
Green Certified Site

Green Certified Site logo

A Green Certified Siteā„¢ by CO2Stats indicates that a website's carbon footprint has been calculated and that renewable energy has been purchased to make it carbon neutral.

Once signed up, participants are sent a short code snippet to insert into their website which will automatically monitor and neutralize the end-to-end carbon footprint of the website -- not just the servers, but the visitors' computers (while they are on the site) and the networks that connect them.

Learn more: Green Certified Site websiteExternal Site

Conformity assessment | How is compliance with this ecolabel's standard ensured?

Conformity with Green Certified Site's standard is verified by n/a - no verification / certification is required.

Certification / registration required

Applicants register for the ecolabel in order to use the label (but certification is not required)

Managing organization | Who manages this ecolabel?


Co2 Stats

Member of




Also manages



Get your .eco domain

Key data

Year ecolabel est. 2007

Classification | Who, what, where

Product categories this ecolabel applies to
Carbon Carbon offsets Electronics

Other categories: Websites

Where this ecolabel is found

Keep up to date | News, press

As mentioned in...
New York Times, Guardian, Fast Company, Wall Street Journal have mentioned us

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Last updated: 19 March 2020