
On-Pack Recycling Label

On-Pack Recycling Label logo

The On-Pack Recycling Label (OPRL) scheme ( operates in the UK to provide a standard consumer recycling label, which is simple, consistent, evidence led and provides sufficient information to make it easy for consumers to recycle more packaging, more often.

Over 145 brands and retailers are using the labels on over 75,000 product lines; the cornerstone of the label - the Recycle Now swoosh - is recognised by over two thirds of British consumers. The label has been endorsed by the four UK Governments, is cited as best practice in DEFRA’s Green Claims Code and is recognised as the industry standard recycling label on the Government’s website.

Learn more: On-Pack Recycling Label websiteExternal Site

Conformity assessment | How is compliance with this ecolabel's standard ensured?

Conformity with On-Pack Recycling Label's standard is verified by our own organization (second party).

Certification / registration required

Applicants register for the ecolabel in order to use the label (but certification is not required)

Managing organization | Who manages this ecolabel?



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Key data

Year ecolabel est. 2009

Classification | Who, what, where

Product categories this ecolabel applies to

Where this ecolabel is found
United Kingdom

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Last updated: 25 June 2013