
All ecolabels on building products

Alphabetical index of 119 ecolabels.


ABNT Ecolabel logo

ABNT Ecolabel

ABNT Ecolabel is a life cycle based ecolabel that is a voluntary method of environmental performance certification and labelling for products and services in Brazil.

It is run by the Associacao Brasileira de Normas Tecnicas (ABNT) (the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) and is a member of the Global Ecolabelling Network. ABNT is also a certification body accredited by Inmetro …

AENOR Medio Ambiente logo

AENOR Medio Ambiente

Type I ecolabel system aimed at recognizing environmental friendly products or services. Certification procedure based on auditing and labs test. The program will mark those products with less environmental impacts. It is mainly oriented to consumer products.

B Corporation logo

B Corporation

B Corporations are a new type of corporation which uses the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. B Corporations are unlike traditional responsible businesses because they meet comprehensive and transparent social and environmental performance standards, institutionalize stakeholder interests, and build collective voice through the power of a unifying brand. B Corporations' …

BASF Eco-Efficiency logo

BASF Eco-Efficiency

BASF SE has developed a label for products that have been evaluated by an Eco-Efficiency Analysis. The awarding of the label is dependent on demanding requirements: After conclusion of the analysis a third party evaluation (peer review) is requested. Furthermore, publication of the results of the analysis will be undertaken via internet.

The label can be carried on for three years. After …

BASS (Product inventory for the construction industry) logo

BASS (Product inventory for the construction industry)

BASS is an online tool to help companies to meet regulatory requirements associated with the use of chemicals in the workplace/projects.

Since its establishment in 2001, BASS developed to become the industry standard in the construction industry in Norway. Since 2009, BASS includes the auto industry.

Development of the BASS is done in close cooperation with business, and provides …

BASTA logo


The BASTA system focuses on hazardous substances in construction and building products. Products are assessed according their chemical ingredients.

Suppliers are responsible for the assessment, and are required to: Declare contents - The supplier must have detailed knowledge of the product´s chemical composition; Provide supporting documentation - The supplier must be able to provide …

BRE Global Certified Environmental Profile logo

BRE Global Certified Environmental Profile

Environmental profiles measure the impacts of a construction material, product or building system throughout its life – not only during its manufacture, but also its use in a building over a typical building lifetime. This includes its extraction, processing, use and maintenance and its eventual disposal.

The Environmental Profiles Methodology assesses environmental indicators that reflect …

Blue Angel logo

Blue Angel

The Blue Angel was initiated by the German government and awarded by an independent Jury to products that are environmentally friendlier than others serving the same use.

Each label specifies that the product or service focuses on one of four different protection goals: health, climate, water, and resources.

The Blue Angel Standard is managed by four entities:

  1. The …

British Allergy Foundation Seal of Approval logo

British Allergy Foundation Seal of Approval

Endorsement scheme for a wide range of products (from air conditioners and bedding to cars and cleaning products) which specifically restrict or remove high levels of named allergens from the environment.

Burn Wise EPA logo

Burn Wise EPA

Burn Wise is a partnership program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that emphasizes the importance of burning the right wood, the right way, in the right wood-burning appliance to protect your home, health, and the air we breathe.

The Burnwise program covers three types of heaters: Woodstoves, Fireplaces and Hydronic Heaters (Outdoor Wood Boilers).

"EPA qualified" units …

Byggvarubedömningen logo


Byggvarubedömningen, or BVB, is a building materials assessment tool. It evaluates, proactively and systematically, the contents of a product and of the production process.

BVB also provides a common criteria and an evaluation standard based on seven factors: • Chemical content (declaration of contents) • Input materials (raw materials) • The construction phase • The management …

CHPS - Collaborative for High Performance Schools logo

CHPS - Collaborative for High Performance Schools

CHPS is leading a national movement to improve student performance and the entire educational experience by building the best possible schools. CHPS develops tools that help make schools energy, water and material efficient, well-lit, thermally comfortable, acoustically sound, safe, healthy and easy to operate.Resources offered by CHPS include a six-volume best practices manual, training and conferences, …

CRI Green Label logo

CRI Green Label

In 1992, the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) launched its Green Label program to test carpet, cushions and adhesives to help specifiers identify products with very low emissions of VOCs.

CRI has recently launched its next series of improvements called Green Label Plus for carpet and adhesives. This enhanced program sets an even higher standard for indoor air quality and ensures that customers …

Carbon Neutral Certification logo

Carbon Neutral Certification

A Carbon Neutral Certification is a label given to businesses that offset their Scope 1 and 2 carbon footprint. Verus Carbon Neutral first calculates the carbon footprint of a business wanting to be Carbon Neutral Certified. They then offset the carbon footprint by retiring carbon credits. Offsetting allows businesses to mitigate the greenhouse gases they are unable eliminate through energy efficiencies …

Carbon Neutral Product Certification

Carbon Neutral certification program requires an initial carbon audit in the form of a Life Cycle Analysis - a comprehensive carbon audit which calculates the CO2 emissions used in raw materials, fuel & electricity and waste used in the production and distribution of that product.

Carbon Reduction Label logo

Carbon Reduction Label

The Carbon Reduction Label is a public commitment that the carbon footprint of a product or service has been measured and certified and the owner of the product or service has committed to reduce that footprint over the following two years. The footprint that has been calculated will have been rigorously measured and be comparable based on the PAS2050 standard and Footprint Expert™. This will …

CarbonCare logo


The CarbonCare® Labeling Scheme encourages and recognizes the efforts of organizations, entities and groups in tackling climate change in 3 steps we call MRO - Measuring, Reducing and Offsetting carbon footprints.

Indicated by the number of leaves, labels of different levels of emissions reduction and/or offset against a defined base year will be awarded to the applying entity.

For …

CarbonFree® Certified logo

CarbonFree® Certified

The CarbonFree® Product Certification label is aimed at increasing awareness of product emissions and recognizing companies that are compensating for their carbon footprint. The label was created in response to the growing market for eco-friendly products and consumer demand for transparent, credible and readily accessible information at the point of purchase. By determining a product’s carbon …

Certified Green Dealer logo

Certified Green Dealer

The Certified Green Dealer® Program is a program for certifying US green lumber and building material dealerships. The Program consists of a distance-learning and testing system that certifies that lumber dealer personnel are trained in the basics of green building science and green product knowledge.

The Program is not affiliated with any particular national standards-setting organization, …

Certipur logo


CertiPUR® is a voluntary standard to advance the safety, health and environmental (SHE) performance of flexible polyurethane foams used in bedding and upholstered furniture. The scheme takes into account existing standards and scientific studies related to emanations from foams, product criteria and risk assessments.

China Environmental Labelling logo

China Environmental Labelling

China Environmental Label was initiated by SEPA in 1993. It provides environmental standards for construction materials, textiles, vehicles, cosmetics, electronics, packaging, and more.

China Water Conservation Certification

Water conservation label for Industrial Products; Agricultural Products; Residential Products; Unconventional Water Resources Utilization Products (62 different product categories)

Climatop logo


The aim of climatop is to label the most climate friendly products and services (best-in-class). Similar products of a product family (functional unit) are compared with respect to their environmental emissions. Products that cause CO2-eq emissions that are generally 20% lower, receive the label. Only products that have an environmental balance, which is at least equal or better than the one of …

Cradle to Cradle Certified(CM) Products Program logo

Cradle to Cradle Certified(CM) Products Program

The Cradle to Cradle Certified(CM) Products Program provides a company with a means to demonstrate efforts in eco-intelligent design. Cradle to Cradle Certification is a third-party sustainability label that requires achievement across multiple attributes:

  • use materials that are safe for human health and the environment through all use phases
  • product and system design for …


In 2004 NIBE developed a quality label to compare the environmental friendliness of multiple building products. The DUBOkeur® label is meant to certify the best choices of a product in the fields of environmental and health.

In order to do this, the environmental impact of a product in relationship to other products is tested through NIBE’s Twin-model. The most eco-friendly product is …

Danish Indoor Climate Label logo

Danish Indoor Climate Label

The Danish Indoor Climate label is a tool for development and selection of indoor air quality friendly products and better understanding of the impact of products and materials on the indoor air quality in buildings.


The goal of Declare is to position the building product sector within a transparent materials economy.

Declare is an ingredients label for building products, paired with an online database. It allows manufacturers to demonstrate their leadership in the marketplace and it provides consumers with honest information for product selection.

All products are eligible for inclusion, regardless …

Degree of Green® logo

Degree of Green®

The Degree of Green® rating program aims at helping consumers by rating products and explaining those ratings in clear language.

At the core of Degree of Green® are data sheets that detail the environmental, health and sustainability attributes of various products. A top rating of 4 goes to products that have:

  • the least adverse effects on human health
  • the highest …



The ECOLOGO Certification Program was aquired by UL Environment, a division of UL (Underwriters Laboratories) in 2010. ECOLOGO Certification is based on multiattribute, life cycle–based standards. All products certified to an ECOLOGO standard must meet or exceed each of the listed criteria before receiving the mark. ECOLOGO Certification is classified as an ISO (International Organization for …

ECOproduct logo


ECOproduct is a Norwegian method to choose environmentally friendly building materials and chemicals based on information in an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) or a safety data sheet. The method has been developed in collaboration with several building industry organizations and contractors in Norway.

Each product gets a character for Indoor Environment, Health and Environmental …



ENERGY STAR is a voluntary government-backed program dedicated to helping individuals protect the environment through energy efficiency. The ENERGY STAR mark is the national symbol for energy efficiency, making it easy for consumers and businesses to identify high-quality, energy-efficient products, homes, and commercial and industrial buildings. ENERGY STAR distinguishes what is efficient/better …

EU Ecolabel logo

EU Ecolabel

A voluntary scheme designed to encourage businesses to market products and services that are kinder to the environment and for European consumers - including public and private purchasers - to easily identify them.

EU Energy Label logo

EU Energy Label

By law, the European Community Energy Label must be displayed on all new household products displayed for sale, hire or hire-purchase.

The Directive applies to the following types of household appliances, even where these are sold for non-household uses: refrigerators, freezers and their combinations; washing machines, dryers and their combinations; dishwashers; ovens; water heaters and …

Earthsure logo


The purpose of the Earth sure program is to provide comprehensive environmental data to purchasers (business and individuals) so that the power of the market can moves the economy towards overall environmental improvement.

Earth Sure environmental product declarations (EPDs) can cover a portion of the life cycle of a product or an entire life cycle. Products in any sector can obtain EPDs …

Eco-Leaf logo


The eco-leaf is an environmental product declaration based on a life cycle analysis consisting of three parts:

  1. a product environmental aspects declaration;
  2. a product environmental information data sheet;
  3. the product data sheet.

Eco-Rail Mark logo

Eco-Rail Mark

Launched by the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, this ecolabel indicates certified products and companies that actively make an effort to protect the environment through a modal shift to rail transportation.

Eco-Rail certified products travels solely on land or, if not, at least 500 kilometers on land and 30% or more of the goods are carried on railways.

EcoMark: Japan logo

EcoMark: Japan

The Eco Mark program serves to promote environment-friendly lifestyles (ecological lifestyles) through wise product choices. A committee composed of academics, governments, consumer groups, and experts from various industries sets standards and carries out the certification. The Eco Mark is awarded to products with relatively less environmental impact compared to similar products, during their entire …

EcoMaterial logo


EcoMaterial certification provides independent, third-party verification that a material was manufactured using strategies aimed at achieving high performance in human and environmental safety and indoor environmental quality, functional characteristics, water efficiency, energy efficiency, raw materials selection.

The principle of the standard is an individual approach to each material, …

EcoStandard EcoProduct South Africa

EcoStandard South Africa has developed an eco-label referred to as EcoProduct for building materials. The assessment and rating is based on a lifecycle assessment approach in terms of the ISO14024 Environmental labels and declarations — Type I environmental labeling — Principles and procedures in order to provide a holistic assessment of a building product.

EcoStandard South Africa’s …

Ecomark: India logo

Ecomark: India

A government operated seal of approval program for environmentally preferable consumer products.

To increase consumer awareness, the Government of India launched the eco-labelling scheme known as `Ecomark' in 1991 for easy identification of environment-friendly products.

The criteria follows a cradle-to-grave approach, i.e. from raw material extraction, to manufacturing, and to …

Effinature logo


Effinature certification was designed to reverse trend of biodiversity deterioration in the construction sector and raise awareness among town planners about this major issue.

  • Determine the value of the site and the ecological potential of the project.

  • Preserve the existing natural heritage and existing landscape.

  • Control the impacts of the project …

Ekologicky setrny vyrobek / Environmentally Friendly Product logo

Ekologicky setrny vyrobek / Environmentally Friendly Product

The ecolabel "Ekologicky setrny vyrobek" is the official registered label of The Czech ecolabelling programme (National Programme for Labelling Environmentally Friendly Products). It was launched on 14. April 1994. The programme is administered by CENIA, Czech Environmental Information Agency. The guarantor of the programme is the Ministry of the Environment. In 2004 the programme the scope of the …

Energy Saving Recommended logo

Energy Saving Recommended

Energy saving products use less energy and therefore have less of an environmental impact as well as being cheaper to run.

The Energy Saving Recommended logo is a quick and easy way to spot the most energy efficient products on the market.

Environmental Choice New Zealand logo

Environmental Choice New Zealand

A voluntary, multiple specifications based environmental labelling programme that operates to international standards and principles.

Environmental Product Declaration logo

Environmental Product Declaration

The overall goal of an Environmental Product Declaration, EPD, is to provide relevant, verified and comparable information to meet various customer and market needs. The International EPD® System has the ambition to help and support organisations to communicate the environmental performance of their products (goods and services) in a credible and understandable way.

Environmentally Friendly Label: Croatia logo

Environmentally Friendly Label: Croatia

The main objective of awarding the Environmental Label is the promotion of products with a reduced adverse environmental impact as compared to other equivalent products. Awarding of the Environmental Label was established to promote development of new (eg. low-waste) technologies, production and consumption of products less adverse to the environment, pollution reduction and a more economical management …

Environmentally Preferable Product (EPP) Downstream logo

Environmentally Preferable Product (EPP) Downstream

The Composite Panel Association’s (CPA) Environmentally Preferable Panel (EPP) Downstream Program is an easy way for consumers to identify environmentally responsible composite wood products.

Products carrying the EPP Downstream logo were manufactured by a company that has demonstrated their environmental commitment by purchasing at least 50% CPA EPP certified composite wood products. …

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Chain of Custody Certification logo

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Chain of Custody Certification

The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) promotes environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests.

FSC® chain of custody (CoC) tracks FSC certified material through the production process - from the forest to the consumer, including all successive stages of processing, transformation, manufacturing and distribution. Only FSC CoC …

GEV-Emicode logo


Flooring installation materials labelled with the GEV sign EMICODE EC1 ;very low emission; grant the greatest possible protection against indoor air pollution.



Acquired in 2011, GREENGUARD Certification is now provided by UL Environment, a divison of UL (Underwriters Laboratories). GREENGUARD Certification helps manufacturers create -- and helps buyers identify -- interior products and materials that have low chemical emissions into indoor air during product usage. All certified products must meet stringent emissions standards based on established chemical …

Global GreenTag Certified logo

Global GreenTag Certified

Global Green Tag® is a third party, green product rating and certification system, underpinned by scientific and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) processes. The program assesses products against worst case business as usual products in the same functional category and with the same functional purpose, based on the following impacts / benefits:

  • product synergy;
  • greenhouse emission …

Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) logo

Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA)

Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) runs Australia's only independent, not-for-profit, multi-sector ecolabelling program and is the only Australian member of the Global Ecolabelling Network (GEN).

This certification program develops standards against which products and services can be independently audited by JAS-ANZ accredited conformance assessment bodies (CABs). Standards are developed …

Green Advantage Certification logo

Green Advantage Certification

Green Advantage is a non-profit organization committed to delivering an exemplary green building certification for and with construction personnel and building-related practitioners.

It promotes green building education and stimulates the use of green building best practices by producing certification standards and assessments for building-related practitioners and organizations.

Their …

Green Choice: Phillipines logo

Green Choice: Phillipines

Headed by former First Lady Amelita Ramos, CGFI has been pro-actively advocating for environmentally-sound policies, practices, norms and behavior among all segments of Philippine society.

Green Crane: Ukraine logo

Green Crane: Ukraine

Green Crane is a voluntary, multiple specifications based environmental labelling program that operates to international standards and principles. It is awarded to products with relatively less environmental impact compared to similar products, during their entire life cycle, from extracting and collecting the product materials, to the manufacturing, distribution, use and consumption, disposal, …

Green Products Standard logo

Green Products Standard

Green Products Standard helps consumers better understand the growing number of green and eco-friendly products in the marketplace. Their standards take a comprehensive life-cycle view of every product and provide a ranking of degree of 'greenness' explained with a simple symbol and a report.

Green Seal logo

Green Seal

An independent non-profit founded in 1989, Green Seal certifies thousands of products and services that meet science-based environmental standards that are credible and transparent. Green Seal utilizes a life-cycle approach to ensure tangible reductions in the whole environmental footprint. They are ANSI-accredited and meet ISO and GEN requirements. Products only earn Green Seal certification after …

Green Tick logo

Green Tick

Independent sustainability certification of products, services, and corporations based on a life-cycle audit of performance against the Green Tick Sustainability Standards.

GreenTick also certifies for Climate-Friendly, Natural, GE-Free, Organic, and Fair Trader brands.

GreenCircle logo


GreenCircle Certified, LLC provides third-party certification of sustainable aspects of products and manufacturing operations. Manufacturers, suppliers, regulators, and consumers can be assured that products labeled with the GreenCircle Certified mark have been thoroughly assessed and their claim verified.

By issuing a GreenCircle Certification, GreenCircle Certified demonstrates that it …

GreenPla logo


To establish biodegradable plastics technology (GreenPla) and to foster its extensive commercial use.

GreenSure - Sherwin Williams logo

GreenSure - Sherwin Williams

GreenSure is a designation applied to a line of Shrewin Williams paints and coating products that indicates that they were designed and manufactured taking steps to reduce environmental impact and to meet or exceed the most stringent regulatory requirements.

Requirements for architectural products include: VOC limits, aromatic content limits, chemical component restrictions (i.e. excluded …

Greener Product Certification Seal logo

Greener Product Certification Seal

The Greener Product Certification Seal demonstrates that a product has been evaluated against the LEED, LEED for Homes and NAHB green building standards using internationally recognized third-party certification organizations, laboratory test results and/or other supporting documentation.

Products in twenty four building products categories are evaluated using seven environmental qualifiers …

Greenspec PASS

GreenSpec PASS identifies and endorses green building materials, products and equipment. The PASS label indicates that a product has been selected and endorsed for its superior environmental qualities. PASS is organised and run by architects and specifiers for the benefit of fellow building designers.

Home Depot Eco Options logo

Home Depot Eco Options

Eco Options labeled products have less of an impact on the environment than conventional products and provide a positive environmental change through their use.

Hong Kong Eco-label logo

Hong Kong Eco-label


A …

Hong Kong Green Label (HKGLS) logo

Hong Kong Green Label (HKGLS)

The HKGLS is an independent, non-profit-making and voluntary scheme for the certification of environmentally preferable products launched in December 2000 by Green Council (GC).

The scheme sets environmental standards and awards "Green Label" to products that are qualified regarding their environment performance. As with all eco-labelling programs, the aim is to encourage manufacturers …

Hungarian Ecolabel / Környezetbarát Termék Védjegy logo

Hungarian Ecolabel / Környezetbarát Termék Védjegy

Hungarian national ecolabel developped by the Ministry of Environment in 1994. Goals and procedures meet the requirements of ISO 14024 standard.

IBU Type III Environmental Declaration (IBU Environmental Product Declaration) logo

IBU Type III Environmental Declaration (IBU Environmental Product Declaration)

This is a Type III declaration for building products. It is based on ISO 14025 as well as ISO 21930 and EN 15804 and declares environmental information on a pass/fail basis. It is meant to identify properties of building products that are relevant to the environmental performance of buildings, and it is based on a Life Cycle Assessment.

There are currently 96 declaration holders that together …

Indoor Air Comfort logo

Indoor Air Comfort

Eurofins "Indoor Air Comfort" product certification is an innovative tool for showing compliance with low VOC emission requirements from construction products and furniture of all relevant European specifications on two levels: Standard level "Indoor Air Comfort - certified product" shows compliance of product emissions with all legal specifications issued by authorities in the European Union. Higher …

Indoor airPLUS logo

Indoor airPLUS

EPA created Indoor airPLUS to help builders meet the growing consumer preference for homes with improved indoor air quality. EPA developed additional construction specifications to help improve indoor air quality in new homes.

Construction specifications include the careful selection of and installation of moisture control systems; heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems; combustion-venting …

Korean Ecolabel logo

Korean Ecolabel

The Korea Eco-Products Institute carries out various operations related to improvement in eco-products and product environmental friendliness by setting up the eco-product standards, building an evaluation system, offering eco-products & environmental trend information to the public, facilitating production of eco-products, and constructing the eco-product consumption system.

LowCO2 Certification

For businesses operating in circumstances which deem carbon neutrality unrealistic, the option for Low CO2 certification is available.

The organisation still undertakes a greenhouse gas audit; however it is focused only on the operational impacts of the business, rather than all related emissions.

M1 Emission Classification of Building Materials logo

M1 Emission Classification of Building Materials

EMISSION CLASSIFICATION OF BUILDING MATERIALS (M1) The aim of the classification is to enhance the development and use of low-emitting building materials so that material emissions do not increase the requirement for ventilation. The classification presents requirements for the materials used in ordinary work spaces and residences. For air-handling components there is a separate Cleanliness Classification …

MAS Certified Green

MAS Certified Green is a registered trademark to delineate low VOC emitting products in the marketplace. Purchasers and Specifiers of those products are ensured that they can earn credits in sustainability programs like USGBC-LEED, California Department of Public Health, and the Collaborative for High Performance Schools program. Only products that pass stringent MAS testing criteria can display …

Minergie-ECO logo


MINERGIE ECO is a label for new and refurbished low-energy-consumption buildings that addresses ecological and social requirements. It can be combined with MINERGIE, MINERGIE-P, and MINERGIE-A, which are standards that focus more on energy consumption.

Health requirements:

  • high percentage use of daylight instead of electricity
  • sound insulation
  • indoor air …

NAHB Certified Green Professional logo

NAHB Certified Green Professional

The National Association of Home Builders’ (NAHB) Certified Green Professional™ and Master Certified Green Professional (Master CGP) designations recognizes builders, remodelers and other industry professionals who incorporate green building principles into homes.

The basic designation requires 24 hours of NAHB-approved training, and additional continuing education every three years. …

NAHB Green logo

NAHB Green

National Green Building Certification is a green residential standard from the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) and approved by the American National Standards Institute. It's applicable for new and remodeled single-family and multifamily homes as well as residential subdivisions.

Projects can be scored on a point basis to the Bronze, Silver, Gold or Emerald level, each one …

NSF Sustainability Certified Product logo

NSF Sustainability Certified Product

The NSF Sustainability Certified mark is available to products that meet conformity assessment to a NSF/ANSI or other national or international sustainable product standards.

Use of the NSF Sustainability Certified Mark is granted once certification has been completed through product evaluation, conformity assessment against standards and protocols, and production systems review.

The …

NSF/ANSI 332 Sustainability Assessment for Resilient Floor Coverings logo

NSF/ANSI 332 Sustainability Assessment for Resilient Floor Coverings

This standard provides a a framework by which to evaluate and certify sustainability of Resilient Flooring products across their entire product life cycle. NSF/ANSI 332 employs a point system to evaluate resilient flooring against established prerequisite requirements, performance criteria and quantifiable metrics in the areas of product design, product manufacturing, long-term value, end-of-life …

NSF/ANSI 336: Sustainability Assessment for Commercial Furnishings Fabric logo

NSF/ANSI 336: Sustainability Assessment for Commercial Furnishings Fabric

This NSF ecolabel addresses the environmental, economic and social aspects of furnishing fabric products, including woven, non-woven, bonded and knitted fabrics used for upholstery (e.g. office and hotel furniture), vertical (e.g. drapery or panel systems fabric) and decorative top of bed applications (e.g. bedspreads) commonly used in institutional, hospitality and office settings. The standard …

NSF/ANSI 342 Sustainability Assessment for Wallcovering Products

This is a standard by which to evaluate and certify sustainability of wallcovering products across their entire product life cycle. Based on life-cycle assessment principles, NSF/ANSI 342 employs a point system to evaluate wallcovering products against established requirements, performance criteria and quantifiable metrics in the areas of product design, product manufacturing, long-term value, end-of-life …

National Programme of Environmental Assessment and Ecolabelling in the Slovak Republik (NPEHOV) logo

National Programme of Environmental Assessment and Ecolabelling in the Slovak Republik (NPEHOV)

National environmental labelling scheme - Environmental friendly product- is adapted by Act No.469/2002 on environmental labelling of products as amended by later provisions.

Its aim is to promote development of production and consumption of products that have impact on lowering of negative impacts on environment, energy consumption and consumption of raw material and hazardous substances, …

Nordic Ecolabel or "Swan" logo

Nordic Ecolabel or "Swan"

Demonstrates that a product is a good environmental choice. The "Swan" symbol, as it is known in Nordic countries, is available for 65 product groups.

The Swan checks that products fulfill certain criteria using methods such as samples from independent laboratories, certificates and control visits.

Each Nordic country has local offices with the responsibility for criteria development, …

OK Compost

Packaging or products featuring the OK Compost label (based on European standard EN 13432: 2000) are guaranteed as biodegradable & compostable in an industrial composting plant and applies to all components, inks and additives. Any product featuring the OK compost logo complies with the requirements of the EU Packaging Directive ( 94/62/EEC).

OK Compost HOME

OK compost HOME guarantees complete biodegradability in the light of specific requirements, in home garden compost heaps.

OK biobased

OK biobased label offers a comprehensive guarantee about the origin of your products.

On a basis of the determined percentage of renewable raw materials (% Bio-based carbon), your product can be certified as one-star-bio-based, two-star-bio-based, three-star-bio-based or four-star-bio-based.

OK biodegradable SOIL

The OK biodegradable SOIL label is a guarantee a product will completely biodegrade in the soil without adversely affecting the environment.

OK biodegradable WATER

Products certified for OK Biodegradable WATER guarantee biodegradation in a natural fresh water environment, and thus substantially contribute to the reduction of waste in rivers, lakes or any natural fresh water. Note that this does not automatically guarantee biodegradation in marine waters.

Passivhaus logo


PassivHaus is a certification for super-energy efficient buildings meeting the code developed by the PassivHaus Institute in Germany, and administered in Canada, Germany, UK and US.

A Passive House is a very well-insulated, virtually air-tight building that is primarily heated by passive solar gain and by internal gains from people, electrical equipment, etc. Energy losses are minimized. …

Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) schemes logo

Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) schemes

The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is an international non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) through independent third-party certification. It works throughout the entire forest supply chain to promote good practice in the forest and to ensure that timber and non-timber forest products are produced with …

SCS FloorScore® logo

SCS FloorScore®

FloorScore® is a certification for commercial and residential hard-surface flooring products and flooring adhesives. Developed in conjunction with the Resilient Floor Covering Institute, products must comply with indoor air quality and VOC emission requirements set by California Section 01350, and meet rigorous quality management standards in manufacturing. Certification and documentation help …

SCS Indoor Advantage logo

SCS Indoor Advantage

SCS Indoor Advantage certifications demonstrate that products meet indoor air quality standards pertaining to emissions that may be harmful to human health and the environment.

SCS Indoor Advantage applies to furnishings and qualifies for the BIFMA furniture emissions standard, while SCS Indoor Advantage Gold certification applies to furniture plus a broader range of interior building materials …

SCS Recycled Content logo

SCS Recycled Content

SCS Recycled Content Certification recognizes products made either in whole or part from recycled waste material in place of virgin raw materials. The percentage of post-consumer or pre-consumer recycled content is reported in compliance with Federal Trade Commission guidelines and ISO standards. The certification process includes company auditing and supply chain verification. Certification and …

SCS Sustainable Choice logo

SCS Sustainable Choice

Sustainable Choice certification ensures that carpet products meet measurable environmental performance and social responsibility criteria for continuous improvement. The certification is based on the internationally recognized standard NSF/ANSI 140 Sustainable Carpet Assessment Standard (2010). Sustainable Choice is awarded on three certification levels (Silver; Gold; Platinum) through points achieved …

SEE What You Are Buying Into logo

SEE What You Are Buying Into

SEE What You Are Buying Into is a labelling scheme for businesses that are open and honest about their Social, Environmental and Ethical (SEE) policies and practices.

To use the SEE Logo, a company completes the SEE Questionnaire, developed in collaboration with leading NGOs. Businesses guarantee the accuracy and veracity of their responses and publish them on the SEE What You Are Buying …

SIRIM Certified logo

SIRIM Certified

Under SIRIM QAS International Eco-Labelling Scheme, a product will be independently tested and verified against preset criteria before the organisation is allowed to use SIRIM QAS International’s Eco-Labelling mark on its product, packaging and promotional materials.

SIRIM QAS International’s Eco-Labelling mark is a marketing tool which will enable a company to position its product as …

SMaRT Consensus Sustainable Product Standards logo

SMaRT Consensus Sustainable Product Standards

Sustainable Materials Rating Technology or SMaRT, is the consensus sustainable products standard and label for building products, fabric, apparel, textile & flooring, covering over 80% of the world’s products with environmental, social, & economic criteria.

It is the result of 17 years of standardization with six national votes of consensus approvals involving thousands of professionals.


Singapore Green Label Scheme (SGLS) logo

Singapore Green Label Scheme (SGLS)

The Singapore Green Labeling Scheme (SGLS) aims to help the public identify environment-friendly products that meet certain eco-standards specified by the scheme and seeks to encourage the level of eco-consumerism in Singapore as well as to identify the growing demand for greener products in the market. The scheme hopes to encourage manufacturers to design and manufacture with the environment in …

Smart WaterMark logo

Smart WaterMark

Smart Approved WaterMark is Australia's water saving labelling program for products and services which are helping to reduce water use.

The Smart WaterMark label is licensed to be used on products which have been approved as water saving by an independent Technical Expert Panel. Criteria include:

  • Water Saving: That the primary purpose of the product or service is directly …

Sourcemap logo

Sourcemap supports sustainable decision-making through our platform for supply chain transparency, where producers share detailed information about their processes with their buyers and their buyers’ buyers, all the way to the end consumer. A Sourcemap ecolabel points to information on a product's components and their origins, as well as optional environmental and social footprints. The information …

SundaHus Miljödata logo

SundaHus Miljödata

SundaHus Environmental Data is an environmental assessment of products used in construction and buildings. The core of the system is a database of substances, materials and products.

The product assessment is based on the provider's documentation of the product together with the rules of the Swedish Chemical Inspectorate's PRIO criteria and EU REACH Directives.

The assessment is …

Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) logo

Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)

The SFI program has on-product labels to help customers and consumers identify exactly what they are buying: three SFI chain of custody labels and one SFI certified sourcing label.

  • SFI chain of custody labels allow the use of fiber from certified forests, certified sourcing, and post-consumer recycled material. All of these terms are defined in the SFI Definitions (Section 13 of …

SustentaX logo


SustentaX is a Brazilian ecolabel that assists consumers to identify sustainable products, materials, equipments and services. Products with the SustentaX Seal are evaluated for their quality and human safety. Manufacturers must prove their social, environmental and marketing responsibilities. The independent verification process for the SustentaX Seal is based on ISO 14024.

TRA Certification – Green Modular and Manufactured Homes logo

TRA Certification – Green Modular and Manufactured Homes

TRA certifies manufacturers of Modular and Manufactured Homes using the ANSI ICC 700-2008 National Green Building Standard. The label indicates compliance with all aspects of the standard excluding site factors.

The TRA Green Certification program includes a directory of suppliers that supply the manufacturer with construction material, electrical, cooling, heating, plumbing, floors, etc; …

TRA Certification – Green Recreational Vehicles (RVs) logo

TRA Certification – Green Recreational Vehicles (RVs)

TRA certifies manufacturers of components for Recreational Vehicles (RVs) using the ANSI ICC 700-2008 National Green Building Standard.

The TRA Green Certification program includes a directory of suppliers that supply the manufacturer with construction material, electrical, cooling, heating, plumbing, floors, etc; and highlights those suppliers who have been Verified Green.

Thai Green Label logo

Thai Green Label

The Green Label is an environmental certification awarded to specific products that are shown to have minimum detrimental impact on the environment, in comparison with other products serving the same function. The Thai Green Label Scheme applies to products and services, not including foods, drinks, and pharmaceuticals.

The Thai Green Label Scheme was initiated by the Thailand Business …

U.S. EPA Safer Choice logo

U.S. EPA Safer Choice

The U.S. EPA Safer Choice program (previously U.S. EPA Design for the Environment Program) advances EPA's mission to protect human health and the environment. The program uses EPA's chemical knowledge and resources to carefully evaluate products and to label only those that have met the program's leadership standard. By allowing use of the logo on products, EPA empowers consumers and commercial …

UL Energy Efficiency Verified logo

UL Energy Efficiency Verified

UL (Underwriters Laboratory) provides a service for the verification of products that meet the appropriate requirements for energy efficiency and which are also Listed or Recognized by UL. Through UL's Energy Efficiency Certification Program, manufacturers can show consumers, competitors, and regulators that their products are helping lower energy demand.

Products must comply with the appropriate …

UL Environment Multi-Attribute Certification

Environmental Product Certifications tell the story of a product’s environmental performance throughout its lifecycle, enabling purchasers to identify holistically greener products and meet their sustainability goals. These voluntary, multi-attribute, lifecycle-based environmental certifications indicate that a product has undergone rigorous scientific testing, exhaustive auditing, or both, to …

UL Environmental Claim Validation

Environmental claim validations are agents of assurance, providing independent proof that products are exactly as they claim to be. Underwriters Laboratory (UL)'s Environmental Claims Validation (ECV) service and label, tests a manufacturer’s product and validates that the environmental claims they make in their marketing and packaging materials are factual. Claims validated include: recycled …

USDA Certified BioBased logo

USDA Certified BioBased

USDA BioBased is a federally administered and run label that is based on the BioPreferred program created by the 2002 US Farm Bill to increase the purchase and use of biobased products. The 2008 Farm Bill (Food Conservation and Energy Act of 2008) expanded the existing preferred purchasing program for federal sector and reauthorized the voluntary labeling program for the broad scale consumer marketing …

Vitality Leaf logo

Vitality Leaf

"Vitality Leaf" was developed by the Russian NGO Non-profit partnership Ecological Union in 2001, is officially registered, open and clear for all potential participants.

Member of the Global Ecolabelling Network since 2007.

Certified member of the Global Ecolabelling Network’s Internationally Coordinated Ecolabelling System (GENICES) since 2011.

Criteria for certification …

Water Efficiency Labelling & Standards (WELS) Scheme logo

Water Efficiency Labelling & Standards (WELS) Scheme

The WELS water-rating label provides water efficiency information for water-using household products. The mandatory rating system is similar to the energy rating labelling, with six stars. By choosing to use more water-efficient products in the home, Australians will save water and cut down on water and energy bills.

WaterSense logo


Products bearing the WaterSense label are generally 20% more water-efficient than similar products in the marketplace and must be independently certified before qualifying for the label.

Waterwise Marque logo

Waterwise Marque

The Marque is awarded annually to products which reduce water wastage or raise the awareness of water efficiency in the U.K.

WindMade logo


Windmade™ is a consumer label identifying products and companies using wind energy. WindMade™ is dedicated to increasing corporate investments in wind power by informing consumers about companies’ use of wind energy, and increasing demand for products that embrace this clean and renewable energy source.

To use the WindMade label for their communications or products, WindMade members …

eco-INSTITUT-Label logo


With substantial emission and toxicological testing living up to more than just the legal specifications, eco-Institut supplies clients a reliable and significant label for building products and textiles without any health hazards.

level logo


The level® brand identifies that a furniture product has been evaluated to the multi-attribute ANSI/BIFMA e3 Furniture Sustainability Standard by an independent, third-party certifier. level has three conformance thresholds. Products can be awarded a level 1, level 2, or level 3 conformance mark based on the combined score achieved in their sustainability evaluation.

level® was created …

natureplus logo


Natureplus is an international label of quality for sustainable building and accommodation products, tested for health, environmental-friendliness and functionality.

The label’s primary aim is to provide consumers as well as architects, tradesmen, building companies and all those involved in construction, with a reliable orientation aid towards sustainable products i.e. environmentally-friendly …


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