
All ecolabels on food

Alphabetical index of 147 ecolabels.


4C Association logo

4C Association

The 4C Association is a multi-stakeholder organization that brings together actors that are committed to addressing the sustainability issues of the coffee sector in a pre-competitive manner. The members of the 4C Association include coffee farmers (both big and small), traders (importers and exporters), industry players (coffee roasters and retailers) and civil society (non-governmental organizations, …

AB (Agriculture Biologique) logo

AB (Agriculture Biologique)

France's national logo for organic products since 1985. Organic products carrying the logo must contain more than 95 percent organic components, and be produced or processed within the EU, and were certified by one of the inspection bodies accredited according to EN 45011.

L'Agence Bio began managing and promoting the label in 2008.

ABIO logo


Associação de Agricultores Biológicos do Estado do Rio de Janeiro is providing certification of organic farming. Criteria of the ABIO have been developed based on the parameters of the International Federation for Organic Agriculture Movements - IFOAM. The ABIO certfied farms are inspected on a continuous basis. Farming sites, their products, water and soiles are sampled and undergo laboratory …

AENOR Medio Ambiente logo

AENOR Medio Ambiente

Type I ecolabel system aimed at recognizing environmental friendly products or services. Certification procedure based on auditing and labs test. The program will mark those products with less environmental impacts. It is mainly oriented to consumer products.

AIAB (Italian Association for Organic Agriculture) logo

AIAB (Italian Association for Organic Agriculture)

Italian Association for Organic Agriculture's certification. They certify organic products and companies in a broad range of categories, including:

  • food
  • detergents
  • farms
  • cosmetics
  • stores
  • bio-fibres

AMA Biozeichen logo

AMA Biozeichen

Established by the Ministry of Agriculture as a unique label for the different organic food producers’ associations. It is only given for food produced by organic farming. There are two versions of the label, one without specification of the origin (black label) and one with specification of the origin (red label).

AfOR Compost Certified logo

AfOR Compost Certified

The AfOR compost certification rules highlight the circumstances under which compost can be considered a ‘product’ and when it is regarded as ‘waste’ and remark that any composts sold in England and Wales for any use must comply with the PAS 100 & CQP (the British Standards Institution's Publicly Available Specification for Composted Materials and the Environment Agency and Waste and …

Afrisco Certified Organic logo

Afrisco Certified Organic

Organic production standards and certification for South Africa accredited by IFOAM.

American Grassfed logo

American Grassfed

The American Grassfed Association (AGA) certification identifies food and agriculture products which meet the standards as set forth in the AGA Grassfed Ruminant Standards and certified through a program approved by the AGA. The logos and design marks may only by used by those who have an approved signed license agreement with the American Grassfed Association.

Grassfed products are defined …

Animal Welfare Approved logo

Animal Welfare Approved

Animal Welfare Approved (AWA) is a standard for farm animal welfare - the basic premise is that animals must be able to behave naturally and be in a state of physical and psychological well-being. The standard:

  • requires animals to be raised on pasture or range
  • prohibits dual production
  • awards approval only to family farmers
  • charges no fees to participating …

Aquaculture Stewardship Council logo

Aquaculture Stewardship Council

The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) offers standards for aquaculture and for the seafood chain of custody.

The standards are being developed by the Aquaculture Dialogues in compliance with the guidelines for standard setting established by the International Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labeling Alliance (ISEAL).

The certification according to these standards …

AsureQuality Organic Standard logo

AsureQuality Organic Standard

The AsureQuality Organic Standard is based on internationally recognised guidelines and is accredited by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM).

Australian Certified Organic logo

Australian Certified Organic

ACO provides certification services to operators from all sectors of the organic industry. Certification ensures compliance with national production standards and allows trace back of all products to their origin.

AvoGreen® logo


AvoGreen® is a Pest Monitoring programme with an auditable avocado production system based on the principles of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). The programme aims to keep pest populations at levels below those that can cause economic loss and with careful monitoring and trace-back systems provide overall quality and safety assurances to all customers.

B Corporation logo

B Corporation

B Corporations are a new type of corporation which uses the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. B Corporations are unlike traditional responsible businesses because they meet comprehensive and transparent social and environmental performance standards, institutionalize stakeholder interests, and build collective voice through the power of a unifying brand. B Corporations' …

BIO Hellas logo

BIO Hellas

BIO Hellas is an accredited certification body that provides Inspection and Certification services for the organic products according to:

  • The Regulation EC 834/2007 & 889/2008
  • The NOP/ USDA Regulation.

Also provides inspection services for the organic products according to:

  • Naturland standard
  • Biosuisse standard
  • Demeter …

BIO Hotels logo

BIO Hotels

This certification covers organic and regional products in Hotels.

BIO Hotels uses only organic certified products that meet the standard of Bioland or similar ecolabels. Up to three exceptions are allowed.

For wild harvesting exceptions are generally allowed but the product must be sustainably certified. For beverage the standard is also only organic quality. Up to three exceptions …



Biodar produced foodstuffs are the harvest and products produced on Slovenian farms operated according to international IFOAM basic standards.

Best Aquaculture Practices logo

Best Aquaculture Practices

The Best Aquaculture Practices Certified (BAP Certified) mark on retail packaging tells consumers that seafood came from BAP certified aquaculture facilities.

The Best Aquaculture Practices standards, developed by the Global Aquaculture Alliance, form the basis for BAP certification. The standards specifically protect biodiversity and worker rights within a program that addresses environmental, …

Bio Quebec logo

Bio Quebec

The presence of the BIO Québec logo on products ensures that these products have been certified according to the Québec Organic Reference Standards, a set of requirements developed for Québec businesses, and guarantees that the products contain at least 95% ingredients of organic origin.

Bio Suisse logo

Bio Suisse

Indicates fully organic, produced in Switzerland.

More than 90% of the raw materials come from Switzerland.

Bio-Siegel logo


All agricultural products produced according to the requirements outlined in the EU Regulation on Organic Farming , as referenced in the German Organic Food Labelling Act, are permitted to use the Bio-Siegel label.

At least 95% of of the agricultural ingredients contained in processed products must come from organic production.

BioForum Biogarantie and Ecogarantie logo

BioForum Biogarantie and Ecogarantie

Biogarantie ® is a Belgian organic label. It is also recognised at the European level but puts more stringent conditions, for example, by prohibiting the use of nitrite salts in meat products. Additional standards are developed under the Biogarantie ® specifications for areas not yet covered by European Regulation 834/2007 such as catering, pet food and textiles.

Ecogarantie ® is the …

BioGro New Zealand logo

BioGro New Zealand

Organic producer and consumer organisation actively working to grow organics in New Zealand. Developed over twenty-five years especially for New Zealand organic producers the BioGro NZ Organic Standards are practical and achievable.

Biokreis logo


The Biokreis is a non-governmental organisation. Its goals are:

  • to help farmers to grow organically,
  • to bring farmers and manufacturers together - regionally and on a fair basis,
  • to promote organic agriculture,
  • to inform consumers about organic agriculture and a healthy lifestyle.

Bioland logo


Based on the organic-biological method the Bioland farmers gave themselves organic farming standards, which they continuously maintained, adapted and developed, so that it now includes all aspects of a modern ecological agricultural production, animal husbandry as well as food processing. All Bioland members and contract partners submit to the Bioland inspection system. The compliance with the Bioland …

Bird Friendly Coffee logo

Bird Friendly Coffee

Identifies and verifies through third-party, independent inspection and certification that coffee has been grown using shade management practices that provide good bird habitats. Shade characteristics must meet science-based criteria developed from ornithological field work. Only allows organic certifiers to issue the Bird Friendly label on organically certified coffees.

Bonsucro logo


Bonsucro is a multi-stakeholder association established to reduce the environmental and social impacts of sugarcane, by designing a Standard and program to transform the sugarcane industry. Bonsucro certified sugarcane products, processes and services will soon be available for purchase. Bonsucro certified products and companies will be third-party verified by Bonsucro's Standard, which provides …

British Columbia Certified Organic logo

British Columbia Certified Organic

The Green Checkmark logo with the words British Columbia Certified Organic can only be used by producers and processors who have been certified to the British Columbia Certified Organic Program. The standards are the National Canada Organic Standards.

C.A.F.E. Practices logo

C.A.F.E. Practices

Coffee and Farmer Equity (C.A.F.E.) Practices evaluates, recognizes and rewards producers of high-quality sustainably grown coffee for Starbucks stores. C.A.F.E. Practices is a green coffee sourcing guideline with third-party evaluation. C.A.F.E. Practices seeks to ensure that Starbucks sources sustainably grown and processed coffee by evaluating the economic, social and environmental aspects of …

California Certified Organic Farmers - CCOF logo

California Certified Organic Farmers - CCOF

CCOF promotes and supports organic food and agriculture through a premier organic certification program, trade support, producer and consumer education and political advocacy.

CCOF offers an expedited organic certification program for farmers and growers that need certification in less than 12 weeks.

Canada Organic logo

Canada Organic

Permitted for use only on those food products certified as meeting the revised Canadian standard for organic production and that contain at least 95 percent organic ingredients.

Carbon Neutral Certification logo

Carbon Neutral Certification

A Carbon Neutral Certification is a label given to businesses that offset their Scope 1 and 2 carbon footprint. Verus Carbon Neutral first calculates the carbon footprint of a business wanting to be Carbon Neutral Certified. They then offset the carbon footprint by retiring carbon credits. Offsetting allows businesses to mitigate the greenhouse gases they are unable eliminate through energy efficiencies …

Carbon Neutral Product Certification

Carbon Neutral certification program requires an initial carbon audit in the form of a Life Cycle Analysis - a comprehensive carbon audit which calculates the CO2 emissions used in raw materials, fuel & electricity and waste used in the production and distribution of that product.

Carbon Reduction Label logo

Carbon Reduction Label

The Carbon Reduction Label is a public commitment that the carbon footprint of a product or service has been measured and certified and the owner of the product or service has committed to reduce that footprint over the following two years. The footprint that has been calculated will have been rigorously measured and be comparable based on the PAS2050 standard and Footprint Expert™. This will …

CarbonCare logo


The CarbonCare® Labeling Scheme encourages and recognizes the efforts of organizations, entities and groups in tackling climate change in 3 steps we call MRO - Measuring, Reducing and Offsetting carbon footprints.

Indicated by the number of leaves, labels of different levels of emissions reduction and/or offset against a defined base year will be awarded to the applying entity.

For …

CarbonFree® Certified logo

CarbonFree® Certified

The CarbonFree® Product Certification label is aimed at increasing awareness of product emissions and recognizing companies that are compensating for their carbon footprint. The label was created in response to the growing market for eco-friendly products and consumer demand for transparent, credible and readily accessible information at the point of purchase. By determining a product’s carbon …

Carrefour Eco-Planete logo

Carrefour Eco-Planete

The Group has developed the Carrefour Agir Éco Planète range, which comprises products that are certified (European Ecolabel, FSC, MSC and so on) or which carry an external support.

In 2007, the HPC range was extended to include 13 eco-label products marketed in four countries: France, Belgium, Spain and Greece.

The non-food sector also offers Agir Éco Planète products, …

Certified Australian Southern Rocklobster "CleanGreen" Program logo

Certified Australian Southern Rocklobster "CleanGreen" Program

A product certification program integrating “pot to plate” standards for environmental management, food safety and quality, work place safety and animal welfare.

Certified Green Restaurant® logo

Certified Green Restaurant®

Green Restaurant Association Seal is an ecolabel for restaurants that have committed to sustainability.


  • 10 Points in each of the Energy, Water, Waste, Chemicals, Food, and Packaging
  • 100 Points for 2 Star Certified Green Restaurant® level
  • 175 Points for 3 Star Certified Green Restaurant® level
  • 300 Points for 4 Star Certified Green Restaurant® …

Certified Humane Raised and Handled logo

Certified Humane Raised and Handled

Designed to certify that animals raised for dairy, lamb, poultry and beef products are treated in a humane manner. Traceability ensures that that products come from the farms that were inspected. Under the program, growth hormones are prohibited and animals are raised on a diet without antibiotics. Antibiotics can be used in the treatment of sick animals. Access to clean and sufficient food and …

Certified Naturally Grown logo

Certified Naturally Grown

Certified Naturally Grown is a grassroots alternative to the USDA's National Organic Program meant primarily for direct-market farmers and beekeepers distributing through local channels such as farmer's markets, roadside stands, local restaurants, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs and small local grocery stores.

Certified Pesticide Residue Free logo

Certified Pesticide Residue Free

Means that products are tested for pesticide residues and sets limits of detection for each specific pesticide residues. However this label does not mean that there were no pesticides used.

Certification company SCS requires all farmers, packers and distributors to submit a post-harvest report; full disclosure form; outlining all of the chemicals that are used throughout the shipping and …

Certified Vegan logo

Certified Vegan

Signifies that products are vegan, defined as containing no animal ingredients or by-products, using no animal ingredients or by-products in the manufacturing process, and not tested on animals by any company or independent contractor.

Certified Wildlife Friendly® logo

Certified Wildlife Friendly®

Products may be certified by WFEN if:

  • The product contributes directly to in situ conservation of key species.
  • Production has a positive impact on the local economy.
  • Individuals or communities living with wildlife participate in the production, harvest, processing or manufacture of the product.
  • The product’s conservation mission includes a clear enforcement …

China Organic Food Certification logo

China Organic Food Certification

This is an organic food and product label whose mission is to promote the development of organic agriculture and food in China. 

Chão Vivo logo

Chão Vivo

Chao Vivi is an organic food products and production processes label from Brazil, providing a guarantee of origin and assurance of conformity of organic products with national and international standards.

Climatop logo


The aim of climatop is to label the most climate friendly products and services (best-in-class). Similar products of a product family (functional unit) are compared with respect to their environmental emissions. Products that cause CO2-eq emissions that are generally 20% lower, receive the label. Only products that have an environmental balance, which is at least equal or better than the one of …

Danish Ø-mark logo

Danish Ø-mark

The designation ‘organic' (økologisk) and the Danish eco-label (the red Ø symbol) may only be used on milk, meats, eggs,cereals, vegetables etc. from farms authorised for organic production.The Department of Organic Farming checks that organic farms complywith the rules applicable to both organic plant and animal husbandry.They inspect enterprises producing or marketing organic feeding stuffs, …

Delinat Bio Garantie logo

Delinat Bio Garantie

Delinat Bio Garantie is a product label for the company Delinat, which makes wine from controlled organic production. The Delinat standards are centered around the concept of "biodiversity" and go beyond the general organic standards to include social requirements.

The following requirements must be met:

-all organic-certified grapes

-biological management of the entire …

Demeter Biodynamic® logo

Demeter Biodynamic®

Demeter Biodynamic® is a certification indicating that Biodynamic farming practices have been used.

In an effort to keep the farm, the farmer, the consumer, and the earth healthy, Biodynamic farmers strictly avoid all synthetic chemical pesticides, fertilizers, and transgenic contamination, stressing farm generated, living solutions to pest control and fertility instead, and setting aside …

Deutsches Güteband Wein (DLG) logo

Deutsches Güteband Wein (DLG)

The DLG quality label German Ribbon of Quality for Wine (Deutsches Güteband Wein) sets quality standards for wine that go beyond the statutory requirements. In addition to sensory demands made of the wine, the label also covers requirements regarding wine growing and further processing of the wine. Wine growing must be pursued in an environmentally sound manner, with restricted use of pesticides, …

Dolphin Safe / Dolphin Friendly logo

Dolphin Safe / Dolphin Friendly

The Earth Island Institute monitors tuna companies around the world to ensure the tuna is caught by methods that do not harm dolphins and protect the marine ecosystem. In order for tuna to be considered “Dolphin Safe”, it must meet the following standards: 1. No intentional chasing, netting or encirclement of dolphins during an entire tuna fishing trip; 2. No use of drift gill nets to catch …



The EQUITRADE logo is found on products with raw materials originating from a poor community, and which it also tries to ensure are manufactured, packaged and marketed from there too.

EU organic products label logo

EU organic products label

The organic product label indicates that the product has been grown within sustainable cultivation systems. Foods may only be marked as "organic" if at least 95% of their agricultural ingredients are organic. Organic ingredients in non-organic food may be listed as organic in the list of ingredients, as long as this food has been produced in accordance with the organic legislation. In order to …

Earthsure logo


The purpose of the Earth sure program is to provide comprehensive environmental data to purchasers (business and individuals) so that the power of the market can moves the economy towards overall environmental improvement.

Earth Sure environmental product declarations (EPDs) can cover a portion of the life cycle of a product or an entire life cycle. Products in any sector can obtain EPDs …

Eco-Leaf logo


The eco-leaf is an environmental product declaration based on a life cycle analysis consisting of three parts:

  1. a product environmental aspects declaration;
  2. a product environmental information data sheet;
  3. the product data sheet.

EcoMark Africa logo

EcoMark Africa

The EcoMark Africa ecolabel is currently in development. It will consist of threshold criteria and indicators suitable for the African continent. The standard will be designed in such a way that existing standard systems may be benchmarked against it and accredited certifiers may use it to certify companies against it. In both cases operations that fulfil the requirements of the EMA standard may …

Ecocert logo


Ecocert is a certification body for sustainable development. It is an inspection and certification body established in France by agronomists aware of the need to develop environmentally friendly agriculture and of the importance of offering some form of recognition to those committed to this method of production. From its creation, Ecocert is specialized in the certification of organic agricultural …

Ecomark: India logo

Ecomark: India

A government operated seal of approval program for environmentally preferable consumer products.

To increase consumer awareness, the Government of India launched the eco-labelling scheme known as `Ecomark' in 1991 for easy identification of environment-friendly products.

The criteria follows a cradle-to-grave approach, i.e. from raw material extraction, to manufacturing, and to …

Environmental Product Declaration logo

Environmental Product Declaration

The overall goal of an Environmental Product Declaration, EPD, is to provide relevant, verified and comparable information to meet various customer and market needs. The International EPD® System has the ambition to help and support organisations to communicate the environmental performance of their products (goods and services) in a credible and understandable way.

Estonian Organic Farming logo

Estonian Organic Farming

Organic farming label from Estonia.The label is awarded to producers or handlers whose enterprise has been approved on the basis of the Organic Farming Act. The conditions for using an organic label in the European Union are thesame as those applicable for the national organic label.

Fair Labor Practices and Community Benefits logo

Fair Labor Practices and Community Benefits

Social responsibility certification to complement Organic Fair Labor Practices and Community Benefits certification – developed by Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) in conjunction with key stakeholders – validates socially responsible practices in agricultural production and processing. Complementing organic and other environmental certifications, Fair Labor Practices is deisgned to meet …

Fair Trade Certified

Fair Trade is a market-based approach to alleviating poverty in ways that improve lives and protect the environment. It's also a mechanism for consumers to know that their products were grown with care, and that farmers and workers were paid better prices and wages, work in safe conditions, protect the environment, and earn community development premiums to empower and improve their communities.

Fair Trade Organization Mark logo

Fair Trade Organization Mark

This mark is available to member organizations that meet the requirements of the World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO) monitoring system and identifies them as registered Fair Trade Organizations.

WFTO is working with Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International (FLO) on a Quality Management System for Fair Trade.

Fair for Life

"Fair for life" is a brand neutral third party certification programme for social accountability and fair trade in agricultural, manufacturing and trading operations. The programme complements existing fair trade certification systems

Social accountability and fair trade have become important indicators to select business partners in a global market place. Existing systems unfortunately …

FairWild logo


FairWild aims to provide a worldwide framework for implementing a sustainable, fair and value-added management and trading system for wild-collected natural ingredients and products thereof.

FairWild offers a Total Quality Management System to assure buyers that FairWild Certified products are sourced and produced in a socially and ecologically sound way.

FairWild encourages sustainable …

Fairtrade logo


Fairtrade is an ethical trade system that puts people first. Fairtrade offers farmers and workers in developing countries a better deal, and the opportunity to improve their lives and invest in their future. Fairtrade gives consumers the opportunity to help reduce poverty and instigate change through everyday shopping.

When a product carries the FAIRTRADE Certification Mark, it means the …

Farm Verified Organic logo

Farm Verified Organic

The Farm Verified Organic program provides organic certification services to companies and individuals, to enable them to market a credible organic product to the consumer. It is accredited to certify to the US National Organic Program; ISO 65, the Canadian Organic Regime (COR), and IFOAM.

Farm and Ranch Certification Program logo

Farm and Ranch Certification Program

Distinguishes farmers and ranchers who: provide safe and fair working conditions, provide healthy and humane treatment of animals; raise animals without added hormones and antibiotics; raise crops without genetically modified organisms; reduce pesticides usage and toxicity; conserve soil and water resources; preserve and protect wildlife habitat; and, commit to continuous improvement of these practices.

Food Alliance Certified logo

Food Alliance Certified

Food Alliance is a nonprofit organization that certifies farms, ranches, and food processors and distributors for sustainable agricultural and facility management practices. By choosing Food Alliance Certification ensures safe and fair working conditions, humane treatment of animals, and careful stewardship of natural resources.

Improved practices in Food Alliance Certified agricultural …

Friend of the Sea logo

Friend of the Sea

Friend of the Sea Approved Fisheries:

  • target stocks which are not overexploited
  • use fishing methods which don't impact the seabed, and
  • generate less than average 8% discards.

Global Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) logo

Global Good Agricultural Practice (GAP)

Global G.A.P. is a private sector body that sets voluntary standards for the certification of agricultural products around the globe. The aim is to establish one standard for Good Agricultural Practice with different product applications capable of fitting to the whole of global agriculture.

The standard is primarily designed to reassure consumers about how food is produced on the farm by …

Good Shopping Guide Ethical Award logo

Good Shopping Guide Ethical Award

The aim of the Ethical Company Organisation is to set an independent benchmark for corporate social responsibility. The Ethical Accreditation scheme enables companies and brands to display an independently-verified bill of health across the fields of people, animal welfare and the environment.

Green America's Green Business Certification

Green America's Green Business Certification is a third-party certification program that certifies small to medium sized businesses and offers one of the oldest and most reputable assurance programs for businesses committed to social and environmental responsibility. Certified businesses are: environmentally responsible in the way they source and manufacture products and run their operations and …

Green Crane: Ukraine logo

Green Crane: Ukraine

Green Crane is a voluntary, multiple specifications based environmental labelling program that operates to international standards and principles. It is awarded to products with relatively less environmental impact compared to similar products, during their entire life cycle, from extracting and collecting the product materials, to the manufacturing, distribution, use and consumption, disposal, …

Green Good Housekeeping Seal logo

Green Good Housekeeping Seal

The Green Good Housekeeping Seal is an emblem signifying that a product has been reviewed by the scientists at the Good Housekeeping Research Institute, is covered by Good Housekeeping’s limited warranty, and has met Good Housekeeping’s environmental criteria.

Before a product can apply for the Green Good Housekeeping Seal it must be evaluated by the scientists at the Good Housekeeping …

Green Seal logo

Green Seal

An independent non-profit founded in 1989, Green Seal certifies thousands of products and services that meet science-based environmental standards that are credible and transparent. Green Seal utilizes a life-cycle approach to ensure tangible reductions in the whole environmental footprint. They are ANSI-accredited and meet ISO and GEN requirements. Products only earn Green Seal certification after …

Green Table logo

Green Table

Founded in 2007, the Green Table Network is a mission-driven enterprise based in Vancouver, BC.

Green Table is a growing group of leading restaurant professionals, joined by the people who supply and support them.

Members are making a conscious commitment to a shared goal: a deliciously sustainable future. Sustainability is put 'on the menu' through innovative solutions that measurably …

Green Tick logo

Green Tick

Independent sustainability certification of products, services, and corporations based on a life-cycle audit of performance against the Green Tick Sustainability Standards.

GreenTick also certifies for Climate-Friendly, Natural, GE-Free, Organic, and Fair Trader brands.



Private fairtrade program of the company Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH which is a supplier of organic products.

From the very beginning of dealing with producers from the Southern countries (the so-called developing countries) not only the quality of the organic products but also the quality of the cooperation with the producers was important for us.

The primary aim of Rapunzel Naturkost …

Healthy Child Healthy World logo

Healthy Child Healthy World

Recommends products and services focused on children and family environmental health and non-toxic lifestyle solutions.

Recommended products and services must meet baseline quality standards, and be approved through a screening and data collection process. Screening considers human health, environmental health, and social responsibility.

Final approval is based on products holding …

IMO Certified logo

IMO Certified

The Institute for Marketecology (IMO) is an international agency for inspection, certification and quality assurance of eco-friendly products. For more than 20 years, IMO has been active in the field of organic certification but it is also active in the sectors of natural textiles, sustainable forestry, and social accountability monitoring.

India Organic - National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) logo

India Organic - National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP)

The national programme involves the accreditation programme for certification bodies, norms for organic production, promotion of organic farming. The NPOP standards for production and accreditation system have been recognized by European Commission and Switzerland as equivalent to their country standards. Similarly, USDA has recognized NPOP conformity assessment procedures of accreditation as equivalent …

Japanese Agricultural Organic Standard (JAS) logo

Japanese Agricultural Organic Standard (JAS)

The JAS Standards for organic plants and organic processed foods of plant origin were established in 2000 on the basis with the Guidelines for the Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Organically Produced Foods which were adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

The organic JAS system has been further developed with the addition of the JAS Standards for organic livestock …

Krav logo


Krav develops organic standards, inspects to these standards and promotes the KRAV label. The label is a tool to implement “The goal of organic production ” into the entire chain of custody from production of raw materials to the consumer (for food and other agricultural products).

Standards encompass many factors so that the entire production system and the surrounding environment …

LEAF logo


Leaders in Environmentally Accountable Foodservice (LEAF) helps restaurants realize their sustainability potential & recognizes them for doing so.

LEAF-certified restaurants serve local, organic food, reduce their energy and water use, use environmentally-preferable supplies, reduce consumption and waste, and much, much more.

LEAF certification is only available through on-site …

LEAF Marque logo

LEAF Marque

The LEAF Marque brings you food produced by farmers who are committed to improving the environment for the benefit of wildlife and the countryside.

Our mission enables farming that enriches the environment and engages local communities

Everyone can be involved with LEAF, farmers, the food chain and the consumer.

LFP Certified logo

LFP Certified

Local Food Plus is a non-profit organization working to build a local sustainable food system that benefits all stakeholders. The LFP certification system helps consumers to identify farmers who commit not only to ecologically responsible production, but who also commit to offering safe and fair working conditions, providing healthy and humane care for livestock, protecting and enhancing wildlife …

LIVE (Low Input Viticulture and Enology) logo

LIVE (Low Input Viticulture and Enology)

LIVE is a non-profit organization providing education and independent 3rd-party certification for vineyards and wineries using international standards of sustainable viticulture and enology practices in wine-grape and wine production.

IOBC (the International Organization for the Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants) sets the protocols from which LIVE draws its …

Lao Organic logo

Lao Organic

Lao Organic Standards give producers, traders and consumers a common definition of organic products.

LowCO2 Certification

For businesses operating in circumstances which deem carbon neutrality unrealistic, the option for Low CO2 certification is available.

The organisation still undertakes a greenhouse gas audit; however it is focused only on the operational impacts of the business, rather than all related emissions.

Luomu Sun Sign logo

Luomu Sun Sign

Denotes controlled organic production. The official label of the Finnish inspection authorities; owned by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

Luomuliitto - The Ladybird label logo

Luomuliitto - The Ladybird label

It is granted to farmers, food processors and farm input manufacturers who produce organic products according to the standards of Luomuliitto. The standards require a certified quality control system and that at least 75 per cent of the ingredients of the labeled products are of Finnish origin.

M-BRIO Organic and Food Labeling logo

M-BRIO Organic and Food Labeling

Organic food labelling program in Indonesia, accredited by IFOAM.

Marine Stewardship Council logo

Marine Stewardship Council

The MSC fisheries standard has 3 overarching principles that every fishery must prove that it meets:

Principle 1: Sustainable fish stocks The fishing activity must be at a level which is sustainable for the fish population. Any certified fishery must operate so that fishing can continue indefinitely and is not overexploiting the resources.

Principle 2: Minimising environmental impact Fishing …

Max Havelaar logo

Max Havelaar

The Max Havelaar Foundation awards a quality label to products that have been produced according to principles of fair trade. Through fair trade, it contributes to improving the living and working conditions of small farmers and agricultural workers in disadvantaged regions. The Max Havelaar Foundation is a member of the Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO) and complies with their …

Milieukeur: the Dutch environmental quality label logo

Milieukeur: the Dutch environmental quality label

Milieukeur is the Dutch environmental quality label for products and services. There are Milieukeur criteria for a wide variety of food products, consumer products and services, ranging from vegetables, potatoes, fruit, beer, pork, trees and plants to concrete products, fire extinguishers, florists, butchers, green electricity and car washes.

The Milieukeur criteria relate to the entire …

Nature's Promise logo

Nature's Promise

All Nature's Promise Organic products represent what nature intended and nothing more. Nature's Promise meets USDA certification requirements and deliver great taste while fully respecting the environment.

Nature's Promise has a mission of creating a line of products which not only respects the environment but delivers high quality food for your family's health and well-being.

Naturland e.V. logo

Naturland e.V.

Naturland –Association for organic agriculture is a private certification body and an organic farmers association. Since 1982 Naturland promotes organic agriculture throughout the world and is currently active in 50 countries (state of December 2010). With its 53,000 farmers and over 500 manufacturers as Naturland partners, it is one of the major organic farming associations.

Naturland …


Das Neuland-Zeichen kennzeichnet Fleisch und Fleischprodukte, die aus einer artgerechten und umweltschonenden Nutztierhaltung stammen. Die Kennzeichnung beruht auf Richtlinien, die Kriterien über die Haltung, Fütterung, Transport etc. enthalten. Der Schwerpunkt der Richtlinien liegt auf einer artgerechten Tierhaltung.

Non-GMO logo


The non-GMO seal means that a product has been produced according to rigorous best practices for GMO avoidance, including testing of risk ingredients. The Non-GMO Project is the only organization offering independent verification of testing and GMO controls for products in the U.S. and Canada.

Nordic Ecolabel or "Swan" logo

Nordic Ecolabel or "Swan"

Demonstrates that a product is a good environmental choice. The "Swan" symbol, as it is known in Nordic countries, is available for 65 product groups.

The Swan checks that products fulfill certain criteria using methods such as samples from independent laboratories, certificates and control visits.

Each Nordic country has local offices with the responsibility for criteria development, …

ORC-Cert Organic Seal

The ORC-Cert awards certificaties of organic certification to the producers and processors that meet the 'ORC-Cert - Organinc Production and Processing Standard'. There are three grades of standard - Organic Produce or Products with not less than 95% of organic ingredients; Products with not less than 70% but not more than 95% of organic ingredients; and Products produced from farmland that applied …

Ocean Wise logo

Ocean Wise

Ocean Wise works directly with restaurants and markets, ensuring that they have the most current scientific information regarding seafood and helping them make ocean-friendly buying decisions. The Ocean Wise symbol appears on menus, display cases, and products making it easier for consumers to make environmentally friendly seafood choices.

Oregon Tilth logo

Oregon Tilth

The purpose of organic certification is to ensure that the agreed upon conventions of organic agricultural systems are being practiced not only by growers, but also by all the people who handle and process organic food, feed and fiber on its journey to the consumer.

As an accredited certifier, Oregon Tilth certifies to the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) standards. The NOP provides a …

Organic Farmers & Growers Certification logo

Organic Farmers & Growers Certification

Organic Farmers & Growers label indicates product meets UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) regulations for organic production and processing in the UK.

Organic Food China

Mission is: Ensuring human health and protecting ecological environment through promoting sustainable agriculture.

Organic Food Federation logo

Organic Food Federation

Certification of Organic operations and products.

Preservando El Medio Ambiente (Preserving the Environment)

Private label for wine grown in spain according to ecological principles and life cycle environmental aspects - including using solar & biomass power in production plants, and recycling of process wastewater.

Processed Chlorine Free logo

Processed Chlorine Free

Processed Chlorine Free (PCF) audits require a chain of custody for all raw materials, measures the impact of a manufacturing process on the environment: water and energy use, chemistry, carbon gas releases, reviews environmental policy and permit compliance, reviews ethical management practices and compliance, financial performance, product stewardship, public information, funding of research and …

Protected Harvest logo

Protected Harvest

Protected Harvest is an eco-label with the stated mission of helping farmers meet environmental standards that yield high quality products and preserve healthy land for future generations.

The Protected Harvest parent company, SureHarvest, provides technical support and collaborates with qualified organizations to develop region– and crop– specific verifiable environmental performance …

QCS Organic logo

QCS Organic

QCS offers organic certification accredited by the USDA National Organic Program and USDA ISO Guide 65.

They certify farming, wildcrafting, livestock, processing, packing, and handling operations. QCS also certifies a diverse array of organic operations regardless of type, location, or size.

RSPO Certified Sustainable Palm Oil logo

RSPO Certified Sustainable Palm Oil

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Certification is a seal of approval that the palm oil used in the product is produced sustainably and volumes are traceable. Producers are certified through strict verification of the production process by accredited ceritifying agencies and may be withdrawn at any time on infringement of the rules and standards. The certified sustainable palm oil (RSPO …

RTRS Certified Soy logo

RTRS Certified Soy

RTRS Certified Soy is an ecolabel that certifies soy, soy derivatives and soy products along the supply chain, including flows of material and associated claims.

RTRS is a global platform made up of the main stakeholders of the soy value chain with the common objective of promoting the production of responsible soy through cooperation and open dialogue with the parties involved for making …

Rainforest Alliance Certified logo

Rainforest Alliance Certified

The Rainforest Alliance Certified™ seal ensures that a product comes from a farm or forest operation that meets comprehensive standards that protect the environment and promote the rights and well-being of workers, their families and communities. Products that carry the green frog seal include coffee, tea, chocolate, fruit, ready to drink beverages and juices, flowers, paper and tissue products, …

Rhode Island Certified Organic

The Plant Industry Section of the Division of Agriculture and Resource Marketing administers the Rhode Island Organic Certification Program, by which qualified crops producers and handlers in the state are certified as growing and handling/processing produce organically.

SEE What You Are Buying Into logo

SEE What You Are Buying Into

SEE What You Are Buying Into is a labelling scheme for businesses that are open and honest about their Social, Environmental and Ethical (SEE) policies and practices.

To use the SEE Logo, a company completes the SEE Questionnaire, developed in collaboration with leading NGOs. Businesses guarantee the accuracy and veracity of their responses and publish them on the SEE What You Are Buying …

SIP Certified logo

SIP Certified

The Sustainability in Practice (SIP) Certification program offers consumers a way to ensure that the wines they enjoy are coming from vineyards and companies fully committed to protecting natural and human resources. Developed in 2008 by the Vineyard Team and based on over 20 years of work in sustainable farming, the SIP Certification program encompass the many interrelated elements of the whole …

SMaRT Consensus Sustainable Product Standards logo

SMaRT Consensus Sustainable Product Standards

Sustainable Materials Rating Technology or SMaRT, is the consensus sustainable products standard and label for building products, fabric, apparel, textile & flooring, covering over 80% of the world’s products with environmental, social, & economic criteria.

It is the result of 17 years of standardization with six national votes of consensus approvals involving thousands of professionals.


Safe Agri-Food Product

This ecolabel certifies pollution free agricultural products.

Salmon-Safe logo


Salmon-Safe is an Oregon-based nonprofit that certifies urban and agricultural operations based on the protection of water quality and native biodiversity. Founded by a leading U.S. river and native fish conservation organization, Salmon-Safe has certified more than 400 West Coast farms, vineyards, dairies, corporate campuses, and other sites based on riparian habitat protection, elimination of …

SeaChoice logo


SeaChoice is a program of Sustainable Seafood Canada that produces sustainable seafood advisory lists. The program is designed to raise consumer awareness about the importance of buying seafood from sustainable sources.

They publish consumer guides for responsible seafood purchasing. SeaChoice evaluates fisheries based on habitat/ecosystem impacts, stock status, inherent vulnerability, …

Seafood Safe logo

Seafood Safe

The Seafood Safe label is given to seafood companies, retailers or restaurants whose seafood contains safe consumption levels of mercury and PCBs. Businesses interested will undergo a confidential pre-assessment, which will include the development of a customized testing regime based upon the intricacies of their particular products.

Once the pre-assessment is complete and if the business …

Singapore Green Label Scheme (SGLS) logo

Singapore Green Label Scheme (SGLS)

The Singapore Green Labeling Scheme (SGLS) aims to help the public identify environment-friendly products that meet certain eco-standards specified by the scheme and seeks to encourage the level of eco-consumerism in Singapore as well as to identify the growing demand for greener products in the market. The scheme hopes to encourage manufacturers to design and manufacture with the environment in …

Skal Eko Symbol logo

Skal Eko Symbol

A process and product certification for agricultural products originating from organic production methods. The regulations for organic production consists of European and Dutch legislation and regulations by Skal.

Soil Association Organic Standard logo

Soil Association Organic Standard

Organic certification for farmers, growers, food processors and packers, retailers, caterers, textile producers, health and beauty manufacturers and importers, in the UK and internationally.

Sourcemap logo

Sourcemap supports sustainable decision-making through our platform for supply chain transparency, where producers share detailed information about their processes with their buyers and their buyers’ buyers, all the way to the end consumer. A Sourcemap ecolabel points to information on a product's components and their origins, as well as optional environmental and social footprints. The information …

State of Utah Organic Certification Program

This program is intended to serve producers, processors and consumers of agricultural products. The goal is to manage a process that will maintain the integrity of food products produced without the use of restricted chemical imputs.

Stemilt Responsible Choice logo

Stemilt Responsible Choice

The Stemilt label indicates that fruit has been produced under the Responsible Choice Program - program certifies fruit orchards and the packing / handling of that fruit for integrated pest management (IPM) .

Stemilt uses the Responsible Choice label to represent all that is done in the land to conserve water, reduce inputs and promote good fruit production in a safe manner. Stemilt also …

Sustainable Agricultural Network logo

Sustainable Agricultural Network

The SAN awards the Rainforest Alliance Certified eco-label to farms (not companies or products). Farmers may apply for certification for all land in production and companies may request that all of their source farms be certified.

Certifies farms for coffee, bananas, cocoa, orange, pineapple, flower and fern farms according to environmental and social standards.

Some smaller …

Sustainable Winegrowing New Zealand logo

Sustainable Winegrowing New Zealand

Sustainable Winegrowing New Zealand provides the framework for companies to continually work towards improving all aspects of their performance in terms of environmental, social and economic sustainability in both the vineyard and the winery.

TerraCycle logo


TerraCycle runs national waste collection programs in 10 countries where non-recyclable post-consumer waste (used candy wrappers, tooth brushes, pens, juice pouches and many other categories of waste) is collected and made into new products and materials. The TerraCycle logo informs a consumer that the product or package is no longer waste, and can be collected and sent (postage paid) to TerraCycle. …

Texas Certified Organically Produced logo

Texas Certified Organically Produced

Under the Organic Certification Program, TDA inspects and certifies organic farms as well as processors, distributors and retailers of organic food and fiber. To be certified, all must comply with organic growing and handling standards established by the USDA National Organic Program (NOP). In exchange for this compliance, participants may use a marketing logo identifying their products as certified …

Totally Chlorine Free logo

Totally Chlorine Free

We believe that no matter where a product is being manufactured that we can measure the impacts on the environment using a on a Sustainability Index = Environmental Policy + Environmental Management + Mill Process + Forestry Certification + Environmental Risk Management + Product Stewardship + Public Information + Environmental Compliance + Employee Recognition. We also know that by eliminating …

Tunisia Ecolabel logo

Tunisia Ecolabel

The Tunisian ecolabel is a Type 1 national ecolabel established by decree in 1997. It was created in order to facilitate the access of Tunisian products and services to the European and International markets.

The technical and ecological criteria for the certification of textile products and tourism accommodation services are established while Agro-food products criteria are under development.

USDA Certified BioBased logo

USDA Certified BioBased

USDA BioBased is a federally administered and run label that is based on the BioPreferred program created by the 2002 US Farm Bill to increase the purchase and use of biobased products. The 2008 Farm Bill (Food Conservation and Energy Act of 2008) expanded the existing preferred purchasing program for federal sector and reauthorized the voluntary labeling program for the broad scale consumer marketing …

USDA Organic logo

USDA Organic

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has put in place a set of national standards that food labeled must meet, whether it is grown in the United States or imported from other countries.

Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones.

Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers …

UTZ Certified logo

UTZ Certified

Sustainability is important for everyone. After all, our future is at stake. In order to be able to make a substantial contribution to sustainability, UTZ CERTIFIED has adopted a practical approach, working together with existing brands. The manufacturers of these brands need raw materials on a large scale – raw materials that are produced by farmers in developing countries. By increasing the …

Vermont Organic Certified logo

Vermont Organic Certified

This certified organic label is found on products grown or raised in Vermont which meet the standards of the USDA National Organic Program.

Vitality Leaf logo

Vitality Leaf

"Vitality Leaf" was developed by the Russian NGO Non-profit partnership Ecological Union in 2001, is officially registered, open and clear for all potential participants.

Member of the Global Ecolabelling Network since 2007.

Certified member of the Global Ecolabelling Network’s Internationally Coordinated Ecolabelling System (GENICES) since 2011.

Criteria for certification …

WSDA Organic logo

WSDA Organic

Protects consumers and supports the organic food industry by ensuring the integrity of organic food products through establishing organic standards and certifying organic producers, processors, and handlers.

The program provides technical information about organic food production and assists in the development of markets for the organic food industry.

Whole Trade™ Guarantee logo

Whole Trade™ Guarantee

The products in this Wholefoods Market program must meet specific criteria that demand quality in four areas of responsibility: meets quality standards, provides more money to producers, ensures better wages and working conditions for workers, and Cares for the environment.

Whole Foods works with TransFair USA and the Rainforest Alliance to ensure the transparency and integrity of the program. …

Wholesome Food Association logo

Wholesome Food Association

The Wholesome Food Association local symbol scheme is a low-cost, grassroots alternative to organic certification for people in the UK who are growing or producing food for sale in their local region.

Members of the WFA who abide by our food production standards and sell their produce locally are entitled to use our quality symbol to certify their production methods.

WindMade logo


Windmade™ is a consumer label identifying products and companies using wind energy. WindMade™ is dedicated to increasing corporate investments in wind power by informing consumers about companies’ use of wind energy, and increasing demand for products that embrace this clean and renewable energy source.

To use the WindMade label for their communications or products, WindMade members …

ZQ Natural Fibre logo

ZQ Natural Fibre

ZQ Natural Fibre fibre combines natural performance wool with an accreditation program that ensures environmental, social and economic sustainability, animal welfare (non-mulesed) and traceability back to the source.

Ø-label: Norway logo

Ø-label: Norway

Aims to safeguard Norway's organic future. All providers of organic products in Norway are part of Debio's inspection scheme, which includes all activities from farm to table.

Debio's regular inspections ensure that products meet the requirements for marketing organic products under the Norwegian "Ø-label", which certifies organic production.


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