SundaHus Environmental Data is an environmental assessment of products used in construction and buildings. The core of the system is a database of substances, materials and products.
The product assessment is based on the provider's documentation of the product together with the rules of the Swedish Chemical Inspectorate's PRIO criteria and EU REACH Directives.
The assessment is based a combination of the following: Constituent materials and substances as well as the raw materials Building product health and environmental hazard under: Manufacturing stage Construction phase Use phase Waste phase Demolition and waste materials Documentation
Products are assessed and awarded one of the letters A, B, C or D where A is the best.
Learn more: SundaHus Miljödata website
Conformity with SundaHus Miljödata's standard is verified by the company or organization applying for the label (first party).
Certification / registration required
Applicants register for the ecolabel in order to use the label (but certification is not required)
Member of
Also manages
Product categories this ecolabel applies to
Building products
Where this ecolabel is found
Last updated: 19 March 2020