The Green Star Hotel (GSH) Certificate for tourist accommodation businesses is awarded to tourist accommodations in Egypt for their commitment to the field of environmentally friendly management and social responsibility. It is a national certification and capacity building programme under the patronage of the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and has been developed as a public private project between the key stakeholders from the German and Egyptian tourism market, the Egyptian tourism authorities and the German International Cooperation to enhance environmental awareness and raise the competitiveness and the sustainability of the Egyptian tourist accommodation industry.
Learn more: Green Star Hotel Certification Programme website
Conformity with Green Star Hotel Certification Programme's standard is verified by an independent organization (third party) following Other
Certification / registration required
Applicants are certified against the ecolabels’s criteria before using the label
Green Star Hotel Programme Office
Member of
Also manages
Product categories this ecolabel applies to
Where this ecolabel is found
Last updated: 28 August 2014