The ecolabel "Ekologicky setrny vyrobek" is the official registered label of The Czech ecolabelling programme (National Programme for Labelling Environmentally Friendly Products). It was launched on 14. April 1994. The programme is administered by CENIA, Czech Environmental Information Agency. The guarantor of the programme is the Ministry of the Environment. In 2004 the programme the scope of the programme was extended by the opportunity to certify services, beginning with tourist accomodation services. At the same time, a new version of the ecolabel (Ekologicky setrna sluzba / Enviromentally Friendly Service) was introduced. At present, the Czech ecolabel can be acquired at 41 categories of products and two categories of services about 400 products and services bearing the label on the market from about 100 companies.
Learn more: Ekologicky setrny vyrobek / Environmentally Friendly Product website
Conformity with Ekologicky setrny vyrobek / Environmentally Friendly Product's standard is verified by it varies depending on the standard following ISO 17025 Testing and Calibration Laboratories
Certification / registration required
Applicants are certified against the ecolabels’s criteria before using the label
CENIA, Czech Environmental Information Agency
Member of
Also manages
Organization type: 766644
Product categories this ecolabel applies to
Building products Cleaning products Electronics Furniture Machinery & Equipment Packaging Textiles Tourism
Where this ecolabel is found
Czech Republic Hungary Slovakia Taiwan
Last updated: 20 January 2012