- Most popular categories (in order): N. America, Europe, Food, Building Products, Tourism, Asia, Textiles, Cleaning, Forest Products, Carbon
- Most visited ecolabels (in order): Blue Angel, Ecologo, Nordic Swan, Green Seal, Singapore Green Label, Ag. Biologique, EU Ecolabel, Carbon Reduction Label, 100% Green Electricty
- General site usage: 7,988 Visits | 32,438 Pageviews | 4.06 Pages/Visit | 00:04:40 Avg. Time on Site.
Site visits and pageviews rose 34 and 50% respectively, likely as a result of press coverage around the launch of Terrachoice’s latest study (See Bloomberg BusinessWeek article) and controversy around the EU Ecolabel certification of two Sinar Mas paper products (See Just Means article).
We also recently made some tweaks to improve overall site performance and load times, and enabled search by additional categories, which we hope will improve the usefulness of the site.