Milieukeur is the Dutch environmental quality label for products and services. There are Milieukeur criteria for a wide variety of food products, consumer products and services, ranging from vegetables, potatoes, fruit, beer, pork, trees and plants to concrete products, fire extinguishers, florists, butchers, green electricity and car washes.
The Milieukeur criteria relate to the entire life cycle of the product or service and represent an integrated approach to sustainability. The Milieukeur certification schemes cover a diverse range of sustainability issues, including raw materials, energy and water consumption, noxious substances, packaging and waste, plant protection, fertilizers, animal welfare, nature management, food safety and employee care.
Milieukeur is supported by the Dutch government.
Learn more: Milieukeur: the Dutch environmental quality label website
Conformity with Milieukeur: the Dutch environmental quality label's standard is verified by an independent organization (third party) following European Standard for Product Certification (EN 45011 – Class I certificate)
Certification / registration required
Applicants are certified against the ecolabels’s criteria before using the label
Member of
Also manages
Organization type: 161058
Product categories this ecolabel applies to
Energy Fish / Fisheries Food Furniture Machinery & Equipment Textiles Other
Other categories: Car cleaning products, Car washes and polishing businesses, Concrete products, Fire-extinguishing appliances, Electricity (green), Organic waste bags, Cat litter, Linoleum, Liquid toilet cleaners, Health care sector(Environmental Thermometer)
Where this ecolabel is found
Last updated: 20 January 2012