The Green Business Bureau's Green business certification is a program that helps companies implement environmentally responsible practices in the workplace and gives them visibility for doing so.
Members become certified and recognized for their positive environmental impact.
The program has three tiers, depending on points achieved for activities: "aware"; "gold" and "platinum". Companies can display the GBB green business certification logo once enrolled and having completed at least 5 of the prerequisite activities.
On-site verification of reports is provided by verified eco-consultants from Green Irene.
Sign up for Green Business Bureau with coupon code "BR10" and receive 10% off your membership fee.
Learn more: Green Business Bureau website
Conformity with Green Business Bureau's standard is verified by an independent organization (third party).
Certification / registration required
Applicants register for the ecolabel in order to use the label (but certification is not required)
Member of
Also manages
Product categories this ecolabel applies to
Buildings Financial services Tourism Waste management & Recycling
Where this ecolabel is found
Canada United States
Last updated: 30 October 2013