
All ecolabels on furniture

Alphabetical index of 35 ecolabels.


ANAB - Architettura Naturale logo

ANAB - Architettura Naturale

A certification scheme that assesses the sustainability of building products and furniture.To qualify, building materials must be made primarily from renewable virgin resources, mineral resources and secondary resources for which recycling is logistically and energetically feasible. They are made from raw materials which are preferably obtained locally; they derive from a production process which …

Carbon Neutral Product Certification

Carbon Neutral certification program requires an initial carbon audit in the form of a Life Cycle Analysis - a comprehensive carbon audit which calculates the CO2 emissions used in raw materials, fuel & electricity and waste used in the production and distribution of that product.

CarbonCare logo


The CarbonCare® Labeling Scheme encourages and recognizes the efforts of organizations, entities and groups in tackling climate change in 3 steps we call MRO - Measuring, Reducing and Offsetting carbon footprints.

Indicated by the number of leaves, labels of different levels of emissions reduction and/or offset against a defined base year will be awarded to the applying entity.

For …

Certipur logo


CertiPUR® is a voluntary standard to advance the safety, health and environmental (SHE) performance of flexible polyurethane foams used in bedding and upholstered furniture. The scheme takes into account existing standards and scientific studies related to emanations from foams, product criteria and risk assessments.

Cradle to Cradle Certified(CM) Products Program logo

Cradle to Cradle Certified(CM) Products Program

The Cradle to Cradle Certified(CM) Products Program provides a company with a means to demonstrate efforts in eco-intelligent design. Cradle to Cradle Certification is a third-party sustainability label that requires achievement across multiple attributes:

  • use materials that are safe for human health and the environment through all use phases
  • product and system design for …

Danish Indoor Climate Label logo

Danish Indoor Climate Label

The Danish Indoor Climate label is a tool for development and selection of indoor air quality friendly products and better understanding of the impact of products and materials on the indoor air quality in buildings.



The ECOLOGO Certification Program was aquired by UL Environment, a division of UL (Underwriters Laboratories) in 2010. ECOLOGO Certification is based on multiattribute, life cycle–based standards. All products certified to an ECOLOGO standard must meet or exceed each of the listed criteria before receiving the mark. ECOLOGO Certification is classified as an ISO (International Organization for …

Eco3Home logo


Eco3Home is a label for home furnishings in the USA. Products are manufactured by companies that commit to all three initiatives (health, safety, and environment) to achieve the label. This means they are working to incorporate eco-friendly business practices into:

  1. Core manufacturing operations
  2. Global operations
  3. Product design and development

Ekolabel: Indonesia logo

Ekolabel: Indonesia

This ecolabel is found on retail goods in Indonesia. Criteria are based on scientific technical studies of the products' environmental aspects throughout its lifecycle.

Ekologicky setrny vyrobek / Environmentally Friendly Product logo

Ekologicky setrny vyrobek / Environmentally Friendly Product

The ecolabel "Ekologicky setrny vyrobek" is the official registered label of The Czech ecolabelling programme (National Programme for Labelling Environmentally Friendly Products). It was launched on 14. April 1994. The programme is administered by CENIA, Czech Environmental Information Agency. The guarantor of the programme is the Ministry of the Environment. In 2004 the programme the scope of the …

Environmental Product Declaration logo

Environmental Product Declaration

The overall goal of an Environmental Product Declaration, EPD, is to provide relevant, verified and comparable information to meet various customer and market needs. The International EPD® System has the ambition to help and support organisations to communicate the environmental performance of their products (goods and services) in a credible and understandable way.



Acquired in 2011, GREENGUARD Certification is now provided by UL Environment, a divison of UL (Underwriters Laboratories). GREENGUARD Certification helps manufacturers create -- and helps buyers identify -- interior products and materials that have low chemical emissions into indoor air during product usage. All certified products must meet stringent emissions standards based on established chemical …

Global GreenTag Certified logo

Global GreenTag Certified

Global Green Tag® is a third party, green product rating and certification system, underpinned by scientific and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) processes. The program assesses products against worst case business as usual products in the same functional category and with the same functional purpose, based on the following impacts / benefits:

  • product synergy;
  • greenhouse emission …

Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) logo

Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA)

Good Environmental Choice Australia (GECA) runs Australia's only independent, not-for-profit, multi-sector ecolabelling program and is the only Australian member of the Global Ecolabelling Network (GEN).

This certification program develops standards against which products and services can be independently audited by JAS-ANZ accredited conformance assessment bodies (CABs). Standards are developed …

Good Shopping Guide Ethical Award logo

Good Shopping Guide Ethical Award

The aim of the Ethical Company Organisation is to set an independent benchmark for corporate social responsibility. The Ethical Accreditation scheme enables companies and brands to display an independently-verified bill of health across the fields of people, animal welfare and the environment.

Green Products Standard logo

Green Products Standard

Green Products Standard helps consumers better understand the growing number of green and eco-friendly products in the marketplace. Their standards take a comprehensive life-cycle view of every product and provide a ranking of degree of 'greenness' explained with a simple symbol and a report.

GreenCircle logo


GreenCircle Certified, LLC provides third-party certification of sustainable aspects of products and manufacturing operations. Manufacturers, suppliers, regulators, and consumers can be assured that products labeled with the GreenCircle Certified mark have been thoroughly assessed and their claim verified.

By issuing a GreenCircle Certification, GreenCircle Certified demonstrates that it …

Indoor Air Comfort logo

Indoor Air Comfort

Eurofins "Indoor Air Comfort" product certification is an innovative tool for showing compliance with low VOC emission requirements from construction products and furniture of all relevant European specifications on two levels: Standard level "Indoor Air Comfort - certified product" shows compliance of product emissions with all legal specifications issued by authorities in the European Union. Higher …

Lembaga Indonesia Ekolabel logo

Lembaga Indonesia Ekolabel

The Indone­sian Eco­la­belling Insti­tute (LEI-Lembaga Eko­la­bel Indone­sia) is a non-profit con­stituent based orga­ni­za­tion that devel­ops for­est cer­ti­fi­ca­tion sys­tems that pro­mote our mis­sion of just and sus­tain­able for­est resource man­age­ment in Indone­sia. They develop for­est cer­ti­fi­ca­tion schemes and mon­i­tor­ing sys­tems for nat­ural …

LowCO2 Certification

For businesses operating in circumstances which deem carbon neutrality unrealistic, the option for Low CO2 certification is available.

The organisation still undertakes a greenhouse gas audit; however it is focused only on the operational impacts of the business, rather than all related emissions.

MAS Certified Green

MAS Certified Green is a registered trademark to delineate low VOC emitting products in the marketplace. Purchasers and Specifiers of those products are ensured that they can earn credits in sustainability programs like USGBC-LEED, California Department of Public Health, and the Collaborative for High Performance Schools program. Only products that pass stringent MAS testing criteria can display …

Milieukeur: the Dutch environmental quality label logo

Milieukeur: the Dutch environmental quality label

Milieukeur is the Dutch environmental quality label for products and services. There are Milieukeur criteria for a wide variety of food products, consumer products and services, ranging from vegetables, potatoes, fruit, beer, pork, trees and plants to concrete products, fire extinguishers, florists, butchers, green electricity and car washes.

The Milieukeur criteria relate to the entire …

NF-Environnement Mark

A voluntary certification mark issued by AFNOR Certification. To be issued the NF Environnement mark the product must comply with ecological and fitness for purpose criteria.

These criteria are the result of negotiations between representatives of manufacturers, consumer, environmental protection and distributor associations and public authorities.

NSF/ANSI 336: Sustainability Assessment for Commercial Furnishings Fabric logo

NSF/ANSI 336: Sustainability Assessment for Commercial Furnishings Fabric

This NSF ecolabel addresses the environmental, economic and social aspects of furnishing fabric products, including woven, non-woven, bonded and knitted fabrics used for upholstery (e.g. office and hotel furniture), vertical (e.g. drapery or panel systems fabric) and decorative top of bed applications (e.g. bedspreads) commonly used in institutional, hospitality and office settings. The standard …

OK biobased

OK biobased label offers a comprehensive guarantee about the origin of your products.

On a basis of the determined percentage of renewable raw materials (% Bio-based carbon), your product can be certified as one-star-bio-based, two-star-bio-based, three-star-bio-based or four-star-bio-based.

Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) schemes logo

Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) schemes

The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) is an international non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) through independent third-party certification. It works throughout the entire forest supply chain to promote good practice in the forest and to ensure that timber and non-timber forest products are produced with …

SCS Indoor Advantage logo

SCS Indoor Advantage

SCS Indoor Advantage certifications demonstrate that products meet indoor air quality standards pertaining to emissions that may be harmful to human health and the environment.

SCS Indoor Advantage applies to furnishings and qualifies for the BIFMA furniture emissions standard, while SCS Indoor Advantage Gold certification applies to furniture plus a broader range of interior building materials …

SCS Sustainable Choice logo

SCS Sustainable Choice

Sustainable Choice certification ensures that carpet products meet measurable environmental performance and social responsibility criteria for continuous improvement. The certification is based on the internationally recognized standard NSF/ANSI 140 Sustainable Carpet Assessment Standard (2010). Sustainable Choice is awarded on three certification levels (Silver; Gold; Platinum) through points achieved …

SFC Member Seal logo

SFC Member Seal

The Sustainable Furnishings Council (SFC) Member Seal is a label representing those companies which have made a public and verifiable commitment to sustainability and to improvement. These companies are involved in the home furnishings industry. The Exemplary status is voluntary - all members make a public & verifiable commitment to sustainability, to transparency, and to continuous improvement.

Sourcemap logo

Sourcemap supports sustainable decision-making through our platform for supply chain transparency, where producers share detailed information about their processes with their buyers and their buyers’ buyers, all the way to the end consumer. A Sourcemap ecolabel points to information on a product's components and their origins, as well as optional environmental and social footprints. The information …

SustentaX logo


SustentaX is a Brazilian ecolabel that assists consumers to identify sustainable products, materials, equipments and services. Products with the SustentaX Seal are evaluated for their quality and human safety. Manufacturers must prove their social, environmental and marketing responsibilities. The independent verification process for the SustentaX Seal is based on ISO 14024.

UL Environment Multi-Attribute Certification

Environmental Product Certifications tell the story of a product’s environmental performance throughout its lifecycle, enabling purchasers to identify holistically greener products and meet their sustainability goals. These voluntary, multi-attribute, lifecycle-based environmental certifications indicate that a product has undergone rigorous scientific testing, exhaustive auditing, or both, to …

eco-INSTITUT-Label logo


With substantial emission and toxicological testing living up to more than just the legal specifications, eco-Institut supplies clients a reliable and significant label for building products and textiles without any health hazards.

level logo


The level® brand identifies that a furniture product has been evaluated to the multi-attribute ANSI/BIFMA e3 Furniture Sustainability Standard by an independent, third-party certifier. level has three conformance thresholds. Products can be awarded a level 1, level 2, or level 3 conformance mark based on the combined score achieved in their sustainability evaluation.

level® was created …

ÖkoControl logo


The ÖkoControl Label is given to furniture, bedding or mattresses made of natural, sustainable materials after strict tests made by independent and accredited test laboratories. It's a label guaranting the low output of dangerous emissions.


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