BIO Hellas is an accredited certification body that provides Inspection and Certification services for the organic products according to:
Also provides inspection services for the organic products according to:
BIO Hellas provides inspection and certification services according to the private standards:
BIO Hellas is an approved inspection and certfication body by the Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture and Food and by the Moldavian Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry.The activities of BIO Hellas include the research and promotion of Organic Agriculture and the Development of Inspection and Certification Systems.
Learn more: BIO Hellas website
Conformity with BIO Hellas's standard is verified by our own organization (second party) following ISO / IEC Guide 65 Product Certification
Certification / registration required
Applicants are certified against the ecolabels’s criteria before using the label
Member of
Also manages
Product categories this ecolabel applies to
Fish / Fisheries Food
Where this ecolabel is found
Bulgaria Greece
Last updated: 20 January 2012