
All ecolabels certifying Companies / Organizations

Alphabetical index of 103 ecolabels.


AIAB (Italian Association for Organic Agriculture) logo

AIAB (Italian Association for Organic Agriculture)

Italian Association for Organic Agriculture's certification. They certify organic products and companies in a broad range of categories, including:

  • food
  • detergents
  • farms
  • cosmetics
  • stores
  • bio-fibres

B Corporation logo

B Corporation

B Corporations are a new type of corporation which uses the power of business to solve social and environmental problems. B Corporations are unlike traditional responsible businesses because they meet comprehensive and transparent social and environmental performance standards, institutionalize stakeholder interests, and build collective voice through the power of a unifying brand. B Corporations' …

Bay Area Green Business logo

Bay Area Green Business

The Bay Area Green Business Program distinguishes small businesses that protect, preserve and sustain our environment. The partnership of environmental agencies and utilities assists, offers incentives, and verifies that participating businesses conserve energy and water, minimize waste, prevent pollution, and reduce their carbon footprints.

Beluga logo


Beluga’s objective is to improve quality of life by promoting environmental conservation and ecologically sustainable development. We do this by arousing interest in environmental issues in collaboration with the government and government ministries, municipalities, companies and individuals. A good environmental policy leads to improved well being of employees, a stronger image of companies and …

Bonsucro logo


Bonsucro is a multi-stakeholder association established to reduce the environmental and social impacts of sugarcane, by designing a Standard and program to transform the sugarcane industry. Bonsucro certified sugarcane products, processes and services will soon be available for purchase. Bonsucro certified products and companies will be third-party verified by Bonsucro's Standard, which provides …

CSRR Quality Standard logo

CSRR Quality Standard

The Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility Research (CSRR) Quality Standard certifies research corporations that undertake CSR Research.

These companies deliver profiles and ratings to the SRI (Social Responsible Investment sector). One of the requirements for passing the standard is covering system or group factors such as quality management systems, HR and complaint management.

They …

Calidad Galapagos logo

Calidad Galapagos

Galapagos Quality is a seal of quality given to tourism businesses in Galapagos that have voluntarily committed to meeting environmental standards and requirements. This initiatives is aimed at strengthening sustainability practices through tourism services.

Carbon Care Certification

The Carbon Care certification offered by Enviro-access recognizes organizations’ efforts to responsibly manage and reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs). Through this certification, Enviro-access confirms that the organization is sensitive to the problem of climate change and proactive in its emissions management. All efforts that are put into quantifying, reducing and offsetting GHG emissions deserve …

Carbon Neutral Certification logo

Carbon Neutral Certification

A Carbon Neutral Certification is a label given to businesses that offset their Scope 1 and 2 carbon footprint. Verus Carbon Neutral first calculates the carbon footprint of a business wanting to be Carbon Neutral Certified. They then offset the carbon footprint by retiring carbon credits. Offsetting allows businesses to mitigate the greenhouse gases they are unable eliminate through energy efficiencies …

Carbon Neutral Product Certification

Carbon Neutral certification program requires an initial carbon audit in the form of a Life Cycle Analysis - a comprehensive carbon audit which calculates the CO2 emissions used in raw materials, fuel & electricity and waste used in the production and distribution of that product.

Carbon Trust Standard logo

Carbon Trust Standard

The Carbon Trust Standard is a certification mark of excellence, designed to recognise organisations for real carbon reduction.

To qualify, organisations must measure, manage and genuinely reduce their carbon footprint and commit to reducing it year on year.

Benefits of achieving the Standard include:

  • Independent validation of your environmental credentials
  • Meet …

CarbonCare logo


The CarbonCare® Labeling Scheme encourages and recognizes the efforts of organizations, entities and groups in tackling climate change in 3 steps we call MRO - Measuring, Reducing and Offsetting carbon footprints.

Indicated by the number of leaves, labels of different levels of emissions reduction and/or offset against a defined base year will be awarded to the applying entity.

For …

CarbonNeutral logo


CarbonNeutral® is the registered trademark of The CarbonNeutral Company and is a global standard to certify that businesses have measured and reduced their CO2 emissions to net zero for their company, products, operations or services.

Permission to display the CarbonNeutral mark is only given to clients whose carbon reduction programme is implemented in accordance with The CarbonNeutral …

Certified Green Dealer logo

Certified Green Dealer

The Certified Green Dealer® Program is a program for certifying US green lumber and building material dealerships. The Program consists of a distance-learning and testing system that certifies that lumber dealer personnel are trained in the basics of green building science and green product knowledge.

The Program is not affiliated with any particular national standards-setting organization, …

Certified Green Restaurant® logo

Certified Green Restaurant®

Green Restaurant Association Seal is an ecolabel for restaurants that have committed to sustainability.


  • 10 Points in each of the Energy, Water, Waste, Chemicals, Food, and Packaging
  • 100 Points for 2 Star Certified Green Restaurant® level
  • 175 Points for 3 Star Certified Green Restaurant® level
  • 300 Points for 4 Star Certified Green Restaurant® …

China Environmental Labelling logo

China Environmental Labelling

China Environmental Label was initiated by SEPA in 1993. It provides environmental standards for construction materials, textiles, vehicles, cosmetics, electronics, packaging, and more.

Cleaner and Greener Certification logo

Cleaner and Greener Certification

The Cleaner & Greener program promotes the reporting and offsetting of emissions by companies, organizations, buildings, events and transportation fleets. Participation level of recognition is gained by reporting emissions. Bronze, Silver and Gold certification are achieved based on the percent of greenhouse gas emissions that are offset. Platinum certification is earned by offsetting 100% of …

Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS) logo

Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS)

CIMS is an organizational Standard and certification program that applies to management, operations, performance systems, and processes. The Standard is divided into six areas of management best practices: Quality systems; Service delivery; Human resources; Health, safety, and environmental stewardship; Management commitment; and Green Building (GB). Certification demonstrates that a cleaning organization …

Climate Change Action logo

Climate Change Action

The Climate Change Allies Program helps individuals and companies understand the importance of the contribution they can make to improve the global environment and gives them the tools they need to assume responsibility for the CO2 emissions of their vehicles and their companies. The certificate given to the companies is for "Actions of green house gasses compensation". The compensation is through …

Climate Neutral Certified logo

Climate Neutral Certified

Climate Neutral is an independent non-profit organization on a mission to decrease global emissions through a transparent carbon neutrality certification and consumer-facing product label. In order to earn the Climate Neutral Certified label, companies must measure their Scopes 1-3 emissions, offset them entirely, and implement plans to reduce future emissions.

Climate Registered logo

Climate Registered

The Climate Registry is a non-profit organization that sets consistent and transparent standards to calculate, verify and publicly report greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into a single registry.

The Registry offers different levels of certifications, supports both voluntary and mandatory reporting programs, and provides comprehensive data to reduce GHG emissions.

The Registry’s …

Cotton Made in Africa

Cotton made in Africa is an initiative by the Aid by Trade Foundation and follows the principles of a Social Business helping people to help themselves by means of trade.

The initiative operates in accordance with sound business methods to improve the conditions of life of a large number of African cotton farmers. The initiatives approach bases on agricultural trainings to further sustainable …

ECO certification logo

ECO certification

ECO certification is an ecolabel given out by the Malta Tourism Authority to hotels on the islands of Malta. Approximately 15% of hotels on the Maltese Islands are ECO certified translating to almost 30% of hotel rooms.

To participate, hotels must comply with a number of criteria all aimed at improving their environmental performance and increasing environmental awareness amongst employees. …

EMAS: European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme logo

EMAS: European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme

Recognises and rewards those organisations that go beyond minimum legal compliance and continuously improve their environmental performance.



ENERGY STAR is a voluntary government-backed program dedicated to helping individuals protect the environment through energy efficiency. The ENERGY STAR mark is the national symbol for energy efficiency, making it easy for consumers and businesses to identify high-quality, energy-efficient products, homes, and commercial and industrial buildings. ENERGY STAR distinguishes what is efficient/better …

EPA Lead-Safe Certification logo

EPA Lead-Safe Certification

The EPA mandates that all renovation and repair contractors working in pre-1978 homes, schools, and day care centers who disrupt more than six square feet of lead paint are required to become EPA Lead-Safe Certified in lead-safe work practices.

Contractors are required to take a one-day training course and firms must send a short application to the EPA. Those who work on places where children …

EarthCheck logo


EarthCheck is a benchmarking certification and advisory group for travel and tourism. Since 1987, EarthCheck have helped businesses, communities and governments to deliver clean, safe, prosperous and healthy destinations for travellers to visit, live, work and play. EarthCheck's approach has been to help operators break resource challenges into manageable actions that can be taken forward by management …

EarthRight Business Certification logo

EarthRight Business Certification

The EarthRight standards are structured to serve as practical and instructive guidelines for organizations interested in taking a proactive, staged approach to improving their environmental stewardship and financial performance. There are three achievement levels: EarthRight Silver, Gold and Green; each increasingly signifies more commitment, stakeholder engagement, and impact reduction achievement. …

Earthsure logo


The purpose of the Earth sure program is to provide comprehensive environmental data to purchasers (business and individuals) so that the power of the market can moves the economy towards overall environmental improvement.

Earth Sure environmental product declarations (EPDs) can cover a portion of the life cycle of a product or an entire life cycle. Products in any sector can obtain EPDs …

Eco Warranty logo

Eco Warranty

Eco Warranty is an Environmental Management Standard (EMS) designed as an alternative to ISO 14001.

Eco-Rail Mark logo

Eco-Rail Mark

Launched by the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, this ecolabel indicates certified products and companies that actively make an effort to protect the environment through a modal shift to rail transportation.

Eco-Rail certified products travels solely on land or, if not, at least 500 kilometers on land and 30% or more of the goods are carried on railways.

Eco3Home logo


Eco3Home is a label for home furnishings in the USA. Products are manufactured by companies that commit to all three initiatives (health, safety, and environment) to achieve the label. This means they are working to incorporate eco-friendly business practices into:

  1. Core manufacturing operations
  2. Global operations
  3. Product design and development

EcoLabel Luxembourg logo

EcoLabel Luxembourg

The EcoLabel is an initiative by the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry for sustainable development and infrastructure, running since 1999. Ever since, the non-profit organization OekoZenter Lëtzebuerg has been in charge of the environmental counseling of both the businesses aiming to join the EcoLabel initiative and the businesses already part of the network.

Up to now, the certificate …

EcoMark: Japan logo

EcoMark: Japan

The Eco Mark program serves to promote environment-friendly lifestyles (ecological lifestyles) through wise product choices. A committee composed of academics, governments, consumer groups, and experts from various industries sets standards and carries out the certification. The Eco Mark is awarded to products with relatively less environmental impact compared to similar products, during their entire …

Ekolabel: Indonesia logo

Ekolabel: Indonesia

This ecolabel is found on retail goods in Indonesia. Criteria are based on scientific technical studies of the products' environmental aspects throughout its lifecycle.


Enviro-Mark's five step programme provides organizations with an environmental management system.

It has 5 levels of achievement: Bronze (compliance), Silver (bronze plus identify environmental aspects & impacts, and develop a policy), Gold (silver plus monitoring of continuous-improvement targets and objectives), Platinum (gold plus operational procedures and impact management methods), …


EnviroStars is an environmental certification program designed to address hazardous wastes being generated by small businesses in Washington State. EnviroStars is limited to companies generating small quantities of hazardous waste - less than 220 pounds per month - and who accumulate no more than 2,200 pounds of hazardous waste on site at any time.

Fair Labor Practices and Community Benefits logo

Fair Labor Practices and Community Benefits

Social responsibility certification to complement Organic Fair Labor Practices and Community Benefits certification – developed by Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) in conjunction with key stakeholders – validates socially responsible practices in agricultural production and processing. Complementing organic and other environmental certifications, Fair Labor Practices is deisgned to meet …

Fair Trade Organization Mark logo

Fair Trade Organization Mark

This mark is available to member organizations that meet the requirements of the World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO) monitoring system and identifies them as registered Fair Trade Organizations.

WFTO is working with Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International (FLO) on a Quality Management System for Fair Trade.

Fair for Life

"Fair for life" is a brand neutral third party certification programme for social accountability and fair trade in agricultural, manufacturing and trading operations. The programme complements existing fair trade certification systems

Social accountability and fair trade have become important indicators to select business partners in a global market place. Existing systems unfortunately …

FairWertung logo


FairWertung - the German Fair Recycling Federation - is a network of non-profit organisations and social enterprises (many of them church-related) that comply with criteria laid down by FairWertung for a fair collection and marketing of second-hand clothes. FairWertung also has its own label which can be identified easily.

Organisations committing themselves to fulfilling these criteria …

Fairtrade logo


Fairtrade is an ethical trade system that puts people first. Fairtrade offers farmers and workers in developing countries a better deal, and the opportunity to improve their lives and invest in their future. Fairtrade gives consumers the opportunity to help reduce poverty and instigate change through everyday shopping.

When a product carries the FAIRTRADE Certification Mark, it means the …

Flower Label Program (FLP) logo

Flower Label Program (FLP)

Flower Label Program (FLP) is an association carried by human rights organisations, trade unions, flower traders and producers. It guarantees socially and environmentally responsible conditions in worldwide flower production by using the instrument of certification. Producers who produce according to the criteria of FLP standard may sell their flowers with the so called "flower label". This one …


Fly-360-Green is a third-party certification program developed by the World Green Aviation Council (WorldGAC) to provide airlines and aircraft operators a common framework for identifying and implementing practical and measurable processes, innovative practices, operations, and maintenance solutions.

Fly-360-Green is a performance-based green aviation assessment tool and a benchmark for …

Global Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) logo

Global Good Agricultural Practice (GAP)

Global G.A.P. is a private sector body that sets voluntary standards for the certification of agricultural products around the globe. The aim is to establish one standard for Good Agricultural Practice with different product applications capable of fitting to the whole of global agriculture.

The standard is primarily designed to reassure consumers about how food is produced on the farm by …

Global Organic Textile Standard logo

Global Organic Textile Standard


The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) was developed with the aim to unify the various existing standards and draft standards in the field of eco textile processing and to define world-wide recognised requirements that ensure organic status of textiles, from harvesting of the raw materials, through environmentally …

Global Recycle Standard logo

Global Recycle Standard

The Global Recycled Standard is intended for companies that are making and/or selling products with recycled content. The standard applies to the full supply chain and addresses traceability, environmental principles, social requirements, and labeling. Developed with the textile industry in mind, the GRS may also be applied to products from any industry.

Gold Standard logo

Gold Standard

The Gold Standard distinguishes the highest quality carbon offset projects in the voluntary and compliance environmental markets and is a key policy tool for the NGO community to influence the development of the rapidly growing global carbon markets. Gold Standard projects employ renewable energy and end-use energy efficiency technologies, they are rigorously screened for true environmental benefits, …

Good Shopping Guide Ethical Award logo

Good Shopping Guide Ethical Award

The aim of the Ethical Company Organisation is to set an independent benchmark for corporate social responsibility. The Ethical Accreditation scheme enables companies and brands to display an independently-verified bill of health across the fields of people, animal welfare and the environment.

Green America's Green Business Certification

Green America's Green Business Certification is a third-party certification program that certifies small to medium sized businesses and offers one of the oldest and most reputable assurance programs for businesses committed to social and environmental responsibility. Certified businesses are: environmentally responsible in the way they source and manufacture products and run their operations and …

Green Business Bureau logo

Green Business Bureau

The Green Business Bureau's Green business certification is a program that helps companies implement environmentally responsible practices in the workplace and gives them visibility for doing so.

Members become certified and recognized for their positive environmental impact.

The program has three tiers, depending on points achieved for activities: "aware"; "gold" and "platinum". …

Green Business League Certification logo

Green Business League Certification

The Green Business League certification is awarded to companies that have been audited annually by an accredited GBL Certified Green Consultant™. This is a certification program for Green Businesses that is "Earned, and not Bought."

Green C logo

Green C

The goal of Green C certification is to encourage and recognize green practices among small businesses and organizations operating in the United States, and promote Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that preserves and enhances our planet. Green C achieve this goal by encouraging businesses, government agencies, and non-profit organizations to operate in an environmentally efficient manner, through …

Green Flag Program logo

Green Flag Program

The Green Flag Program promotes student leadership and activism for the creation of safer and healthier school environments. The Program assists schools to achieve environmental success in the following four issue areas:

  1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  2. Indoor Air Quality
  3. Integrated Pest Management
  4. Non-Toxic Products

Green Globe Certification logo

Green Globe Certification

The Green Globe Standard facilitates responsible and sustainable environmental and social activity; and improved environmental and social outcomes for travel and tourism operations.

The Green Globe Standard is a structured assessment of the sustainability performance of travel and tourism businesses and their supply chain partners. Businesses can monitor improvements and document achievements …

Green Key logo

Green Key

The Green Key award is a standard of excellence in the field of environmental responsibility and sustainable operation within the tourism industry. This eco-label represents a commitment by businesses that their tourism establishments adhere to the criteria as stipulated by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE). A Green Key stands for an establishment’s promise to its guests that by …

Green Leaf Eco Standard

The Green Leaf™ Eco Standard (GLES) is a sustainability and certification assessment tool for the performance management of any international organisation or property.

“Eco Standard” is described as an integrated concept which promotes the synergy of environmental, social and economic systems to facilitate behavioural and material adaptations in a business beyond the triple bottom-line.

Green Office Champions: Seal of Good Practice logo

Green Office Champions: Seal of Good Practice

This green business certification is available to clients of Green Workplace who fulfill the criteria, including developing a green procurement policy.

Green Seal logo

Green Seal

An independent non-profit founded in 1989, Green Seal certifies thousands of products and services that meet science-based environmental standards that are credible and transparent. Green Seal utilizes a life-cycle approach to ensure tangible reductions in the whole environmental footprint. They are ANSI-accredited and meet ISO and GEN requirements. Products only earn Green Seal certification after …

Green Shield Certified logo

Green Shield Certified

An independent, non-profit certification program that promotes practitioners of effective, prevention-based pest control while minimizing the need to use pesticides.

Evaluates and certifies both pest control professionals and buildings and facilities that meet high standards of Integrated Pest Management (IPM).

Green Tick logo

Green Tick

Independent sustainability certification of products, services, and corporations based on a life-cycle audit of performance against the Green Tick Sustainability Standards.

GreenTick also certifies for Climate-Friendly, Natural, GE-Free, Organic, and Fair Trader brands.

Green Tourism Business Scheme logo

Green Tourism Business Scheme

The GTBS is the national sustainable tourism certification scheme for the UK & Ireland with over 2400 members. It is the only national certification programme endorsed by the National tourism agencies.

Businesses opting to join Green Tourism are assessed by a qualified grading advisor against a rigorous set of 145 criteria, covering a range of areas, including energy and water efficiency, …

Green-e Marketplace logo

Green-e Marketplace

Green-e Marketplace is a unique certification program that recognizes organizations using certified renewable energy and enables them to demonstrate their environmental commitment through the use of the nationally recognized Green-e logo. This certification program lets companies display the Green-e logo on their corporate communications, products and company collateral to communicate their commitment …



Private fairtrade program of the company Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH which is a supplier of organic products.

From the very beginning of dealing with producers from the Southern countries (the so-called developing countries) not only the quality of the organic products but also the quality of the cooperation with the producers was important for us.

The primary aim of Rapunzel Naturkost …


The International Living Future Institute’s™ JUST™ program is a voluntary disclosure program and tool for all types and sizes of organizations.

The program provides an transparency platform for organizations to reveal much about their operations, including how they treat their employees and where they make financial and community investments.

This approach requires reporting …

LEAF logo


Leaders in Environmentally Accountable Foodservice (LEAF) helps restaurants realize their sustainability potential & recognizes them for doing so.

LEAF-certified restaurants serve local, organic food, reduce their energy and water use, use environmentally-preferable supplies, reduce consumption and waste, and much, much more.

LEAF certification is only available through on-site …

LFP Certified logo

LFP Certified

Local Food Plus is a non-profit organization working to build a local sustainable food system that benefits all stakeholders. The LFP certification system helps consumers to identify farmers who commit not only to ecologically responsible production, but who also commit to offering safe and fair working conditions, providing healthy and humane care for livestock, protecting and enhancing wildlife …

LIFE Certification

LIFE Institute is a non-governmental organization headquartered in Curitiba-Brazil which acts internationally. Its mission is to recognize and add value to private and public organizations that develop and implement initiatives for the conservation and preservation of biodiversity. The goal of LIFE Institute is to promote the conservation of biodiversity through mechanisms that encourage the business …

Label STEP logo

Label STEP

The fair trade label STEP is awarded to handmade carpet dealers who commit to fair trade standards, including ensuring fair conditions of production; paying fair prices to ensure fair wages; fighting abusive child labour; promoting ecologically viable production methods; and authorizing independent verification.

The label is not applied to individual products but to import companies and …

Leaping Bunny logo

Leaping Bunny

Companies certified through the Coalition for Consumer Information on Cosmetics' (CCIC) Leaping Bunny Program make a voluntary pledge to eliminate animal testing from all stages of product development. The companies’ ingredient suppliers make the same pledge and the result is a product guaranteed to be 100 percent free of new animal testing. All Leaping Bunny companies must recommit to the program …

Legambiente Turismo logo

Legambiente Turismo

Eco-tourism label for Italy for any type of tourist accommodation business. Since 1997 Legambiente Turismo has worked to help tourist businesses to reduce tourist impacts in the destination and raise awareness in holiday makers, while enhancing quality and comfort and involving local businesses and tourists in more sustainable choices. The ecolabel aims to improve environmental management in tourist …

LowCO2 Certification

For businesses operating in circumstances which deem carbon neutrality unrealistic, the option for Low CO2 certification is available.

The organisation still undertakes a greenhouse gas audit; however it is focused only on the operational impacts of the business, rather than all related emissions.

Marine Aquarium Council (MAC) Certification logo

Marine Aquarium Council (MAC) Certification

This label works to conserve coral reefs and other marine ecosystems by creating standards and certifications for those engaged in the collection and care of ornamental marine life from reef to aquarium.

MAC Certification covers both practices (industry operators, facilities and collection areas) and products (aquarium organisms).

Max Havelaar logo

Max Havelaar

The Max Havelaar Foundation awards a quality label to products that have been produced according to principles of fair trade. Through fair trade, it contributes to improving the living and working conditions of small farmers and agricultural workers in disadvantaged regions. The Max Havelaar Foundation is a member of the Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO) and complies with their …

Milieukeur: the Dutch environmental quality label logo

Milieukeur: the Dutch environmental quality label

Milieukeur is the Dutch environmental quality label for products and services. There are Milieukeur criteria for a wide variety of food products, consumer products and services, ranging from vegetables, potatoes, fruit, beer, pork, trees and plants to concrete products, fire extinguishers, florists, butchers, green electricity and car washes.

The Milieukeur criteria relate to the entire …

National Carbon Offset Standard logo

National Carbon Offset Standard

The Australian Government introduced the National Carbon Offset Standard (NCOS) on 1 July 2010 to provide national consistency and consumer confidence in the voluntary carbon market. The standard serves two primary functions – it provides guidance on what is a genuine voluntary offset and sets minimum requirements for calculating, auditing and offsetting the carbon footprint of an organisation …

Nature's Best Ecotourism logo

Nature's Best Ecotourism

Nature´s Best certifies ethical, high quality nature tours in Sweden. It was developed by travel associations, land owners, nature conservation associations, non profit organisations, public authorities, tourist companies and institutions.

Naturland e.V. logo

Naturland e.V.

Naturland –Association for organic agriculture is a private certification body and an organic farmers association. Since 1982 Naturland promotes organic agriculture throughout the world and is currently active in 50 countries (state of December 2010). With its 53,000 farmers and over 500 manufacturers as Naturland partners, it is one of the major organic farming associations.

Naturland …

NoCO2 logo


NoCO2 takes into account 100% of emissions generated from all aspects of your business operation. Any business displaying the NoCO2 logo is certified as 100% carbon neutral.

Ocean Wise logo

Ocean Wise

Ocean Wise works directly with restaurants and markets, ensuring that they have the most current scientific information regarding seafood and helping them make ocean-friendly buying decisions. The Ocean Wise symbol appears on menus, display cases, and products making it easier for consumers to make environmentally friendly seafood choices.

Planet Positive logo

Planet Positive

Planet Positive is a mark of accreditation to the Planet Positive Protocol. The Protocol requires four steps: measuring, reducing, acting and reporting on GHG emissions.

Planet Positive certifies businesses, products, events or people commit to taking positive action by either donating to community projects, or offsetting into verified carbon projects.

Businesses and organisations …

R-2000 Certificate logo

R-2000 Certificate

R-2000 is a voluntary, performance-based standard for new homes, which goes beyond building codes. The technical requirements involve three main areas of construction: energy performance, indoor air quality and environmental responsibility. R-2000 homes must operate within a specific energy budget, based on the characteristics of the home and the climate conditions where it's built. Typically, …

R2/RIOS Certified Electronics Recycler logo

R2/RIOS Certified Electronics Recycler

R2/RIOS is a certification for companies that recycle electronics in an environmentally friendly manner. A Certified Electronics Recycler must implement and be certified to two standards: R2 and RIOS. The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industry’s integrated program is designed to help recyclers improve their operations and meet the emerging needs of the marketplace.

Responsible Recycling …

RSPO Certified Sustainable Palm Oil logo

RSPO Certified Sustainable Palm Oil

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Certification is a seal of approval that the palm oil used in the product is produced sustainably and volumes are traceable. Producers are certified through strict verification of the production process by accredited ceritifying agencies and may be withdrawn at any time on infringement of the rules and standards. The certified sustainable palm oil (RSPO …

Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials logo

Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials

The Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials is an international initiative, which develops and implement the RSB Global Sustainability Standard, a global standard for sustainable production, conversion and use of biomass. The RSB Standard is de to demonstrate sustainable production of all derivatives from biomass, including biofuels, bioenergy, bio-plastics, bio-packaging, food additives, bio-chemicals, …

SEE What You Are Buying Into logo

SEE What You Are Buying Into

SEE What You Are Buying Into is a labelling scheme for businesses that are open and honest about their Social, Environmental and Ethical (SEE) policies and practices.

To use the SEE Logo, a company completes the SEE Questionnaire, developed in collaboration with leading NGOs. Businesses guarantee the accuracy and veracity of their responses and publish them on the SEE What You Are Buying …

SFC Member Seal logo

SFC Member Seal

The Sustainable Furnishings Council (SFC) Member Seal is a label representing those companies which have made a public and verifiable commitment to sustainability and to improvement. These companies are involved in the home furnishings industry. The Exemplary status is voluntary - all members make a public & verifiable commitment to sustainability, to transparency, and to continuous improvement.

SMaRT Consensus Sustainable Product Standards logo

SMaRT Consensus Sustainable Product Standards

Sustainable Materials Rating Technology or SMaRT, is the consensus sustainable products standard and label for building products, fabric, apparel, textile & flooring, covering over 80% of the world’s products with environmental, social, & economic criteria.

It is the result of 17 years of standardization with six national votes of consensus approvals involving thousands of professionals.



The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS®) is a self-reporting framework for colleges and universities to gauge relative progress toward sustainability.

Each STARS rating is an indication of sustainability leadership; Campuses can use a STARS logo with their rating level on their website and print materials. The STARS rating means that an institution has gone …

Salmon-Safe logo


Salmon-Safe is an Oregon-based nonprofit that certifies urban and agricultural operations based on the protection of water quality and native biodiversity. Founded by a leading U.S. river and native fish conservation organization, Salmon-Safe has certified more than 400 West Coast farms, vineyards, dairies, corporate campuses, and other sites based on riparian habitat protection, elimination of …

Seafood Safe logo

Seafood Safe

The Seafood Safe label is given to seafood companies, retailers or restaurants whose seafood contains safe consumption levels of mercury and PCBs. Businesses interested will undergo a confidential pre-assessment, which will include the development of a customized testing regime based upon the intricacies of their particular products.

Once the pre-assessment is complete and if the business …

Singapore Green Label Scheme (SGLS) logo

Singapore Green Label Scheme (SGLS)

The Singapore Green Labeling Scheme (SGLS) aims to help the public identify environment-friendly products that meet certain eco-standards specified by the scheme and seeks to encourage the level of eco-consumerism in Singapore as well as to identify the growing demand for greener products in the market. The scheme hopes to encourage manufacturers to design and manufacture with the environment in …

Skal Eko Symbol logo

Skal Eko Symbol

A process and product certification for agricultural products originating from organic production methods. The regulations for organic production consists of European and Dutch legislation and regulations by Skal.

Sustainable Green Printing Partnership logo

Sustainable Green Printing Partnership

The mission of the Sustainable Green Printing Partnership is to encourage and promote participation in the worldwide movement to reduce environmental impact and increase social responsibility of the printing industry through certification and continuous improvement of sustainability and best practices within manufacturing operations.

The SGP Partnership recognizes the following sustainable …

Sustainable Tourism Education Program (STEP) logo

Sustainable Tourism Education Program (STEP)

The Sustainable Tourism Education Program, or STEP, is a sustainability management program designed by the tourism industry. STEP is based on a framework that measures all aspects of sustainability for tourism businesses and serves as a practical tool for assessment, benchmarking and education. Participating businesses learn how to manage their triple bottom line more effectively by discovering …

TÜV SÜD Mark EE01/EE02

Requirements for Product EE01 are: 100% of the energy supplied is from renewable sources. At least 30% of the amount of energy supplied is generated in new power stations. Price surcharges are used for building new renewable sources of energy.

Requirements for Product EE02 are: 100% of the energy supplied is from renewable sources. Simultaneous generation and consumption in quarter-hour …

UL Environment Multi-Attribute Certification

Environmental Product Certifications tell the story of a product’s environmental performance throughout its lifecycle, enabling purchasers to identify holistically greener products and meet their sustainability goals. These voluntary, multi-attribute, lifecycle-based environmental certifications indicate that a product has undergone rigorous scientific testing, exhaustive auditing, or both, to …

Verified Carbon Standard logo

Verified Carbon Standard

The Verified Carbon Standard provides a global standard and program for approval of credible voluntary offsets.

"VCS offsets must be real (have happened), additional (beyond business-as-usual activities), measurable, permanent (not temporarily displace emissions), independently verified and unique (not used more than once to offset emissions)." (Source:

Developed by The …

Viabono logo


Certifies accommodation businesses, destinations and other tourism businesses in Germany. Viabono’s prerequisite for “natural enjoyment” is an intact environment and natural world, plus a high-quality tourist product.


Certification scheme for organisations, products, services and events, that have measured, managed (reduced) and mitigated (offset) greenhouse gas emissions.

e-Stewards Certification logo

e-Stewards Certification

e-Stewards Certification is a global program designed to enable individuals and organizations who dispose of their old electronic equipment to easily identify recyclers that adhere to the highest standard of environmental responsibility and worker protection.

e-Stewards Certification is open to electronics recyclers, refurbishers and processors in all developed countries. Certified e-Stewards …

ibex fairstay logo

ibex fairstay

Depending on their engagement for and performance in sustainable development, accommodation enterprises are certified by ibex fairstay as either Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Platinum. The label controls a hotel’s achievement in the 5 dimensions:

  • Management
  • Economy
  • Environment
  • Social responsibility
  • Regional creation of value and culture

ÖkoPLUS logo


The ÖkoPLUS standard for climate neutrality and sustainability is based on Verified Emission Reductions (VERs) that are derived from a selection of the most sustainable climate protection projects with the greatest carbon saving impacts, located in the countries where they are needed most. The VERs are used for offsetting products, processes and/or services.

The ÖkoPLUS standard for VERs …


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