

Forum ETHIBEL promotes ‘Socially Responsible Investing’ (SRI) in the Europe. Forum ETHIBEL encourages dialogue between companies, governments, unions, NGO’s and investors. The search for a fair balance between economic progress, environmental protection, and social justice constitutes the core of so called ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ (CSR). Forum ETHIBEL provides specific instruments and labels to support investors in their search for SRI products. Forum ETHIBEL manages two labels: the ETHIBEL PIONEER label and the ETHIBEL EXCELLENCE label.

These quality labels are registered in the European Union (Benelux 00776476; European Union 881953; international: 795783) and provide assurance that only environmentally sound and sustainable corporations are selected for investment. The labels are assigned to investment funds that only include stocks from the ETHIBEL investment register. For the composition of this register, Forum ETHIBEL identifies companies performing a pioneering or leading role within their sector on all domains of CSR.

Learn more: Ethibel websiteExternal Site

Conformity assessment | How is compliance with this ecolabel's standard ensured?

Conformity with Ethibel's standard is verified by an independent organization (third party).

Certification / registration required

Applicants are certified against the ecolabels’s criteria before using the label

Managing organization | Who manages this ecolabel?


Forum ETHIBEL asbl

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Key data

Year ecolabel est. 1992

Classification | Who, what, where

Product categories this ecolabel applies to
Financial services Other

Other categories: Financial products; however with most sectors involved (excluding some: armemant, nuclear energy, etc.)

Where this ecolabel is found

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Last updated: 19 March 2020