
All ecolabels in Mexico

Alphabetical index of 45 ecolabels.


4C Association logo

4C Association

The 4C Association is a multi-stakeholder organization that brings together actors that are committed to addressing the sustainability issues of the coffee sector in a pre-competitive manner. The members of the 4C Association include coffee farmers (both big and small), traders (importers and exporters), industry players (coffee roasters and retailers) and civil society (non-governmental organizations, …

Audubon International

Audubon International's environmental and sustainability education and certification programs require individuals responsible for the membership type to meet specific environmental or sustainability performance requirements. Standards currently exist for communities, neighborhoods, new land developments, land development renovations, schools, businesses, golf courses, and lodging facilities.

Bio Suisse logo

Bio Suisse

Indicates fully organic, produced in Switzerland.

More than 90% of the raw materials come from Switzerland.

Bird Friendly Coffee logo

Bird Friendly Coffee

Identifies and verifies through third-party, independent inspection and certification that coffee has been grown using shade management practices that provide good bird habitats. Shade characteristics must meet science-based criteria developed from ornithological field work. Only allows organic certifiers to issue the Bird Friendly label on organically certified coffees.

C.A.F.E. Practices logo

C.A.F.E. Practices

Coffee and Farmer Equity (C.A.F.E.) Practices evaluates, recognizes and rewards producers of high-quality sustainably grown coffee for Starbucks stores. C.A.F.E. Practices is a green coffee sourcing guideline with third-party evaluation. C.A.F.E. Practices seeks to ensure that Starbucks sources sustainably grown and processed coffee by evaluating the economic, social and environmental aspects of …

Climate Registered logo

Climate Registered

The Climate Registry is a non-profit organization that sets consistent and transparent standards to calculate, verify and publicly report greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into a single registry.

The Registry offers different levels of certifications, supports both voluntary and mandatory reporting programs, and provides comprehensive data to reduce GHG emissions.

The Registry’s …



The ECOLOGO Certification Program was aquired by UL Environment, a division of UL (Underwriters Laboratories) in 2010. ECOLOGO Certification is based on multiattribute, life cycle–based standards. All products certified to an ECOLOGO standard must meet or exceed each of the listed criteria before receiving the mark. ECOLOGO Certification is classified as an ISO (International Organization for …

EPEAT logo


EPEAT is a global rating system for greener electronics. Using EPEAT (“Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool”), purchasers in 43 countries can evaluate, compare and select electronics based on environmental attributes. EPEAT currently includes categories for PCs and Displays, Televisions, and Imaging Equipment (printers, copiers, scanners, multifunction devices, fax machines and mailing …

EarthCheck logo


EarthCheck is a benchmarking certification and advisory group for travel and tourism. Since 1987, EarthCheck have helped businesses, communities and governments to deliver clean, safe, prosperous and healthy destinations for travellers to visit, live, work and play. EarthCheck's approach has been to help operators break resource challenges into manageable actions that can be taken forward by management …

Environmentally Preferable Product (EPP) Downstream logo

Environmentally Preferable Product (EPP) Downstream

The Composite Panel Association’s (CPA) Environmentally Preferable Panel (EPP) Downstream Program is an easy way for consumers to identify environmentally responsible composite wood products.

Products carrying the EPP Downstream logo were manufactured by a company that has demonstrated their environmental commitment by purchasing at least 50% CPA EPP certified composite wood products. …

Fair Trade Organization Mark logo

Fair Trade Organization Mark

This mark is available to member organizations that meet the requirements of the World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO) monitoring system and identifies them as registered Fair Trade Organizations.

WFTO is working with Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International (FLO) on a Quality Management System for Fair Trade.

Fairtrade logo


Fairtrade is an ethical trade system that puts people first. Fairtrade offers farmers and workers in developing countries a better deal, and the opportunity to improve their lives and invest in their future. Fairtrade gives consumers the opportunity to help reduce poverty and instigate change through everyday shopping.

When a product carries the FAIRTRADE Certification Mark, it means the …

Farm and Ranch Certification Program logo

Farm and Ranch Certification Program

Distinguishes farmers and ranchers who: provide safe and fair working conditions, provide healthy and humane treatment of animals; raise animals without added hormones and antibiotics; raise crops without genetically modified organisms; reduce pesticides usage and toxicity; conserve soil and water resources; preserve and protect wildlife habitat; and, commit to continuous improvement of these practices.

Food Alliance Certified logo

Food Alliance Certified

Food Alliance is a nonprofit organization that certifies farms, ranches, and food processors and distributors for sustainable agricultural and facility management practices. By choosing Food Alliance Certification ensures safe and fair working conditions, humane treatment of animals, and careful stewardship of natural resources.

Improved practices in Food Alliance Certified agricultural …

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Chain of Custody Certification logo

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Chain of Custody Certification

The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) promotes environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests.

FSC® chain of custody (CoC) tracks FSC certified material through the production process - from the forest to the consumer, including all successive stages of processing, transformation, manufacturing and distribution. Only FSC CoC …

Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) Forest Management Certification logo

Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) Forest Management Certification

The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) promotes environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests.

As forest managers or owners, FSC® Certification is a way of ensuring that your careful and long-term forest management is recognized. Certification is voluntary. It involves an inspection of the forest management by an independent …

GEO Certified logo

GEO Certified

GEO is a stakeholder-funded, not-for-profit organization, dedicated to helping the global golf community establish leadership in environmental enhancement and corporate responsibility.

GEO Certified is an ecolabel for golf development and course / club management.



Acquired in 2011, GREENGUARD Certification is now provided by UL Environment, a divison of UL (Underwriters Laboratories). GREENGUARD Certification helps manufacturers create -- and helps buyers identify -- interior products and materials that have low chemical emissions into indoor air during product usage. All certified products must meet stringent emissions standards based on established chemical …

Green Globe Certification logo

Green Globe Certification

The Green Globe Standard facilitates responsible and sustainable environmental and social activity; and improved environmental and social outcomes for travel and tourism operations.

The Green Globe Standard is a structured assessment of the sustainability performance of travel and tourism businesses and their supply chain partners. Businesses can monitor improvements and document achievements …

GreenCircle logo


GreenCircle Certified, LLC provides third-party certification of sustainable aspects of products and manufacturing operations. Manufacturers, suppliers, regulators, and consumers can be assured that products labeled with the GreenCircle Certified mark have been thoroughly assessed and their claim verified.

By issuing a GreenCircle Certification, GreenCircle Certified demonstrates that it …

GreenSure - Sherwin Williams logo

GreenSure - Sherwin Williams

GreenSure is a designation applied to a line of Shrewin Williams paints and coating products that indicates that they were designed and manufactured taking steps to reduce environmental impact and to meet or exceed the most stringent regulatory requirements.

Requirements for architectural products include: VOC limits, aromatic content limits, chemical component restrictions (i.e. excluded …

IMO Certified logo

IMO Certified

The Institute for Marketecology (IMO) is an international agency for inspection, certification and quality assurance of eco-friendly products. For more than 20 years, IMO has been active in the field of organic certification but it is also active in the sectors of natural textiles, sustainable forestry, and social accountability monitoring.

LEAF Marque logo

LEAF Marque

The LEAF Marque brings you food produced by farmers who are committed to improving the environment for the benefit of wildlife and the countryside.

Our mission enables farming that enriches the environment and engages local communities

Everyone can be involved with LEAF, farmers, the food chain and the consumer.

Marine Stewardship Council logo

Marine Stewardship Council

The MSC fisheries standard has 3 overarching principles that every fishery must prove that it meets:

Principle 1: Sustainable fish stocks The fishing activity must be at a level which is sustainable for the fish population. Any certified fishery must operate so that fishing can continue indefinitely and is not overexploiting the resources.

Principle 2: Minimising environmental impact Fishing …

Naturland e.V. logo

Naturland e.V.

Naturland –Association for organic agriculture is a private certification body and an organic farmers association. Since 1982 Naturland promotes organic agriculture throughout the world and is currently active in 50 countries (state of December 2010). With its 53,000 farmers and over 500 manufacturers as Naturland partners, it is one of the major organic farming associations.

Naturland …

Oregon Tilth logo

Oregon Tilth

The purpose of organic certification is to ensure that the agreed upon conventions of organic agricultural systems are being practiced not only by growers, but also by all the people who handle and process organic food, feed and fiber on its journey to the consumer.

As an accredited certifier, Oregon Tilth certifies to the USDA National Organic Program (NOP) standards. The NOP provides a …

Processed Chlorine Free logo

Processed Chlorine Free

Processed Chlorine Free (PCF) audits require a chain of custody for all raw materials, measures the impact of a manufacturing process on the environment: water and energy use, chemistry, carbon gas releases, reviews environmental policy and permit compliance, reviews ethical management practices and compliance, financial performance, product stewardship, public information, funding of research and …

Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) schemes logo

Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) schemes

The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is an international non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) through independent third-party certification. It works throughout the entire forest supply chain to promote good practice in the forest and to ensure that timber and non-timber forest products are produced with …

R2/RIOS Certified Electronics Recycler logo

R2/RIOS Certified Electronics Recycler

R2/RIOS is a certification for companies that recycle electronics in an environmentally friendly manner. A Certified Electronics Recycler must implement and be certified to two standards: R2 and RIOS. The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industry’s integrated program is designed to help recyclers improve their operations and meet the emerging needs of the marketplace.

Responsible Recycling …

SCS FloorScore® logo

SCS FloorScore®

FloorScore® is a certification for commercial and residential hard-surface flooring products and flooring adhesives. Developed in conjunction with the Resilient Floor Covering Institute, products must comply with indoor air quality and VOC emission requirements set by California Section 01350, and meet rigorous quality management standards in manufacturing. Certification and documentation help …

SCS Recycled Content logo

SCS Recycled Content

SCS Recycled Content Certification recognizes products made either in whole or part from recycled waste material in place of virgin raw materials. The percentage of post-consumer or pre-consumer recycled content is reported in compliance with Federal Trade Commission guidelines and ISO standards. The certification process includes company auditing and supply chain verification. Certification and …

SFC Member Seal logo

SFC Member Seal

The Sustainable Furnishings Council (SFC) Member Seal is a label representing those companies which have made a public and verifiable commitment to sustainability and to improvement. These companies are involved in the home furnishings industry. The Exemplary status is voluntary - all members make a public & verifiable commitment to sustainability, to transparency, and to continuous improvement.

Sustainable Agricultural Network logo

Sustainable Agricultural Network

The SAN awards the Rainforest Alliance Certified eco-label to farms (not companies or products). Farmers may apply for certification for all land in production and companies may request that all of their source farms be certified.

Certifies farms for coffee, bananas, cocoa, orange, pineapple, flower and fern farms according to environmental and social standards.

Some smaller …

Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) logo

Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI)

The SFI program has on-product labels to help customers and consumers identify exactly what they are buying: three SFI chain of custody labels and one SFI certified sourcing label.

  • SFI chain of custody labels allow the use of fiber from certified forests, certified sourcing, and post-consumer recycled material. All of these terms are defined in the SFI Definitions (Section 13 of …

Sustainable Tourism Education Program (STEP) logo

Sustainable Tourism Education Program (STEP)

The Sustainable Tourism Education Program, or STEP, is a sustainability management program designed by the tourism industry. STEP is based on a framework that measures all aspects of sustainability for tourism businesses and serves as a practical tool for assessment, benchmarking and education. Participating businesses learn how to manage their triple bottom line more effectively by discovering …

SustentaX logo


SustentaX is a Brazilian ecolabel that assists consumers to identify sustainable products, materials, equipments and services. Products with the SustentaX Seal are evaluated for their quality and human safety. Manufacturers must prove their social, environmental and marketing responsibilities. The independent verification process for the SustentaX Seal is based on ISO 14024.

TCO Certified logo

TCO Certified

TCO Certified is an international sustainability certification for IT products and includes a wide range of criteria ensuring that the manufacturing, use and recycling of IT products is carried out with regard to environmental and social responsibility.

TCO Certified combines requirements for social responsibility at the facilities where the product is manufactured, user safety and ergonomic …

TerraCycle logo


TerraCycle runs national waste collection programs in 10 countries where non-recyclable post-consumer waste (used candy wrappers, tooth brushes, pens, juice pouches and many other categories of waste) is collected and made into new products and materials. The TerraCycle logo informs a consumer that the product or package is no longer waste, and can be collected and sent (postage paid) to TerraCycle. …

Totally Chlorine Free logo

Totally Chlorine Free

We believe that no matter where a product is being manufactured that we can measure the impacts on the environment using a on a Sustainability Index = Environmental Policy + Environmental Management + Mill Process + Forestry Certification + Environmental Risk Management + Product Stewardship + Public Information + Environmental Compliance + Employee Recognition. We also know that by eliminating …

U.S. EPA Safer Choice logo

U.S. EPA Safer Choice

The U.S. EPA Safer Choice program (previously U.S. EPA Design for the Environment Program) advances EPA's mission to protect human health and the environment. The program uses EPA's chemical knowledge and resources to carefully evaluate products and to label only those that have met the program's leadership standard. By allowing use of the logo on products, EPA empowers consumers and commercial …

UL Energy Efficiency Verified logo

UL Energy Efficiency Verified

UL (Underwriters Laboratory) provides a service for the verification of products that meet the appropriate requirements for energy efficiency and which are also Listed or Recognized by UL. Through UL's Energy Efficiency Certification Program, manufacturers can show consumers, competitors, and regulators that their products are helping lower energy demand.

Products must comply with the appropriate …

UPS Carbon Neutral logo

UPS Carbon Neutral

The UPS Carbon Neutral shipping label indicates that UPS customers have offset the climate impact of the GHG emissions produced by the transportation of that shipment. UPS calculates the emissions and purchases carbon offset credits equivalent to the GHG emissions created in shipping the package to make it "carbon neutral".

GHG emissions are tracked using the Carbon Neutral Protocol - a …

WQA Gold Seal logo

WQA Gold Seal

The Water Quality Association’s Gold Seal Certification Program is dedicated to providing public health and safety services throughout the USA and globally, while maintaining expert service, superior reputation, and fair pricing. The Gold Seal Program offers certification of all products and chemicals that contact drinking water. WQA's ANSI/SCC accredited Gold Seal Certification Program assures …

WQA Sustainability Mark logo

WQA Sustainability Mark

The WQA Sustainability Mark is awarded to those drinking water treatment products which have been WQA certified in accordance with "WQA S-803: Sustainable Drinking Water Treatment Systems,” as a service to the industry and consumers.

This certification means that production of the listed drinking water treatment systems has been audited and evaluated by the Water Quality Association, …

e-Stewards Certification logo

e-Stewards Certification

e-Stewards Certification is a global program designed to enable individuals and organizations who dispose of their old electronic equipment to easily identify recyclers that adhere to the highest standard of environmental responsibility and worker protection.

e-Stewards Certification is open to electronics recyclers, refurbishers and processors in all developed countries. Certified e-Stewards …


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