, foam, etc.). It does not evaluate the product's …
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US Composting Council Seal of Testing AssuranceThe US Composting Council’s Seal of Testing Assurance Program (‘STA’) is a compost testing, labeling and information disclosure program. The program requires participants to regularly test their compost products for a range of characteristics and properties, and to make this information available to all who request it. | |
USDA Certified BioBasedUSDA BioBased is a federally administered and run label that is based on the BioPreferred program created by the 2002 US Farm Bill to increase the purchase and use of biobased products. The 2008 Farm Bill (Food Conservation and Energy Act of 2008) expanded the existing preferred purchasing program for federal sector and reauthorized the voluntary labeling program for the broad scale consumer marketing …
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USDA OrganicThe U.S. Department of Agriculture has put in place a set of national standards that food labeled must meet, whether it is grown in the United States or imported from other countries. Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers …
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UTZ CertifiedSustainability is important for everyone. After all, our future is at stake. In order to be able to make a substantial contribution to sustainability, UTZ CERTIFIED has adopted a practical approach, working together with existing brands. The manufacturers of these brands need raw materials on a large scale – raw materials that are produced by farmers in developing countries. By increasing the …
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VeriFloraVeriFlora is a sustainability certification program for cut flowers and potted plants. It is administered by Scientific Certification Systems (SCS), a third-party certifier of environmental, sustainability and agricultural product quality claims. It is accredited under ISO/IEC Guide 65, the international standard for third-party product certifiers. The VeriFlora label indicates flowers and …
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Verified Carbon StandardThe Verified Carbon Standard provides a global standard and program for approval of credible voluntary offsets. "VCS offsets must be real (have happened), additional (beyond business-as-usual activities), measurable, permanent (not temporarily displace emissions), independently verified and unique (not used more than once to offset emissions)." (Source: Developed by The …
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Vermont Organic CertifiedThis certified organic label is found on products grown or raised in Vermont which meet the standards of the USDA National Organic Program. | |
WQA Gold SealThe Water Quality Association’s Gold Seal Certification Program is dedicated to providing public health and safety services throughout the USA and globally, while maintaining expert service, superior reputation, and fair pricing. The Gold Seal Program offers certification of all products and chemicals that contact drinking water. WQA's ANSI/SCC accredited Gold Seal Certification Program assures …
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WQA Sustainability MarkThe WQA Sustainability Mark is awarded to those drinking water treatment products which have been WQA certified in accordance with "WQA S-803: Sustainable Drinking Water Treatment Systems,” as a service to the industry and consumers. This certification means that production of the listed drinking water treatment systems has been audited and evaluated by the Water Quality Association, …
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WSDA OrganicProtects consumers and supports the organic food industry by ensuring the integrity of organic food products through establishing organic standards and certifying organic producers, processors, and handlers. The program provides technical information about organic food production and assists in the development of markets for the organic food industry. | |
WaterSenseProducts bearing the WaterSense label are generally 20% more water-efficient than similar products in the marketplace and must be independently certified before qualifying for the label. | |
Whole Trade™ GuaranteeThe products in this Wholefoods Market program must meet specific criteria that demand quality in four areas of responsibility: meets quality standards, provides more money to producers, ensures better wages and working conditions for workers, and Cares for the environment. Whole Foods works with TransFair USA and the Rainforest Alliance to ensure the transparency and integrity of the program. …
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Wildlife Habitat Conservation CertificationWildlife Habitat Council (WHC) Conservation Certification recognizes wildlife habitat management and conservation education programs. Successful Wildlife Habitat Council Conservation Certification programs are designed to provide benefits to communities, increase employee morale, further sustainability goals, and strengthen relationships with stakeholders. | |
bluesign® standardThe bluesign® standard brings together the entire textile manufacturing chain to
jointly reduce the ecological footprint of a responsibly acting textile industry. Instead of focusing on finished product testing, the bluesign® standard analyzes all input streams – from raw materials to chemical components, to resources – with a sophisticated “Input Stream Management” process. Prior to production, …
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e-Stewards Certificatione-Stewards Certification is a global program designed to enable individuals and organizations who dispose of their old electronic equipment to easily identify recyclers that adhere to the highest standard of environmental responsibility and worker protection. e-Stewards Certification is open to electronics recyclers, refurbishers and processors in all developed countries. Certified e-Stewards …
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levelThe level® brand identifies that a furniture product has been evaluated to the multi-attribute ANSI/BIFMA e3 Furniture Sustainability Standard by an independent, third-party certifier. level has three conformance thresholds. Products can be awarded a level 1, level 2, or level 3 conformance mark based on the combined score achieved in their sustainability evaluation. level® was created …
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